> heLLbounD akO?
Author: aLmich
My manager shared me this post. I was hurt and teary after I've read it and so I decided to post it here with my reply...
"I know I'm taking the risk of receiving hate mail and having my page bombarded with angry comments, but I believe that it's time to take a stand for holiness and righteousness. This is the TRUTH and the TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE!
THE BIOLOGICAL FACTS show why homosexuality is a HIGH-RISK behavior.
• has an acidic environment which hinders bacterial and viral growth
• has an alkaline environment, which promotes bacterial and viral growth
• is lined by a thick layer of stratified squamous epithelium which is resistant to tearing
• is lined by a thin layer of simple cuboidal epithelium which can tear easily with unnatural forces
• secretes a lubricant during intercourse
• does not secrete a lubricant, only expels feces
In 1996, why did HOMOS comprise 58% of all HIV patients in the U.S., when they make up only 3% of the population?
Answer: HOMOS are living a lifestyle in conflict with the laws of their design. When you eat pudding with a shovel or dig a ditch with a spoon, you are using objects contrary to their design, and harm will certainly result. Homosexuals bring destruction to themselves and others. You do not need to read the Bible to know SODOMY is perverse, you just need to know WHAT YOUR PENIS IS FOR!!! Urination and copulation. The penis was not designed to be shoved up another man’s rectum. The rectum was not designed for penile penetration, a fist, a bottle, a gerbil... The tongue was not designed for the anus, urine for the mouth, etc. (all of the above perverse acts admitted to by a majority of HOMOS in scientific surveys). God created man and woman, and designed sex between them (Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve!). God’s laws are for mankind’s benefit. These laws provide the boundaries where sex can be safely enjoyed and maximally productive. God is good and just; therefore these laws have sanctions for transgressors, which is why HOMOS are HELLBOUND!!!
Rebuttal: "But doesn’t scientific evidence reveal that HOMOS are ‘born that way’ and therefore are not responsible for their behavior?"
Answer: Science magazine reports that 13.5% of brothers of HOMOS are also HOMOS (7-16-93, p.322), and since only 3% of the population is, that supposedly indicates the existence of a "gay gene". However, the influence of PORN, SEXUAL ABUSE, and other SODOMITES upon siblings could just as well explain these facts. Besides, there is more evidence that HOMOPHOBIA is genetic than there is that homosexuality is - 98.7% of brothers and sisters of homophobes are also homophobic according to a Christian Anti-Defamation League survey! HOMOPHOBIA is just an ALTERNATIVE LIFESTYLE!!! People are NOT born SEX PERVERTS! How dare you blame your Creator for your miserably perverted, shameful sexual habits!!! You chose to be a SEX PERVERT contrary to the laws of your design and the laws of your Designer. You were born a VIRGIN, and God’s law demands that you stay that way until marriage to the opposite sex. Besides, HOMOS cannot procreate! They contribute no offspring to the next generation of their society. If macroevolution were true, popular homosexuality would threaten the survival of the species, and be selected against in a healthy population.
"...More than 3,700 psychiatrists ...in the U.S. believed that there were no legitimate scientific reasons for the American Psychiatric Association’s change in fundamental psychiatric theory" when they took homosexuality off of the D.S.M. III’s list of sexual-psychological abnormalities. "In a poll of 10,000 psychiatrists ...in 1977, of which 2,500 replies were received, approximately 68% believed that homosexuality was a pathological adaptation (as opposed to a normal variation)."
(American Journal of Psychotherapy, July 1978, pp.421-425)
Rebuttal: "But don’t some animals engage in homosexual activity? Doesn’t this prove it is natural?"
