> boLeyn girLs
Author: aLmich
The scourging heat of summer left me no choice but yet again to indulge myself into movie viewing. I can’t get a good sleep. I’m supposed to have at least a 6 hour sleep but I’m just getting 3-4 hours each day. As much as I would want to splurge myself on a much desired summer hiatus, my pocket just wouldn’t allow it. So, the day was spent mostly in front of a laptop hopping from one site to another and checking out some good films.
I got the chance to watch “The Other Boleyn Girl”. I have read the book before but watching it on film is quite different. Although some changes were identified it was still amazing. I love a period film where immediately I’ll be encapsulated by the clothing, demeaner and voices of the characters. I fell in love with Natalie Portman, Scarlett Johansson and of course Eric Bana. Nothing is cooler than learning history and falling deeply in love with a film.
So earlier, before the work shift started, I researched the England monarchy. I got obsessed for a while. Next stop? I’ll be checking my Elizabeth movie and watch it again to see where the Boleyn story re-emerged.
Arrgghhh, I’m starting to be a movie addict again. I’m loving it!

> angeL sinGs and danCes
Author: aLmich
I’ve seen it several times on TV before, read it on newspapers so I guess it’s such a big issue, I just don’t want to make a comment then because I never really like her anyway. Call me bias but her being from GMA made me ignore her.
I don’t know the details of the story but it can be summarized as follows based on what I’ve heard: Angel went to London for a vacation. She and her manager decided to move out from GMA. GMA wasn’t informed. There’s a rumor that Angel is now under ABS-CBN. Lots of tirades against Angel are now being shown in GMA, chief of them is her ingratitude.
The funny thing about this issue is that the executives of GMA are among those who are doing the harangues telling unneccessary details on national television. They are executives! It’s not their job. Assuming Angel is “ingrata”, why should GMA stoop to her level? As how I see it, it was Angel who shows some class here by keeping her mouth shut.
One columnist in Inquirer was right, shouldn’t GMA be happy for her daughter? She nurtured her and now she decided to move out, why the bitterness? It’s as if GMA’s success hangs by the thread of Angel’s stardom. I can’t believe how they tried to put her down. Comments like she can’t even dance and sing and that she was really that girl in a Sex Scandal were just too below the belt. Good thing ABS gave her really a chance to prove her worth. This video will then tell them - she can also dance.
GMA executives and management should be ashamed of themselves for immersing themselves to this pathetic issue. They should have left it to Lolit et al instead.
Simply pathetic.
Now, I’m beginning to like her. I even want to watch Lobo if time would permit.

> my LoveS
Author: aLmich

I’m trying to enjoy life. Im stressed and all that but I’m trying to enjoy my existence. I don’t want to ask for more, I can’t afford to.
Good thing there are things to at least drive me to continue and to live my life. I have my crushes [andre - fitness first' body jam instructor, tami - friend ni guise, allison - tgasampaloc katabi ko nagni-net dati], I have my TRUE friends [ron, jay, jc (babylon pipol), powerpuff girls], and I have my ka-arts-tehan.
While waiting for Ron one day, I decided to do this GIF to grace my phone. Nice diba?

> taraY buiLdingS
Author: aLmich
Architectural designs never ceased to amaze me. In fact I usually buy magazines that deal with interior designs, constructions etc.. My friends usually call me cheap/corny because I alwasy buy Yes! magazine thinking that I buy them primarily because of the local artistas they feature. I must admit thats the only time I get to be exposed on local actors but on most part, I love buying it because of the celebrity houses section.
Even at home, I watch National Geographic Channel because of this passion. The same reasons pushed me to post this article featuring how modern and amazing Dubai architectures are nowadays.
Imagine yourself working in a constantly moving building. Enjoying the 360 view of the area. Generate green power and contribute something for the environment. Astig diba?
The Dynamic Architecture building, which will be constantly in motion changing its shape, will be able to generate electric energy for itself as well as for other buildings. Forty-eight wind turbines fitted between each rotating floors as well as the solar panels positioned on the roof of the building will produce energy from wind and the sunlight, with no risk of pollution. The total energy produced by this inbuilt ‘powerhouse’ every year will be worth approximately seven million dollars.
Each turbine can produce 0.3 megawatt of electricity, compared to 1-1.5 megawatt generated by a normal vertical turbine (windmill). Considering that Dubai gets 4,000 wind hours annually, the turbines incorporated into the building can generate 1,200,000 kilowatt-hour of energy.
As average annual power consumption of a family is estimated to be 24,000 kilowatt-hour, each turbine can supply energy for about 50 families. The Dynamic Architecture tower in Dubai will be having 200 apartments and hence four turbines can take care of their energy needs. The surplus clean energy produced by the remaining 44 turbines can light up the neighborhood of the building.
However, taking into consideration that the average wind speed in Dubai is of only 16 km/h the architects may need to double the number of turbines to light up the building to eight. Still there will be 40 free turbines, good enough to supply power for five skyscrapers of the same size.
The horizontal turbines of the Dynamic Architecture building are simply inserted between the floors, practically invisible. They neither need a pole nor a concrete foundation. In addition, they are at zero distance from the consumer, which makes maintenance easier.
The modern design of the building and the carbon fiber special shape of the wings take care of the acoustics issues. Producing that much electric energy without any implication on the aesthetic aspect of the building is a revolutionary step in tapping alternative energy sources. Furthermore, this energy will have a positive impact on the environment and economy.

> racHeL apoLogizes
Author: aLmich
If you’ve seen my post entitled HELLBOUND ME, you would have known what I’m talking about here. I’m just so happy and feels victorious.
“After listening to the concerns of my peers and the LBTG community, I have come to see that my post was indeed hurtful and in poor taste.
I wish to make clear that I posted this article on my own volition and out of my own convictions, for which I still stand. But now, I stand by them in broken humility because I realize that the issue was never really homosexuality per se, but the universal problem of all men - homosexuals and heterosexuals alike - SIN, and one’s need of a Savior from its consequences.
I wish also to emphasize this one other thing, which I should have emphasized in the first place:
I, too, am a sinner. I, too, am hellbound…apart from Jesus Christ Who is my only Hope, my Lord and Savior.
As it is written, “Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners—of whom I am the worst.” ~ I Timothy 1:15
I was wrong in the manner by which I confronted the issue, which, again, is SIN and not homosexuality, and I have learned that there are better ways to share God’s unconditional Love with everyone.
Therefore, I am publicly asking for forgiveness from the LBTG community and to all those who have been turned off, offended and/or angered by my post.
I realize now that I was wrong for the condemning words that I endorsed, and for promoting the inflammatory article of Dr. Patrick Johnston.
I also ask forgiveness from those who were justifiably offended at the way I chose to address the subject of homosexuality.
I pray that you will accept this post as a genuine act of repentance for my offense against you all.
May the Lord bring about healing and understanding from all this.
Above all, may His Name be glorified.
God’s PEACE be with you all.
Your humbled friend in Christ,
Rachelle Ragaza “