I have been a great fan of SATC since I first heard it. I’ve seen it being promoted at Obar the last time I went out with Jay, Guise, Jc and a Baguio guy. So you can just imagine how jealous I was when Jay told me that they have already watched it. Even if it was almost impossible for my schedule to allow me to see it, I persisted… and I won. I went to the theater alone [as I always do if I really want a movie because I don't wanna be disturbed] and saw the movie - over two hours long. It was a 4:00 showing - which meant that by the time all the commercials and previews of upcoming movies were over, the movie actually started around 4:20. It was over around 6:45ish. I don’t think I moved the whole time. That’s one of the reason I also love watching movies alone, especially if I’m totally engrossed to it. When I was still at SVI, I’m usually at the theatre by 4pm and stay till 8:30 as my shift starts at 9pm. Same reason I used to have a big collection of pillows because I get to buy one each visit. The theater was big - and it was crowded but there were some empty seats. There was also a showing at 4:30. The lobby of the theater was packed and the line to get in the movie was long. In the theater there were very few men. It was easily at least 95% women there. There were a few faithful husbands, boyfriends, SATC male fans there, though. One thing I noticed was how many single women were there - women attending by themselves. Really amazing.

SPOILER ALERT! Ha! I’m telling you, don’t continue reading this if you have plan of watching it. Just checking to make sure you want to know what happens in the movie before I get to the good stuff. All the major storylines and occurences in the movie will be divulged here.

First of all, no one died in the movie. The hoopla before the movie came out about a major character dying was just something started to generate interest, I guess. It worked. All through the movie, I kept waiting for a major character to die. I’m glad no one died. Except for Charlotte experiencing a bout of Montezuma’s Revenge on their trip to Mexico, there weren’t even any illnesses in the movie. It was a feel-good movie. No deaths needed.

The movie started off with Carrie talking about the four friends and about how years have passed since she and Big got back together in Paris. She has now published three books. She and Big are together - and they’re very happy. Miranda and Steve are together. Brady is older — looked like the same child played him — cute little redhead. Charlotte and Harry have their adopted daughter from China. Her name is Lily! [Which I loved!] Samantha and Smith have moved to Los Angeles for his career, but Samantha flies to NYC often to be with her friends.

Carrie and Big are looking for an apartment - They find a gorgeous one except that the closet is small. Big says they can afford it and that he will re-build the closet so Carrie will have the closet of her dreams. They don’t talk about getting married.

Then the four women go to a jewelry auction and hear the story about the woman who lived with a guy for ten years - only to come home one day and be locked out. So she auctions off all the jewelry he gave her to make enough money to get by. Carrie thinks of her own situation, and eventually mentions to Big that she’s concerned about her situation - of having no security. So they round-about discuss their way into being engaged. Vogue magazine wants to do a spread about getting married at 40 - highlighting Carrie and Big’s wedding. So out come the designer gowns, the celebrity photographers - and the wedding gets “bigger than Big.” It starts out small with only 75 guests. Then it grows until there are over 200 guests invited. Big feels overwhelmed with everything, but he keeps it to himself.

Meanwhile, Miranda and Steve are having their own problems. With their busy lives, it has been over six months since they had sex. Steve ends up having sex with someone else - and he confesses to Miranda. For Miranda, the marriage is over. She moves out and finds an apartment and refuses to even consider Steve’s abject apologies and pleas for her to take him back. She refuses to take his phone calls or to see him.

So at Carrie and Big’s rehearsal dinner, Steve shows up to talk to Miranda. He begs for forgiveness. Miranda doesn’t want anything to do with him. After leaving the scene with Steve, Miranda goes back into the dinner where Big asks her if she’s okay. Still upset over her confrontation with Steve, Miranda tells Big that he and Carrie are crazy to be getting married because marriage messes up everything. Big’s misgivings about the big hoop-de-doo wedding are reinforced. He calls Carrie that night, and she tells him that it’s still her - that it’s still them - that it’s okay. And he feels better.

The next day everyone arrives at the library where the wedding is to take place - everyone but Big. He keeps trying to call Carrie so she can reassure him, but Lily had picked up Carrie’s phone - and so Carrie doesn’t get any of Big’s phone calls.

His limo pulls up to the library, but he doesn’t get out - and finally he decides he can’t go through with it, and he starts driving away. When Carrie finds out he’s not coming, she leaves. Meanwhile, Big realizes what he’s done [”What have I done?”], and he heads back - his limo meets Carrie’s limo mid-street. They both get out and Carrie yells at him and hits him with the bouquet and get back into her limo and goes to Charlotte’s house where she is dazed and practically catatonic.