Answer: Some animals like sheep do engage in homosexual behavior. However, this only proves that homos are as dumb as sheep! It does not prove it is natural for humans made in the image of God. The males of some ape species have sex with their young, the female black widow spider eats her mate, mice may even eat their young when they feel threatened, some sharks leave gaping bite marks on their mates during sex, other animals force themselves upon the opposite sex - would this justify this behavior in humans? I think not! We have a conscience (con means "with", science means "knowledge"), which is an intrinsic knowledge of right and wrong, justice and injustice. The Bible says the conscience is God’s law written on our hearts (Rom.1-2). It is the source of that GUILT you feel in your bosom. Man’s conscience distinguishes him from the animal kingdom, and the law on that conscience will be the standard by which ALL ARE JUDGED ON JUDGMENT DAY! (However, consciences can be seared by persistent sinning and rejection of truth, but this does not mean the transgressor is less guilty.)
SUICIDE rates of HOMOS compared to normal people:
"...gays and lesbians attempt suicide 2 to 7 times more often than heterosexual comparison groups." (Grollman, Suicide, Boston: Beacon Press, p.58)
" ‘Some notes on Suicide’... In more than 50% of the cases studied, homosexual tendencies were uncovered." (Weinberg & Bell, Homosexuality: An Annotated Autobibliography; NY: Harper & Row, 1972; p.220)
"GAYS" are the biggest "GAY-BASHERS"!
"In Boston, the Victim Recovery Program at the Fenway Community Health Center was established seven years ago for VICTIMS of GAY-BASHING. Now HALF the phone calls concern DOMESTIC VIOLENCE." (Newsweek, 10-4-93, p.75) (i.e. Sex perverts beat each other up and report it as "gay-bashing"!)
"Many of the (HATE SPEECH) crimes that concern anti-violence activists are in fact gay-on-gay crimes. Into this category fall many ‘pick-up murders,’ so called because they are committed by troubled men who pick up strangers in bars, go home with them for sex, and then rob and KILL them." (Washington Post, July 17, 1997, "Across U.S., Gay Anti-Violence Groups Respond to a Familiar Alarm")
MOST SODOMITES are illegal drug users!
In scientific surveys, HOMOS admitted to much more frequent ILLEGAL DRUG USE compared to the normal population (45%, 64%, and 90% in different surveys).
"As far as passionate crimes... the homosexuals are the ones that come to mind
for really throwing themselves into their work, so to speak. You generally find
(Chicago police officer, interviewed in WHAT COPS KNOW, by Connie Fletcher; NY:Villard Books, 1991, p.67)
Leading serial killers are ALL HOMOS!!!
Donald Harvey (37 murders), John Wayne Gacy (33 murders), Patrick Wayne Kearney (32 murders), Bruce Davis (28 murders), Dean Corli, Elmer Wayne Henley, David Owen Brooks (27 murders), Juan Corona (25 murders), Jeffrey Dahmer (17 murders), Stephen Kraft (16 murders), William Bonin (14 murders)... (New York Times / Associated Press article, 8-15-92)
6,737 obituaries from 18 U.S. homosexual journals over 13 years were compared to a large sample of obituaries from regular newspapers. The study found:
The median age of death of married men was 75 and 80% died old (>65 yrs.)
The median age of death for unmarried or divorced men was 57 and 32% of them died old.
The median age of death for married women was 79, and 60% of them died old.
However, the median age of death for QUEERS was the same nationwide:
Only 2% surviving to old age!
If AIDS was the cause of death, the median age was 39!
For the 829 HOMOS who died of something other than AIDS, the median age of death was 42 and only 9% died old!
The 163 lesbians had a median age of death of 44 and 20% died old!
They were 116 times more likely to be murdered, 24 times more apt to commit suicide, and had a traffic-accident death-rate 18 times the rate of comparably aged white males.
Heart attacks, cancer, and liver failure were exceptionally common.
18% of lesbians died of murder, suicide, or accident - a rate 456 times higher than that of white females aged 25-44!
