> gooD moRninG sunsHine!
Author: aLmich
Early morning thoughts
I woke up this morning [that's 6pm really folks as I'm on a GY shift] before my alarm went off. As haziness turned to clarity I began remembering the different things I had to do today, and I felt my anxiety rising:
"I need to get hold of H and say sorry again [don't ask why]. But he's a stubborn bitchy guy. I wonder if he'll hate me for calling him up. Do I even have his mobile number still? He wouldn't check his phone too often if he's on rage mode."
"Pre-shift meeting with my ABS team will be around 8:30."
"Uncle and Aunt will be arriving. I have extra towels, toiletries, bottles of water. Anything else?"
"It's a Banchetto Day - tataba lalo ako."
"I can't chat through MIRC again or else Ed will kill me."
And so on and so forth, until my alarm rings [I hit on snooze] and my alarm rings again.
Good morning world!

> my WeeK
Author: aLmich
I have not been able to update because of being sooo busy at work. For this weekend, I’ve been really productive.
I started reading The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini on Friday night. I felt some “me time” would be a good thing; lately movies have been my thing [27 dresses, that Sarah and John Lloyd thing, Marimar and Serio's, Iron Man], but I’m always bitching about how I haven’t any time to read anymore. So I’m glad I made time to. It definitely isn’t light reading, but the story was compelling and the writing itself was good and I enjoyed it. So much that I couldn’t put it down, finishing around 2:30 Monday morning.
I slept for 8 hours.
I asked Yaya to cook one pound of bacon, both in the oven and in the skillet. Haven’t-never baked bacon before, I must say it was really easy. No mess or spattering fat, plus you can fit a lot of bacon on a cookie sheet. The house still smells fantastic. The skillet bacon will end up in turkey sandwiches this week for lunch. The baked bacon [that just sounds weird, “baked bacon”] was chopped up and was included in two mini-batches of mega tots [that is, mega fries but with tater tots instead of fries] destined for two different BBQ’s on Sunday. Just a taste of pagmama-feeling mayaman as I put it.
I bought another DVD rack. This makes more room on the bookshelf for books. This is a project I’d been meaning to tackle for some number of months, but never got around to. This morning I saw the stack of books at the top of the stairs that had been there collecting dust and said to myself, “that’s it!” An hour later, I had a new shelving unit. Anyone who has lived with me for any duration of time could attest to my affinity towards homemade wooden furniture. It may not be classy, but it’s functional. I like functional.
Despite some thorough preparation, attempts to make-peace-and-love to my H failed. I’m starting to feel numb about the fight again. I hope I can still stand it. I hope I can still be patient.
I finally got the chance to buy Heroes Season 3 and Smallville Season 8 - the complete season. Next will be Lost, Supernaturals, Prison Break, Greys Anatomy, One Tree Hill, QAF and all other series that I haven’t been able to finish. Simply amazing.
I caught up on all of my magazine subscriptions. Still need to get that copy Yes!, FHM, Cosmo, Him, etc. Caught up with Emman, Nates and Rain also during the latter’s birthday.
I napped. A lot.
I attempted a nice afternoon BBQ and got to see progress on a fellow blogger’s home. Also attended a birthday party at Caloocan, dinner wid new friends, coffee at Tagaytay and some nice conversations with AL [yes! his name is Al - a new friend].
I’m so glad that the weather held out.

> i Love birThdaYs
Author: aLmich
My good friend’s cute little baby is celebrating his birthday this Sunday. I was tasked [hahaha] to do the tarpaulin and the invitation cards. Here they are!

> i Love birThdaYs
Author: aLmich
My good friend’s cute little baby is celebrating his birthday this Sunday. I was tasked [hahaha] to do the tarpaulin and the invitation cards. Here they are!