Samantha is unsuccessful in cancelling the honeymoon plans - and so she buys extra tickets - and the four women head off to enjoy Mexico and to help Carrie. Carrie is in a “Mexicoma” - sleeps for days - when she finally agrees to eat, they have to feed her. Eventually she gets out of bed. They return to NYC where they’ve worked to get Carrie’s apartment back [She had sold her apartment and moved in with Big]. When she enters the apartment, it is piled with boxes, and she decides that she needs an assistant. She hires Louise [Jennifer Hudson] from St. Louis, who is in NYC to “find love.”

So months go by. Charlotte gets pregnant - is afraid to continue running because she doesn’t want to lose the baby. However, she does get back into running. When she is only a week from her due date, she happens to see Big in a restaurant. She angrily confronts him for hurting Carrie - but she’s interrupted by her water breaking. Big insists on taking her in his always-waiting limo to the hospital. Charlotte ends up having the baby - another girl. The baby is named “Rose.” When Carrie comes to the hospital, Harry tells her that Big wants to talk to her - and Big wonders if Carrie has read any of the letters he’s sent. Letters? Carrie hasn’t received any letters from Big. She goes back to her apartment to look for letters. We’ll pick up on Carrie’s storyline after catching up with the other characters.

Charlotte and Harry now have Lily and Rose - they are firmly into their happily ever after.

Miranda and Steve finally decide to go to counseling and after awhile the counselor tells them not to see each other for a couple weeks. Then after they’ve had time to think things through, if they want to get back together, they should meet. If one doesn’t want to get back together, then that person wouldn’t meet at the prearranged place. They decide to meet in the middle of the Brooklyn Bridge. Of course during the two weeks Miranda agonizes about what her decision will be. Steve worries that Miranda will always hold his unfaithfulness against him. But in the end their love for each other overcomes the negatives. It’s a tender scene when Miranda starts walking towards the middle of the bridge - sees Steve walking toward her. She “never looks back” - and she and Steve walk hand in hand into their happily ever after.

Meanwhile in Los Angeles, Samantha is getting frustrated with monogamy. While she remains faithful to Smith - despite many temptations - she finally decides that although she loves Smith, she loves herself more. So she and Smith have a tender farewell - and Samantha leaves for her solitary and sexually active happily ever after - in New York.

As the months have passed, Carrie has gotten back into life - not dating but getting her apartment back together and starting to work on her new book about love - but not having much success with the book. She refuses all contact with Big - and immediately after hiring Louise she asks her to make it where she won’t ever see any email from him. After Rose is born and Carrie hears from Harry that Big had sent her letters, she figures out that the “letters” are emails - and she finds that Louise had put the emails in a file on her computer rather than deleting her. She reads the letters - each one a classic love letter from literature - and one was written by Big - telling her that he will always love her.

The day comes when the apartment that she and Big were going to share was going to be sold - and she goes there to get the new Manolo Blahnik’s that she had left there. She goes into the apartment and opens the beautiful closet that Big had built for her. There’s Big - with the shoes in his hands. He tells her that he had come to get the shoes for her. It’s the first time they’ve seen each other since their disastrous non-wedding day months before. They fall into each other’s arms…Big tells her that she’s the love of his life and he apologizes. She says that the wedding months ago was too big and wasn’t about “them.” Then he gets on his knees and proposes. He says that this is when a ring is needed - to seal the deal. Instead, he gets one of the Manolo Blahnik’s and puts it Carrie’s foot - and they’re engaged.

A few hours later they get married at a courthouse. As they’re leaving the courtroom that is filled with couples waiting to be married, Big asks Carrie if she’s really okay with it just being the two of them there, and she says she is. He says that it would be so much better if “the girls” were there to share their joy and “that’s why I called them.” They go through double doors, and there are the girls. The next scene is of them all celebrating at a Waffle House looking place - everybody laughing and happy. And thus Carrie and Big start their happily ever after.

The movie closes with the four women celebrating Samantha’s “fifty and fabulous” birthday at a restaurant and looking forward to the next fifty.

The audience at the movie theater erupted in applause at the conclusion of the movie. It was very good. Not absolutely outstanding - but satisfying all in all.

P.S. And oh! Sanford and Anthony got together, too, which is really funny considering how they reacted to each other in the TV series.


