> suDDenLy iT's magiC
Author: aLmich
This is something really funny. I decided to post happy thoughts now to lighten up my mood.
I joined H yesterday for dinner at Greenbelt. After the “soon to be posted dinner story”, he invited me to see an event at the Romulo Auditorium. From Starbucks RCBC Plaza located at the third floor, we ambled towards the escalators in order to get to the Carlos P. Romulo Auditorium on the fourth level. We were happily talking and fooling around and I felt heavens [hahahaha].
As we were approaching, we saw to our dismay that the escalators were not moving.
Known to be the short tempered, I groaned out loud, “Can someone please turn on the escalators?”
As we trudged forward, the escalator suddenly stirred into motion, as if someone had heard my request and had waved a magic wand to grant my wish.
As we reached the top, we noticed that silver poles were by the sides of the other set of escalators. When we looked down, the same set of silver poles were at the mouth of the escalator we had just vacated.
Then we realized that it was indeed magic, courtesy of technology. The silver poles were sensors that turned on the escalators whenever its beams were crossed.
Hahaha. Suddenly it’s magic. I’m in love!