> Life's worTh
Author: aLmich
I have been pondering about life the whole weekend. I went out with friends, attended parties, met new people, finished my DVD marathon, cooked pasta, and enjoyed life to it’s fullest. Many things happened, heart issues took its toll also but nothing answered my “hello? “.
I had taken time to think things over. Many people have been struggling to prove their worth as a person, many chose to exert so much to please the wandering eyes and many chose to waste time proving how they can score. Just earlier, I realized… What if life isn’t all bout it?
Yes, life isn’t about keeping score…
It’s not about how many friends you have. Or how many people called you. Or how accepted or unaccepted you are. Not about if you have plans for the weekend. Or if you’re alone. It isn’t about who you’re dating, who you use to date, how many people you’ve dated, or if you haven’t been with anyone at all. It isn’t about who you have kissed. It’s not about sex. It isn’t about who your family is or how much money they have. Or what kind of car you drive. Or where you’re sent to school.
It’s not about how beautiful or ugly you are. Or what clothes you wear, what shoes you have on, or what kind of music you listen to. It’s not about if your hair is blonde, red, black, brown, or green. Or if your skin is too light or too dark.
It’s not about what grades you get, how smart you are, how smart everyone else thinks you are, or how smart standardized tests say you are. Or if this teacher likes you, or if this guy/girl likes you. Or what clubs you’re in, or how good you are at “your” sport. It’s not about representing your whole being on a piece of paper and seeing who will “accept the written you”.
But life IS about who you love and who you hurt. It’s about who you make happy or unhappy purposefully. It’s about keeping or betraying trust. It’s about friendship, used as sanctity, or as a weapon. It’s about what you say and mean, maybe hurtful, maybe heartening. About starting rumors and contributing to petty gossip. It’s about what judgments you pass and why. And who your judgments are spread to.
It’s about who you’ve ignored with full control and intention. It’s about jealousy, fear, pain, ignorance, and revenge. It’s about carrying inner hate and love, letting it grow and spreading it.
But most of all, it’s about using your life to touch or poison other people’s hearts in such a way that could never have occurred alone.
Only YOU choose the way these hearts are affected and THOSE choices are what life is all about.

> my faCebooK
Author: aLmich
File this under “activities that are nothing more than a timesuck”. For a long time I fought getting involved with Facebook. I have seen friends and officemates opening their accounts there. I have been lured activating my Multiply because my officemater prefer to read my blog entries there instead of opening wordpress. I obliged but opening another networking site didn’t really come into my mind. I didn’t see it as offering any particular advantages and figured that I had enough ways to waste time without engaging in a new activity.
And then one day I woke up and discovered that I had not one, but two Facebook accounts. It wasn’t quite as shocking as Gregor Samsa had in Metamorphosis, which is good because who wants to discover that they are a giant cockroach anyway.
On a sidenote I remember this teacher from elementary who used to pronounce it as cock-A-roach. I can still hear that guy spitting it out with the emphasis on the middle. I think that he thought that it was a safe way to try and belittle students. Believe you me, if he called you a cock-A-roach he was none too happy with you. One of these days I have to share the story of the time we filled his classroom with his favorite curse word, but I digress.
I created a Facebook account as a sort of test. I had decided that I wanted to check it out, but I didn’t want to put a lot of effort into it. So I created one using a fake name and took the thing out for a spin.
For a short while it was mildly interesting. I was poked and poked back, threw sheep at people and tried to remember to duck when they threw them at me. And then one day I decided that I just didn’t need it, so I nuked it. Goodbye Facebook.
I didn’t think twice about it until I heard from a few real world friends. They told me about how they had used it to network and to reconnect with some mutual old friends and encouraged me to open up a new Facebook account. That got me thinking about it, but it wasn’t until my sister asked me to that I gave in to the madness again.
So once again I opened up an account only this time I used my real name and was surprised at how many people found me. In a short time I had a ridiculous number of friends. Some of them were people that I really consider friends and some were acquaintances. I kind of wondered if some of them were more interested in collecting vast numbers of friends than if they really wanted to reconnect with me.
But in truth I didn’t care all that much as it didn’t take any more time so what did it matter. And in reality I did find that it was an easy way to get back in touch with some old friends. We are scattered all over the country and the world so it is easier to drop a quick note on their wall or send a message than to call.
Anyway, that is enough for now. Time for shuteye for this grumpy and problematic man. I’ll get up in 3 hours to meet my bf. Night from the Philippines.