Once again, Oscar invited me out. Aside from the neverending discussion while he’s driving, what I enjoyed most is the scenery and the food we had. While we make our way to the hundred confounding aisles of Mall of Asia, looking for a new and unique diner, I saw posters of classic Hollywood stars and films posted on the wall of “Grams Diner”. Its motto is “feel good, comfort food.” So we decided to give it a try. If you’re a fan of The Carpenters and anything that screams 80’s, then do visit Grams Diner at SM Mall of Asia. An American diner, expect hefty serving of steaks, burgers, and other staple American edibles.

Carrot ‘n Squash Soup. The best food we’ve tasted in this diner.

Monster Fries. Monstrous indeed for its oil. It’s just too oily. But I love those shreds of meat.

Roast Beef ‘n Pasta. Too plain for my palate.

Gogo Mango. Soft, juicy and sweet. Nothing extraordinary though.

Thanks Oscar for the treat!

Grams Diner, SM Mall of Asia

1120 Entertainment Mall, SM Mall of Asia
Pasay City, Metro Manila

[02] 556-0395


> kung FU panDa

Author: aLmich

How do you end a stress-full week? I decided to end mine with true friends in tow.

Jc texted early in the morning asking of my location, since I was still at the office then I decided to meet at Robinsons Pioneer. He was with Ralf and soon we’re on our way to Starbucks Podium. After some coffee, small talks and a lot of laughter we agreed to meet Kiko at Megamall for a sumptuous breakfast and Kung Fu [led by a Panda].

What can I say? I love pandas. They’re round and cuddly and cute-looking, but not too overly cute because they come only in black and white, not pink, not any other cutesy color.

And then they come up with a movie with a panda as a hero, a kung fu hero at that, and get this, with my favorite Jack Black as The Voice. So panda + kung fu + Jack Black + Dreamworks = what can go wrong for Amee? [I love these individual elements on their own]. I only realized that everything combined makes for one hilarious experience.

Even more, the rest of the voice talents are no lightweights either. Dustin Hoffman [check!], Angelina Jolie [check!], Lucy Liu, Seth Rogen, among others. And [drum roll please] my all-time fave, Jacky Chan.

The Nytimes describes the movie as high concept with a heart. I say it just rocks, no big words needed. One other thing that made the movie great and to watch for? Sam Concepcion will be singing the official theme song for it’s Asian release. The Little Big Star sensation will finally make his mark overseas with his rendition of the latest flick from Dreamworks.

The morals of the story are:

  • The chosen ones are not always the most likely ones. Sometimes it takes a big, round tummy to beat the foe.
  • It always pays to have food as motivation. If one loves food, one will do anything for food. Will write for food, if Anthony Bourdain, or any French chef cooks. Or anyone cooks a yummy meal for me, for that matter.
  • Sometimes there is no magic. You only have to make your own magic.
  • Follow your heart. Follow your imagination [even if it seems impossible].
  • And with Roan and Nate’s common belief… BELIEVE.


> piNoy aKo momenT

Author: aLmich

I’ve already posted some entries here showing how proud we can be of our heritage. And how boosting it feels to have other Pinoys being successful abroad. Being Pinoy is something… it makes us a lot different from other races. Maybe because we’re not too pale nor too dark… we’re just brown… the right mix. We always hear ourselves saying that “kapag ibang lahi nalahian ng dugong Pinoy, mas gumaganda” which somehow is evident on some of our beloved half Pinoys. Maybe, it is because we’re a little bit of everything… smart, hardworking, bubbly, lovable and a little annoying at times. Or maybe, it is our distinct culture that keeps us on the top on almost every social success - our loving and warm way of getting into people made us earn enormous amount of friends and acquaintances, our diverse history honed us into flexible individuals and our unshaken determination brought us to the peak of the mountain of our dreams.

But there’s more to us than being brilliant and passionate… something that is distinctly Pinoy… our uncanny ability to pull others down as we struggle to climb harder on our way up - CRAB MENTALITY.

I once said that most of our negative traits can be traced backfrom those countries who have colonized us. We’re a mixture of almost everything. Crab mentality is not solely practiced by Pinoys [as evident also form my dear friend - Nates' experience from working abroad] but we have to admit that it undeniably something in which we’re good at. Even on daily game shows like our adopted version of Wheel of Fortune or even our very own Game Ka Na Ba? this kind of negative Pinoy trait is indeed noticeable. I am not a game-show kind of person but I remember that I once watched the US version of Wheel of Fortune and as far as I can remember, I never heard or seen contestants yelling into each other things like “Bokya”, lose a turn or anything like that. In Game Ka Na Ba?, the “Atras” power, which gives an individual the power to go back one or two spaces, is the best visible example of crab mentality. Good thing they have changed it already.