The age distributions of samples of HOMOS in the scientific literature from 1858 to 1992 suggest a similarly shortened lifespan
AIDS Statistics: AIDS kills over 30,000 Americans yearly. 65% of those fatal cases are SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED (mostly SODOMITES). Almost all of the others got it through shooting drugs with a SEX PERVERT or receiving a blood transfusion contaminated by a SEX PERVERT. Homosexuality is considered by medical professionals to be a a HIGH-RISK sexual activity and, in addition to AIDS, HOMOS are prone to catch hepatitus A, hepatitus B, herpes, gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis, intestinal parasites, tuberculosis, and a host of other contagious diseases. Medical professionals who treat AIDS patients and those who room with AIDS patients are also at increased risk.
Rebuttal: "But aren’t heterosexual women the fastest growing segment of the population acquiring the AIDS virus."
Answer: Yes. However, those who acquired HIV through heterosexual sex comprise only 8% of HIV cases, as opposed to 51% for HOMOS, 7% for HOMOS who are IV drug users, and 25% for other druggies. The increase in heterosexual transmission is related to an increase in bisexuality (their partners were HOMOS) and female sexually transmitted diseases. If a woman acquires an STD such as gonorrhea, chlamydia, or herpes, her natural defenses are broken down and her chance of acquiring the AIDS virus goes up over 300%! If all homo- and heterosexual fornicators would REPENT (STOP SINNING) and live by God’s laws, ALL STDs would end in one generation!!! God’s way is best!
The Bible says:
"If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an ABOMINATION: they shall surely be PUT TO DEATH...." (Leviticus 20:13)
"Thou shalt not lie with mankind as with womankind: it is ABOMINATION." (Lev. 18:22)
"God gave them up unto VILE affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is AGAINST NATURE: and likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is UNSEEMLY (grossly improper)... they which commit such things are WORTHY OF DEATH...." (Romans 1:16-32)
"Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived... neither fornicators,... nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind (arsenokoites in the Greek, which means homosexuals)... shall not inherit the kingdom of God. And such WERE some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God." (I Corinthians 6:9-
Rebuttal: "Doesn’t the Old Testament ‘holiness code’ also condemn eating shellfish and pork, and it says you must wear a certain type of clothing, etc. If you are going to condemn homosexuality, you should also condemn these things! If these things are acceptable, then so is homosexuality!"
Answer: There are three types of laws in the "holiness code": the moral law, the civil law, and the ceremonial law. Only the Jews were obligated to keep the ceremonial and civil laws (dietary laws, etc.). However, all people are obligated to keep the moral law, which is written upon their consciences. The moral law is taught by Jesus and His apostles in the New Testament. When they told people to REPENT OR PERISH (Luke 13:3), they were commanding them to STOP breaking God’s moral law. If you are not compliant with the moral law of God, which FORBIDS ALL LUST, including MASTUR-BATION AND HOMOSEXUALITY, you are headed for HELL!!! But if you REPENT and TRUST IN JESUS, who died for your sins, to save you and set you free, then you will be saved and set free by the power of God! He is not willing that any should perish, even SODOMITES, but that ALL should REPENT and find mercy for their crimes against God! No excuses! Call upon Jesus’ name NOW!!!"
My response :
Often we hear these sarcastic condemnations of homosexuality. God did make Adam and Eve as well as Adam and Steve, George and Barbara, Bill and Hillary, etc.. He made all people. He is the Creator of all, He is the great architect of the universe, and He made us perfect beings on HIS eyes.
Homosexuality came into being some time after the original creation - many things did: races, languages, countries, etc. History (secular and religious) is silent as to the origin of homosexuality, but it is clear that it dates back to early times. Also, homosexuality is not confined to humans, as it has been noted that many (if not all) species engage in such behavior.
A point of clarification needs to be made - the Bible is not a textbook on sex, nor should it be. The primary purpose of the Bible is the revelation of God's plan for eternal salvation - everything else if it is not directly relevant to that end is secondary and at times ignored within its pages.
With that said let's re-visit RACHEL's "IV. HOMOSEXUALS ARE CONDEMNED BY GOD!!!".
