I had a bad mood almost the whole week. Epal people just came popping out of nowhere. I thought of writing something to release what my heart is really feeling but decided to think things over. Yeah, I still don’t feel like seeing HER and HIM but I guess that’s how we were created… to coexist. So I should learn to ride the waves and start pondering on positive things. I’ll try to be rational and not to be emotional this time.

Unknown, unseen and unheard. That used to be the way I see of myself. Naive to the outside world, I wander about. Occupied with my own thoughts, blinded by my own life. Having no clue that eyes are set on my every move - both on the good and bad, but more inclined towards the bad.

Unaware of the “prying eyes” keeping track on me, judging me on what they observe and what they want to consider the truth. It sort of comes as a surprise when one gets the smell of these “prying eyes” lurking around one’s private life. What a palatable prey I’ve been.

But these “prying eyes” are part of our human nature. To be curious is to be human. No matter how much one tries, it is there in every one of us - in me and in you. And it is hard to be parted away from. It can as well be said to be an accessory that is central to maintaining human relationships. I just hope no one gets overdosed.

They say “one’s character and life are better known by the people outside the four corners of one’s home”. Well, there may be some underlying truth in it after all. True, our families are aware of our true colors, strengths and weaknesses. But take the time off to think again.

Once you take that step away from your secure home to the outside world. Hidden, prying eyes will ever be on you from then on. Without realizing, your footprints are scanned and minutely studied. And you become hounded as a prey by your “shadows”. And these “prying eyes” are not just a pair of them, but innumerable. That makes it more of a dilemma for one to find ways for an escape. And they are found to be on every nook and corner one’s life.

You may think yourself as being secure. It’s a pity. Given the green signal, your “shadows” will be on you before you can even say “huh!” You will know then, how fragile and insecure you are in the hands of your “shadows”.

This is the place I’m in - a wild and savage place; unsafe to wander about. Sad.

Everybody nosing around in their none-of-their-businesses. Ever ready to choke the other to death for the tiny mistakes they made unknowingly. Self contentment? that I don’t know.

This has become the trend. We can’t do nothing but stare with eyes wide open and try to live along with it. And be ever on our toes for a lookout of these “prying eyes”.

With very little clean air to breathe and congested dwellings, life sure is tough for a “celebrity” like me. Humorous it may seem to be, but have you ever given a thought that, like me you are also a “celebrity” for someone unknown to you out there?

So what can I say now? Go, squeal like a pig losers. Whatever pleases you. Eh bakit si siya? tapos ako… Pity.


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