I can also admit that jealousy and greed sometimes weaken the best of me but that’s one thing I always try to work on. I hold myself from being so bitter and so jealous of somebody elses being. Crab mentality may not be a very desirable trait but let’s face it!…we’re known for that along with Mañana Habit and Colonial Mentality. No matter how much we try, we are and we’ll forever be the crab that we are….just a plea to those who run the game shows… please, please, please do not tolerate, promote or incorporate such negative traits into any of your shows. Afterall, we all share a common goal… that is to make Pinoys proud of being a Pinoy.

Pinoy ako. Pinoy tayo!


I know this one is quite late but I’m just wondering what happened now to this issue. I have posted one entry before that tackled the issue but just for those who haven’t been updated… Here…

Brian Gorrell is an Australian blogger who gained his fame because of his revelations about the Philippine’s member of Alta Sociedad. His broken relationship with his Filipino ex-boyfriend became the beginning and source of these controversies.

Every netizen [net citizen] probably knows him and might already heard about him. He is now one of the most famous bloggers and most controversial individual not only in the cyber world, but also in the real world. He gained his fame from his fearless revelations and disclosure in the web. He is Brian Gorrell, an Australian blogger who is now striving so hard to recover his $70,000 money allegedly looted by his Filipino ex-boyfriend, who happened to be a struggling socialite. This valiant Australian blogger became phenomenal in the web when he fearlessly unveiled his real-life story through his personal blog site.

Last March 4, 2008, Brian Gorrell signed-up and launched his personal blog site hosted by one of the largest and top web hosting providers in the world. His primary purpose in launching the site was to get back his strayed money that was supposed to be his life savings. Gorrell and his Filipino ex-boyfriend agreed to put up a restaurant business in the Philippines. As a contribution and initial investment for the project, the former sent his money to the Philippines through wire transfer. Everything turned smooth until the two had a little misunderstanding which resulted into separation and neglecting the project.

These little things, from simple misunderstanding and broken friendship, turned out into explosive revelations when Brian Gorrell used the internet as a medium in his quest for justice. He accused his ex-boyfriend a thief who took away his money and refused to pay him back. Consequently, he started writing about his ex-boyfriend and many other people connected with him. Drug addiction, homosexuality, HIV, Philippines socialite’s black secrets and the likes were only some of the things he mentioned in his blog.

After his revelations, Brian Gorrell became a phenomenon in the cyber world. His e-mail inbox might have burst out already because of hundreds of incoming messages everyday. He has become a favorite icon and subject of conversation among the press people, celebrities, and even to those who belong in the Philippines’ Alta Sociedad. He has become a subject and headlines of television news, radio reports, newspaper features, and even his fellow bloggers’ blog. There are even humorous rumors that he might be taken advantage by the two giant television networks in the Philippines to host his own show. What would be the title of the show then? Some film producers might also become very interested to make his story into film. I’m quite sure this will be a boom and a box office hit specially in the Philippines.

For months already, Brian updates his blog day by day telling the predicaments he had with his ex-boyfriend way back in the Philippines. Fellow bloggers and curious netizens also began to visit his blog site regularly to read some updates of his stories. His blog was even dubbed as a cyber soap opera or telenovela. Every time people log on the web, they won’t forget to visit his blog site and crave for more updates and revelations.

Will some TV series or shows now be threatened because of this phenomenal and astonishing response from people on the web? What a heck will that be? I’m sure some people would prefer to look forward and read a real-life story of someone who really exists than watching those fictional characters and situations on the television screen. Advertisers might also taking advantage to post their advertisements on his blog site thinking that thousands of people visit it everyday. His blog traffic is a record-breaking success for a personal blog site. I guess it would be every blogger’s dream to have more than three millions blog traffic in a matter of more than a month. Yes, more than two millions blog traffic and still increasing!

Brian claimed that he had evidences on his misfortune. He should bring this to court and file charges. Is there such law? I dunno, but seeing the blog somehow made me sad as a Pinoy, this is additional negative impression among filipinos in the Philippines. What a shame.

