> ROAN's tayo'y umiyaK inviTe
Author: aLmich
" I dreamed a dream that my life would be so different from this hell that I'm living, but life has killed the dream I dreamed..."
-Fontaine, Les Miserables
Last nighT, rain, I, anD rOan rounded up over the latters compLimentary mani [happy] and spicy-coated-maNi [chikiTo : mani kung mani taLaga!] and get this... for the purpoSe of "mag-iyaKan" tayo as rOan wisHed.
I teasEd them for their new hair Do. So virginaL, modesT and so 1st yeaR. The ones you get to see sportEd by highscHooL new-graDs taking entrance exaMs. It's so NENE and "mag-iingat ka dito sa MayniLa anak ha" - like.
We then saT down and my twO NENE friends poureD their hearts oUt abouT their reLationshiPs or shouLd i say "relationshipeD?"
ROAN - our antuKin and considereD bunso sa barkadA just got out of a WEBby reLationship. She's obviousLy hurTing. I understanD.
RAIN - on the other hanD is aLso troubLed but enjoying the exPerience of being so haba-my-hair momenT but cannoT be daW [saD : ( ]. I wish to undersTand.
During our long talk, we triEd to asses or LOVElives. We askeD ourseLves what did or didn't happEn and whY we weren'T Living the life we aLways thought we wouLd? I guess it's simpLe - LOVE/LIFE moves in a mysterious waY.
Moments later, we decideD to go ouT. This tiMe mas sosyaL... over sisig, tokwa and saN miG. The 2 NENE's sync-lamenteD with the videoKe songs : Here withouT yOu by 3 doors doWn, TattooeD on my mind by d sOund, Steep - Lauren crisTy, chaSing carS - snOw patroL, dreaMing of yoU - seLena, 'tiL my heartaches end - eLLa mae saison, giFt - jim brickmaN, and everytHing i own by Bread. Each one pLayed something to bring back NENE's time, hurT their feeLings, rememBer individuaLs, events and to my deLight [he he he] their "passe" lovelivEs. We were so driftEd and "affecteD"? that we aLmost didn'T notice the sHonget-guy-sa-suLok making papanSin and parinig his ceLLphone number. Much to our surpRise, we overhearD him sayiNg to the "guard-pweDe-ring-waiteR" to get someOne's numbEr. Kanino? isa sa aMin? [incLuded taLga ako he he he] EEeeewwwwww na mahaBa! I feLt so kaLbo. This isn't the time I wouLd wish the haba-hair-momenT.
A coupLe more of suBo ng puLutan, beer guLps, musiC on the backgrOund, RAIN's "pahaboL sa admirer" MomenT, ROAN's youTube and my ceLL fLirtiNg, we caLLed it a nighT.
Kasabay ng waLang patid na pagkahoL ng aso kina rAin, nakituLog ako sa soFa niLa beaRing the thoughT...
" It's all a matter of Choice "
You aLone choose how to Live your Life and make something out of iT. The end resuLts will be deTermined by how we maNaged to get up and saY - "Hi! i'm avaiLable again" after every reLationshiP. In lieu shouLd be the prayEr - " Lord, yonG seryOso namaN at seryoso namAn po this tiMe, 'yoNg talagang magla-Last."
Again, life and love is a maTter of chOice. You can choose to despaiR, forgeT to hoPe and give up. But that would onLy mean that LIFE didn't kill the dream you dreameD. You did.

> i haD a B-DAY nga paLa
Author: aLmich
i have been sooo very tied uP wiTh work thaT i haven't eveN had timE to bLog abouT my BIGday. Plus my mind doesn't reaLLy work on writing an "entree" abouT it. It was rOan-manaNg whO askEd me abOut this so here it is.. lagi ko naMan siya sinusunoD eh. [pun intended]
My birtHday was oN 2nd of March.
The kyeMe-ekLavOos began on 1st of March. Had dinner with some coLLege friends at GreenbeLt , it was more of where-have-youS anD girL-ang-ganDa-mo-todaY boLadas. The next daY, i was persuadEd by some officematEs [speciaLLy the MADAMs ng MASA = Len and Bernie] to contacT anJ and let her Mom preparE our fooD. 'Twas reaLLy a niCe saLusaLo sa pantrY and everyBody enjOyed namaN the fooD pLus the piktYur-piKtyur of courSe. The next daY again, i inviteD my childhOOd friends to SYGLO. For this, since rain madE a good joB giving the detaiLs of the celebration, i decided to just COPY-PASTE hers..
"Last week we had a throat-slashing concert. Nope, it wasn't before a usually huge crowd but it was inside a small room, with only a dozen of souls, 4 barrels of beer, appetizers, a pack or two of cigarette and some salamat, champagne supernova, and gold of spandau ballet to name some of the "favoritest" songs of the group.
It was, for me, one of our special gatherings because aside from the fact that it was almich's birthday, aljun, my grade school and highschool classmate who's now a (robo)cop finally got the chance to join us after years of not showing up.
It was also one of the rare nights when ikoy would come and enjoy the celebration because of his graveyard shift sched at work. Well you know what he did why he was able to come!
Also raul came from Mindoro to show us the pictures and videos of the recent alumni homecoming.
We were already tired and some were already tipsy when the waiter signalled us for our last order. It was around 3 o'clock in the morning. After having the bills settled (courtesy of mic), it was as if time wasn't really enough for our togetherness that we decided to have coffe at the nearest 24-hr BK and stayed there until the dawn broke."
Whew! parang mayamaN Lang ah!
Thanks RAIN, mmwwaaaahh!!