How many of you or people you know are left-handed? A minority - it is a biological variation, being right-handed is the "norm" and many lefties find that functioning in a right-handed world can be difficult. The early church actually shunned such people and attempted to force everyone to use their right hand as using one's left was considered to be against God's will and the work of Satan.
How about having red hair - do you know someone with that hair color? At one time that biological trait was considered a mark of Satan. Take skin color - many religions have throughout history taught that black skin was a curse of sinful behavior and to be despised. The list goes on and on.
Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is undoubtedly the most complex chemical known to man. Subtle changes within this genetic material can have "profound" effects on offspring; from hair, eye, skin color, height, weight, gender, sexual orientation, susceptibility to disease, mental capacity, etc... and yet with all those "profound" differences we are still people - so maybe those differences are not that profound at all.
To give one example of how complicated sexual identity is, let us look at the chicken. Periodically a male chicken, rooster, will be compelled to act like a hen (female chicken). He will try and "steal" a hen's eggs so that he can care for them. Since most hen's are protective of their eggs the rooster normally has to settle for nursing small rocks. In this case the rooster has clearly taken on the identity (at least in his mind) that he is a hen. A more astounding and definitive example is that of hens (female chickens). Hens have two sexual organs or gonads (like humans, where men have two testicles and women have two ovaries). The chicken's right gonad is differentiated, meaning that it specifically has developed into an ovary and this is what the hen uses in sexual reproduction. Interestingly, the left gonad is non-differentiated and is not used unless the right gonad becomes damaged. If the right gonad becomes damaged, the left organ will change into either an ovary or a testes. Meaning that the hen may remain a hen or it will become a fully functioning male chicken, or rooster. These examples show that even physiologically sexual identity is vague.
To complicate matters, the definition of one's sexual identity is based on four components: genetic (chromosomal), anatomic (physiologic), psychological (mental), and sociologic (cultural). Genetic refers to the chromosomal makeup of a person (how one is built on the inside). Anatomic is what does the person look like on the outside. Psychological refers to how one visualizes him/herself. Sociologic refers to how society refers to or visualizes that person.
From a genetic point of view there are a number (approx. 0.1% or 6,000,000) who are classified as inter-sex. Chromosomally (i.e. the types and quantities of hormones produced) their bodies behave like one gender and yet their exterior or anatomical aspect resembles the opposite gender. There are also true hermaphroditic humans. Scientifically, they are defined as having some functioning testicular tissue (male reproductive tissue) and some functioning ovarian tissue (female reproductive tissue). Relating this back to the ignorant statement "God didn't create Adam and Steve", exactly how should an inter-sex or hermaphroditic individual be classified: Adam, Eve, or Steve? And should it be suggested that he or she was not created by God. Once we recognize the complexity of determining one's sexual identity, we become aware of the massive amount of diversity created by God.
We have the tendency to see differences much easier than similarities and tend to shun, fear, despise those differences instead of glorifying God's creative diversity. So that we don't feel like we are arbitrarily discriminating we tend to incorporate our dislikes into our religion and claim that we don't judge or dislike these differences, but rather God does and we are just following His example.
God created us. He created DNA. He knew the diversity it would create and in the first chapter of Genesis he stated "It is good." So yes, God created Adam and Steve. And it is good.
When the disciples asked Christ why God created people who are blind and was it because that person or his parents had sinned. John 9:3 "It is not that this man sinned, or his parents, but that the works of God might be made manifest in him." God has created each of us so that the works of His can be made manifest in us. GLBT people are not accidents, errors, perverts, but rather chances for the works of God to be manifest.
So for you RIGHTEOUS RACHEL and all of YOU religious "whackjobs" who condemn everything you think is a "sin" - I hope that ONE day, you'll pull your heads out of your asses and realize the error of your ways...
I'll wait for the day when someone you love so dear turns out to be gay. Or how about praying that you be born again and be given the experience of being gay then tell me all your crappy ideas again?