Through blogging, Brian Gorrel shared dirty filipino secrets that he came to know when they’re still in good terms. Brian deserves my sympathy, I hope that after he get what he wants from DJ Montano, he will come back and visit Philippines again and see that not all filipinos are like DJ Montano. On the other hand, DJ Montano is now a star not in pinoy blog community but to the entire blogospehere.


my new wordpress header

Author: aLmich

I don't really post my blog here always but I wanna brag about my new header... Please check my main blog site - www.almichael.wordpress.com


There are days wherein you can really say that you are emotionally low. You have all the burdens and problems in the world. On my part, I have the burden of being Kuya to my siblings. You see, it’s been quite a while since we lived almost altogether again. I’m used of living alone, minus all the hassles of assuming responsibilities. Now, I have to brave the thought that we have a pamangkin to take care of, to feed and and to love. I have another brother and sister in college, additional bills and expenses to mind, more mouths to feed and more entrance fees to “lakads”. Yes, our Mama will always be there but we have agreed to stand on our own and not to ask more of what she’s already providing.

In my younger days, Papa used to say that it is considered lucky when it rains on one’s birthday. He says it’s like being “showered” with blessings from above. I dunno where he got that story, but I sure believed it. See, my birthday falls right smack in the middle of summer. So much so that the coming of rain on my birthday – on March 2 – assuredly, a far-fetched idea, is more a welcome respite from the hot summer sun than the prospect of a shower of blessings down the road.

Well, so it was a very hot day once again. The sweltering summer heat has been with us for months now. June 12, Philippine Independence Day, it’s the latter part of summer. And it’s normally one of those really hot days. It’s so hot that even before you can leave the bathroom from a nice cold shower, you’re sweating again.

Anyway, I was preparing to go and check some stuffs at the mall and regretted not having left the house earlier, for the sun has raised the temperature to hell-like levels. But, a few minutes later, dark clouds started forming. Then, still a few minutes later, it began to rain!

I was intending to take the jeepney so I can save. But the rains, on this particular day, forced me to take the cab. I am not complaining.

Ordinarily, the onslaught of rains – and thunder and lightning and subsequent floods – is among the most dreaded moments for urbanites like me. [… and for some folks in the rural areas as well.] It gets difficult to travel around the metropolis when it rains. Traffic can get tied up like the proverbial Gordian knot especially on our area. We live along Boni and traffic jam has been a part of our daily lives already.

But on a day like today, I welcome the rain like it was the most wonderful thing ever created. The rain pulled down the temperature to a bit more tolerable levels. The rains, too, provided my heart the much needed “bath” it rarely ever takes – but that’s another story. The rain gave me time to reflect and feel blessed at least.

The raindrops, pitter-pattering on the cab’s roof and windshield, provided the proper ambiance for me to wax sentimental on my situation and our [with my sisters] life’s situation. Stuck in a moderate traffic snarl, I thought about a lot of things and of people that have become a part of my life for the last years.

Pitter-patter the rains went as we negotiated the fairly easy route from Boni to Megamall. I saw familiar sites on my daily travel to work…. the mall I frequent for buying goods or watching movies… the bakery where I drop by every so often for fresh, off-the-“pugon” pan de sal… the neighborhood barber shop where “kwentong barbero” is literally livened… the tunnel… the local hardware store which supplied many of the raw materials for the thousand and one “projects” we did at home, from our bunk beds, to the backyard shed, back door, computer table, benches, etc… the list is endless!

And I was momentarily awakened from my reverie with the constant pitter-patter of the rain on the cab. I asked the driver to flipped on the car radio, hoping to catch any good tune… something about the rain or birthdays, if possible. Something upbeat; nothing sentimental. But, no dice. My mind brought me to “Rainy Days and Mondays” by the Carpenters. But that is a bit too sentimental. I mean, I like the song but right now I can’t take words such as “rainy days and Mondays always get me down.” On a hot summer day like today, a rainy day is always welcome and lifts spirits. Ironic as it may sound, but a rainy day in the middle of the blistering heat brightens up my day.

And then, of course, I now have our bundle of joy [my pamangkin]. So nothing can get me down today. No rain, floods or traffic jams. No negative headlines about the rising cost of fuel and goods. No rice shortage. No Ces Drilon [though I really pray for her safety], nor the latest circus masquerading as a senate “inquiry” while millions are waging a daily war for three meals a day.…. No. No negative news will spoil my day today. It’s a good day.

