> sad moDe
Author: aLmich

> ka-BASTE '98
Author: aLmich

> sHawsHank reDempTion
Author: aLmich
It was Ikoy's birthday. While Nathan, Rain, Ikoy and I were waiting for our ka-baste to arrive, we thought of watching a movie first. Ikoy played "Shawshank Redemption". I wasn't paying attention at first because there were so many updates, chit chats and katatawanans brought into the table. Slowly my attention was drawn to the character played by Freeman. I have always been a great fan of him. Rain even quipped "pano kaya pag niligawan ako niyan?". We laughed and soon been totally drawn to the screen.
The story was based on Stephen King’s short story "Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption", the film transcends the typical intellectually and spiritually bankrupt Hollywood entertainment of the modern era with an onscreen artistry that is the closest we’ll probably ever see to poetry in moving pictures. With masterful performances by Morgan Freeman and Tim Robbins, we found ourselves engrossed in a tragic story wrought with suspense at every turn…
The Shawshank Redemption focuses on the life of Andy Dufresne [Robbins], a prominent banker convicted of murdering his wife and her lover. Sent to Shawshank prison in the summer of 1947, the inmates bet on which of the new arrivals will be the first to crack. Ellis “Red” Redding [my favorite Freeman], an institutional fixture and the man who can provide anything for a price, puts his money on Andy. But much to his surprise, Andy doesn’t make a sound…
Over time, Andy and Red develop a close friendship, and Red procures a small rock hammer for Andy. As the years go by, he procures other items as well, the most interesting being Rita Hayworth. Red acquires a poster of the screen siren for Andy, and business continues as usual in Shawshank. Along the way, Andy ingratiates himself with the notorious prison guard Byron Hadley [Clancy Brown] and Warden Samuel Norton [Bob Gunton]. Putting his outside skills to good use, Andy provides tax advice and tax preparation services to guards not just at Shawshank, but other prisons as well.
Eventually, in exchange for a comprehensive prison library, he ends up running a massive money laundering operation for Norton leveraging prison labor in exchange for lucrative kickbacks. But all goes awry when Shawshank’s newest prisoner, a young punk named Tommy [Gil Bellows] comes forward with shocking information. Andy, who’s spent twenty years in Shawshank prison, might be innocent after all… The revelation ruins lives and destroys Andy’s prison sanctuary, but it’s Warden Norton and his associates who are ruined when the beautiful pin-up Raquel Welch reveals her hidden secret...
Directed by Frank Darabont, producer of such hit films as The Green Mile [1999] and The Majestic [2001], The Shawshank Redemption is a film of absolute breathtaking perfection that ranks near the top of most lists of the best films ever produced. Thomas Newman’s musical score, reused in countless films in the years since its release, blends together with brilliant casting, memorable screen performance, and masterful set design to create an unmatched and timeless epic. If you haven’t seen The Shawshank Redemption, you aren’t just missing out on a great film, but a great life experience as well. Do yourself a favor and see this movie...

> updaTing
Author: aLmich
I timed-in in the office today at around 8:08 pm since I have to be early and conduct pre-shift meeting with our Account Manager.
Opening Outlook, I noticed that the feedback I am waiting for a particular task hasn’t arrived yet so I had the luxury of opening some websites for me to check - at the least before I start official work by 9:00 pm. Since my blog was the least opened most wanted site for me [and the heck of the irony], I realized how long have I been inactive doing blog posts [im using my own blog-efficiency-meter here]. Indeed, I would agree people would always look for quality than quantity posts in a blog but I think sometimes you have to forget about this and tell what’s happening and what plays on your mind. Comparing the activity that I had with my previous blog, I think I had the luxury of time and it seems like I missed the good old days wherein I have something to say to the world, at least one post a day.
With the recent work environment changes, work load I had for the past days [not that I'm overworked, I don't think merong ganun or maybe they're just acting as if], it has taken a toll against my blogging activity and I hope I can resume blogging regularly - at the least on the personal and art aspect.
Despite having a lot of visitors, whether or not I know these people, I think I owe them something that I can share.
I have been quite stressed for the past weeks. Especially these last few days. Na-debitan ako sa ATM, lot’s of financial obligations to attend to, emotional sommersaults, heart aches and missing my friends. I just hope I’ll be able to write again and post pictures that would of course mean I’m back and on track. Sigh.

> suDDenLy iT's magiC
Author: aLmich
This is something really funny. I decided to post happy thoughts now to lighten up my mood.
I joined H yesterday for dinner at Greenbelt. After the “soon to be posted dinner story”, he invited me to see an event at the Romulo Auditorium. From Starbucks RCBC Plaza located at the third floor, we ambled towards the escalators in order to get to the Carlos P. Romulo Auditorium on the fourth level. We were happily talking and fooling around and I felt heavens [hahahaha].
As we were approaching, we saw to our dismay that the escalators were not moving.
Known to be the short tempered, I groaned out loud, “Can someone please turn on the escalators?”
As we trudged forward, the escalator suddenly stirred into motion, as if someone had heard my request and had waved a magic wand to grant my wish.
As we reached the top, we noticed that silver poles were by the sides of the other set of escalators. When we looked down, the same set of silver poles were at the mouth of the escalator we had just vacated.
Then we realized that it was indeed magic, courtesy of technology. The silver poles were sensors that turned on the escalators whenever its beams were crossed.
Hahaha. Suddenly it’s magic. I’m in love!

> Lugi neGosYo
Author: aLmich
I have so many things I’d like to write about but my mind wouldn’t cooperate. After few clicks on my keyboard my stream of thought goes astray. I don’t know if I’m just being upset of what happened yesterday when my money [separate post on that] just went wherever courtesy of BPI ATM.
Oh well, I guess I’ll just be thankful that the incident made my new H to join me and bear with my whims and whoes.
Strolling through a tiangge style of booths at a mall, I spotted an item that caught my fancy. Asking for the price, I was informed that it was the familiar 3 for 100, i.e., get 3 of the items for the price of Php 100. Then I posed the usual follow up question, “Magkano ‘pag isa [How much is it if I just buy one]?”
Expecting it to be more than Php 33.33, the price per item if one divides 100 by 3, I was taken aback when she said it was Php 30/each. Thinking she just made a mistake, I repeated my question, which garnered the same response.
Seeing my disbelief, she turned to her companion to confirm the Php 30/item price, which her co-worker did.
I attempted to explain, but, sensing their non-comprehension, I gave up.
As we were walking away, H asked me whether I would have bought the item.
I replied, “Well, if I had bought 3, I would have insisted on the Php 30/item price.”
He smiled, held my hand and whispered “I Love You”. Sarap madebit-an ng atm card! [joke lang]