Today I count my blessings. I thank God for the people around me… family and friends who have been there with me through good times and bad… and I remember those most especially who have been there in trying moments. I am grateful for all the opportunities coming my way, be it at work or elsewhere. I am thankful for simple things everyday that I oftentimes take for granted, but would probably mean the world for less fortunate brethren.

I thank Him for the love being shared. For my family [siblings - Gold, Queen, Aiza, Pipoy, Totoy, Dave, Mama, Papa, Francis-my pamangkin], my office friends [Gay wit Zelot, Mami Abi & Abhi, Alma & Nina, Julie & Kelly, Evette and Ron, Ed, Ms. Lanie, Binibining Knowel, SP people, co-QAs - Agnes, Kate, Cj and of course Ryan, Mhel, Genie, Dior, Mi and Joanne], Jc & Kiko, Jay &Guise, Mark, Ralf, Radge, etc…

I am grateful for even the pettiest squabbles with officemates or friends, for they strengthen my character and sharpen my problem-solving skills, assuming I had any to begin with. I am grateful for friends who I hang out with, whether to exchange funny anecdotes or sob stories, over a bottle of beer or two. I am thankful for drinking sprees on weekends where we exchange even funnier and embarrassing stories because of our drunken, uninhibited state. Cheers!

I am grateful for friends who come to me for advice even on situations I don’t have the expertise for. The experience, I can assure you, is most flattering. But I do my best to give “proper” advice.

I am thankful for the food I eat everyday, cringing with guilt at how often I complain to myself at the little variety there is to eat at Banchetto, when millions would rather be in my place than their one-meal-on-a-lucky-day routine.

I am thankful for my rickety, relic heart – old yet reliable – who’s seen better days, but still continues to serve me faithfully, and yes, reliably. Reliably because It can control itself from falling in love without his older brother brain. I am thankful for even the daily traffic jams because it means that I at least have work and an office to go to, while a lot are out there struggling to find a decent job.

I am grateful for the camping adventures we’re currently trying to maintain which has provided me not just thrills and excitements but with a bigger circle of friends. I am thankful for the occasional movie and spa sessions for providing momentary escape and relaxation from the daily grind at work.

And yes, I am thankful for rainy days, even when they bring more traffic and commuting woes. On a day like today, rains pitter-pattering on the taxi’s roof, I am thankful for the respite from the hot summer sun…. and yes, even for the promise of the proverbial shower of blessings from above. Rainy days and Monday always get me down, Karen Carpenter once sang. But rainy days on a very hot summer are a cause for celebration for me.

Rains on my birthday are not just a welcome pause from hellish temperatures. They also serve as an assurance…. They tell me that despite all the chaos in the world, all the problems around me, all the troubles bedeviling people, there is a respite for everything… and everything will be all right.


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> pooR mcDo servicE

Author: aLmich

I’m a person who enjoys life’s simple pleasures. A walk in the park, isaw sa UP, DVD marathon and even drive thrus.

For months now, the McDonalds Greenhills Drive Thru doesn’t have a menu that drivers can peruse before giving their order. Oftentimes, your orders depend on your familiarity with the menu and the counter person’s verbal explanation. I have pointed this out already to the manager at least three times on different occasions during the past months but there has been no change.

Aside from that, last weekend, I ordered breakfast items that included coffee and pancakes. The counter person handed me the bulk of my order and said there were a couple of items still missing. My “company” stopped me from using my venom so I kept quiet which rarely happens.

When she came back, she was trying to hand me a cup of coffee and the containers for the pancakes’ syrup. I requested her to put them in a plastic bag, and she countered that she’ll give me the items as well as the plastic bag, implying that I should be the one to put the said items in the plastic bag myself. I contradicted her directive and demanded that she put the items and hand them to me when it’s properly arranged in the plastic bags.

I requested for the supervisor and pointed out the two incidents. The manager said she will speak with the persons concerned. I really hate poor services especially in these kind of establishment. I even remember one ocassion wherein I really blurted out “Ayusin mong trabaho mo ha!”

It was a good thing that I was with somebody that time. Mcdonalds personnel need to be reminded that the drive thru was created to add to the convenience of the consumers, supposedly ensuring that food will be given in a timely manner as well as bagged in such a way that will ensure easy handling and transportation.

The lack of a menu slows down the whole process, which, I’m very sure has a time limit; and the improper bagging could lead to accidents such as the infamous Mcdonalds case with the first degree burns suffered from a coffee spill from a drive thru incident.


> i'M busy!

Author: aLmich

We’ve all been in situations where we have nothing to do even at work and you don’t feel well. That has happened to me just last week. We had low contacts, with only five [5] agents calling, an upset stomach and LBM symptoms. The funny thing? I was questioned by my supervisor or at least was given a comment because I busied myself doing lay outs after I have sent the report requested by our Shift Manager. Being the rebellious as I am, my initial reaction was… Huh? What’s the difference? While I use my Adobe, she was busy surfing the net, some are busy with their boyfriends, some are busy updating their friendster, some cruises, some pretends… Doesn’t my Adobe Photoshop equate their yahoo games? Their endless talk over the telephone?

But since it’s what they want I have thought of easy ways to look like we’re doing something. If you don’t have a clue to do this, this list will really help you out.

  • Have a notebook and pen right next to you. If someone passes by you, just pick it up and start writing.
  • Pretend you’re softrosing someone. People are bound to ask who you’re IM’ing so, just close it and say “secret”…
  • Try and have multiple tabs open on our computer. Keep one tab open on some very work related Excel. When someone comes close, switch to that tab and pretend to be deeply engrossed in it. Your boss will leave you alone forever. Maintain that expression, even while on a different tab. But be careful, they may get you involved in the most boring or complicated reports now!
  • If you’re at your desk, writing or something, run your pen over your work, as if checking for mistakes.
  • Always keep a word file open and cut paste some weird stuff there. When they see you chatting just Alt+Tab to the word file and pretend that you have typed it there yourself.
  • Hide yourself in the corner where no one can see your monitor screen.
  • When setting off on your task, look for anything that you can use to stall. Maybe a shoelace of yours got untied, or you need to straighten your shirt and a pen fell out, oversized jacket or other things like that.
  • When at your workstation, pretend you sat on something sharp. Pretend to examine the area.
  • Wear your headset and listen to old recordings.
  • Drop a pen by accident. Pick it up and pretend that the cap fell off too. Anything will work as long as it prolongs your stalling time.
  • Shift objects to make you comfortable. Don’t get up and start walking around moving tables, just pretend you are organizing your workstation.
  • Pretend you have a small crack in your neck. Start stretching, but not too long as people might get suspicious.
  • Pretend you’re assisting people by standing and walking pass each ones backs.
  • If people can’t see your screen, type on your keyboards like you’re using a classic typewriter.
  • Run to the production floor and talk to an agent wearing that “I’m pissed” face.
  • If somebody called you, try to prolong the conversation by doing rapport and sharing senseless comments.
  • Lastly, act like you’re really tired, drag your feet, set your volume to eight [8] then stretch with the words “Haaayyyy, nakakapagod talaga”, go home early and put that perfect gloomy eyes.

With all these, you can now be a part of dulaang UP! Teatro Tomasino or join “The Rent”.

PS : She might not know it… she used to have my loyalty. Ngayon, ewan ko nalang…


> thaT's my parT MariaH

Author: aLmich

We all love Mariah aren’t we? I have come to adore her since time immemorial. Kaye [Nate's sister] is a die hard fan of this diva, my sisters, office mates, Jc and almost all the people I know love her. Being so, I think she really deserves this post.

For us, stage glitches mean malfunctioning microphone, no audio, disarrayed stage props etc… The words “disastrous Mariah Carey TV appearance” make one think of broken legs or sparks from malfunctioning lights setting hair on fire, but fortunately, neither of those things happened to Mariah on Good Morning America. Things just went a little wrong during one of her songs - the backing track was miscued and it started playing before she was ready and at the latter part of the song, she threw in a hint to the sound guys by adding the lyrics “Stop Singing My Part Baby” to her song! I love it, the save was so fabu!

The DJ even said on an interview that there have been times that MC told her backup singers to sing certain parts, like higher parts, when MC’s voice couldn’t handle it like if she was having a bad day or something. I guess that is something that they would agree to prior to certain performances or something. But then on GMA the other day I guess the backup was singing stuff Mariah didn’t want her to. Too funny, she is chastising her singer[s] in the song.

There had been so many negative comments about it but I can’t think of better way to handle those. And if she really acted diva-like, well she is.

Then Mariah sort of got upset before another song when she didn’t know when she was supposed to start.


I go to gym. I minimize fat and calorie intake. I try as much as I can not to give in to my cravings but there’s one thing I cannot really avoid - ice cream!!! I love chocolate. To give me less of the ice cream and chocolate that I paid for just makes me furious, which I managed to control when I ordered a Brownie Temptation with Chocolate Chips Blizzard for take out for the first time.

It was a quick and short noticed Dairy Queen visit courtesy of my “new” [whatever that means. I'll take time to write about that "new" guy. Anyway, I just felt shortchanged considering how I patronize their products. Their branches [gateway, trinoma, rob galle & glorrietta] are not even near my place so it takes real effort to have a DQ experience.

I was disconcerted when I noticed that the usually overflowing Blizzard was about a quarter inch short of the cup’s rim, which made me request the Dairy Queen server to add more, which he readily did.I was disturbed further when he didn’t do the customary upside down move, but perfunctorily gave me the covered cup.

Afterwards I conferred with a DQ staff, who informed me of a very alarming procedure when I inquired about what they do when a client orders take out.

If the Dairy Queen client forgot to inform the cashier that it’s take out, then they suggest that the client eat part of the product so that the flat lid may be closed. If they know beforehand that it’s take out, then they deliberately lessen the product so there’s no difficulty with sealing the lid. And they do away with the upside down move completely when it’s take out.

These revelations were just too horrible, but I kept my temper in check and suggested two things:

  • Give customers the choice. Give the consumer the choice of what to do with the product when it’s take out. If the client chooses to eat or throw away part of the product in order to close the lid, then that’s his choice, not theirs. Don’t take that choice away from the consumer.
  • Please reinstate the Upside Down Move The upside down move is a trademark of Dairy Queen. They shouldn’t take it away just because it’s take out.

And, as I pointed out, my Brownie Temptation with Chocolate Chips Blizzard should be free, because that’s what it says on their sign, ‘Served Upside Down or it’s Free.’ [The same thing happened to my friend when I asked her to buy take out for me, and the server also didn’t do the upside down move].

So now, to avoid my Blizzard being reduced, what I do is to give the order without informing them of my intentions. After they do the customary upside down move, I request for a lid and a plastic bag.

I polish off part of the Dairy Queen Blizzard and close the lid myself. Very minor inconveniences when it concerns ice cream and chocolate but what can I do? And of all things… please, not my ice cream.


> Z's birThday basH

Author: aLmich

Zelot’s birthday party was a blast. I’m the type who writes a lot but I can’t find the right words to better describe it. I think these pictures will be enough to do justice on what I feel and how it went.


> gooD houSekeePing

Author: aLmich

Living alone for quite sometime didn’t help me to do better in house keeping. In fact, instead of learning more household chores or cooking recipes, I ended up forgetting everything my Tito Medel has taught me. Tito has been a supervisor for Aristocrat once so he really knows good food. My Tita Nhia had no choice but to be one too, and since I spent most of my high school years with them, they taught me a lot of these “house” stuffs.

With new hopes that I can still be that “perfect-kitchen-guy” in the future, I resorted to watching anything that tackles good house keeping, home makeovers and cooking. For one, I have loved watching Rachael Ray’s 30 Minute meals who was once an object or our [Ron, I & Jc] kakulitan as we imagined writing her a letter suggesting that she make a 30 Minute version of cooking “Halayang Ube” for us. Watching Ray’s 30 Minute Meals on the Lifestyle Network channel made me aware of canned chicken or beef broth.

However, a perusal of the Shopwise Grocery shelves only yielded the powder, cube style or cream type. The nearest one that came to broth was fat free, and, therefore, tasted really bland, plus it was expensive to boot at an estimated Php 94 price at least according to that Lola who was also shopping then.
I wanted to avoid any preparation, lazy person that I am, so when I spied at SM Supermarket a cheap Php 23.50 can of Soup’er Fish Misua Soup, I decided to buy 2 cans so that I could try it out even though I’ve never heard of the brand before.

However, at that price, my expectations were really low. I was assuming that the soup would be really watery with hardly any of the mackerel and thin wheat noodles [misua] that are pictured on the label.

I was pleasantly surprised to find that the thin wheat noodles [misua] were so plentiful it made the soup quite creamy, plus, there was enough mackerel to make it satisfying.

Well, other people seemed to have discovered Soup’er Fish Misua Soup, because the last time I went to SM Supermarket there were only 3 cans left. I would have gotten all three but one had a huge dent at the side.

Now, I’m thinking of that chicken tapa Mhel was suggesting last week. Long way to go!