> oh mY cHocnuT
Author: aLmich
> wouLd you give me Your starBucks sticker?
Author: aLmich
The feeling of excitement, coffee...
The euphoria from too much caffeine, Kafei...
A feeling that all is at one with the universe, Cafe...
The mental energy and the overwhelming potential stored within, Gehve...
l feel as if nothing can stop me as I am fueled for action, Qahwa...
A bracing bitter taste mixes with the spicy flavor of caffeine as it, Koffie...
Rolls around my tastebuds, Masbout...
The bonhomie and conversational lift, Joe...
The creativity and ideas flow quicker, Java...
Used by artists, thinkers, composers, politicos, and me, cafecito'...
How do I love thee, oh my coffee...?
> mocK mE!
Author: aLmich
I met Mami Cez yesterday at Winsource because I needed to make-asikaso na my clearance. It's already 7 months and I have not started anything yet. Not even filing one. We talked and laughed so much while having breakfast at Chef Angelo that we didn't realize how time flew. One of the topics was the call center dillema of handling shitty/bitchy customers and how we deal with it.
I have this way of dealing with stupid customers. When customers call in and start acting really stupid, or being rude, I usually press the mute button on my headset and proceed to mock the customer to no end. Not just, "you're stupid", no, I go on and on, ad infinitum. You know how some people create with paint and canvas, or clay and a potter's wheel. Well, I am an artisan of mocking. Everything from your lack of distinct genitalia, to your sexual inadequacies, to the fact that your family tree never branches out and ends with a detailed description of your mother's shortcomings. I know there are mali practices but I can't help it. Good thing I don't need to deal with them anymore.
When people call in, many of them labor under the misapprehension that we are glad to hear from them and are looking forward to helping them no matter how they may act to us. Most of the time we feel exactly the opposite. We're not happy to be here, the boss is yelling at us and our desk is awash in stupid memos. So we are marking time until we can punch that clock and leave Purgatory.
Now of course if a customer calls in and approaches us the right way, many of us will go out of our way to help them, and we don't all hate people. I do like that I get an opportunity to really help people from time to time. But the idea that call center employees are some large group of concierge-like people who are just waiting for the phone to ring so they can kiss your boots, well, you're just very mistaken...
> teasEr
Author: aLmich> The beacH aLa JC
Author: aLmich> grafiTTi
Author: aLmich> higHnesS on a bLast
Author: aLmich
JC thought Beyoncé was there. The driveway was blocked off to accommodate this huge backup/entourage, which was also spotted at Shangri-La mall on Sunday. Finally JC couldn't stand it and asked the guard if Beyoncé was inside the mall.
Had the blast happened in the US, you can expect any or all of these things to happen:
What the hell happened to the activist, welga - and petition-loving Filipinos? So quiet all of a sudden?
In some sort of way I think the people have spoken.
We were there for dinner and found a virtual ghost town. Nobody wants to go there because they're afraid. It feels creepy. People died there.There are no answers. Was it terrorism, negligence or an accident? You can still smell some kind of sulfur [I don't really know] near the boarded up site of the blast.
If you have some sort of third eye, there are certain spots near the blast that feel quiet heavy. I've talked to sales staff who talked about dismal sales in November where sales are supposed to go up. One said they would scare each other at closing, cigarette or toilet breaks about ghosts lurking around the mall.
We're just waiting for answers. Meanwhile the mall remains empty. JC and I met up at 7:15 pm and found Rustan's empty.
It's usually time for some Christmas shopping but the usually busy places were empty:
I had really good service for each store because it was empty. JC and I both enjoyed shopping, no lines at the fitting rooms and cashier, for a change.
We would've gone to Topshop for DJ's bilins but it was boarded up.
In the US, there are PR people you can hire for damage control. I'm just a citizen but I can think up of ways to draw people back into the mall: first of all serious sales, discounts and promos, and I mean really juicy ones not offered in other malls. Just to get people used to going back to Glorietta. Give tenants a break and lower their rent. [*EDIT: I've heard they are being given 20% discount but sales are so bad.] But most importantly issue an apology and statement from the mall.
> mainTaining a good LIFE with Pastor CarL
Author: aLmich
I woke up today with good vibes and mood. So I thought, what would be the best way to start the week? but with HIM...
Here's Pastor Carl to set us on the right path.
"Good morning! I hope you had a relaxing weekend and have started your week off with enthusiasm and energy.
Life can be so complicated at times. We set out wide-eyed and eager on the various journeys that we are called to, but inevitably the trials and tribulations come. Even the most optimistic and upbeat person can lose their enthusiasm if they are not careful to guard their heart.
Over the last several weeks I had found myself in just such a place. My awakening point, if you will, was an email from a dear friend who simply asked: “Where has your enthusiasm gone?” My friend continued to observe that I was adrift in a sea of negativity…and she was right!!! In a recent phone call with my mentor, I asked the question: “How do you keep moving forward when there is no wind left in your sails.” Before I give you the counsel of this wise man (he once told me that he is bald, because there is so much contained in his mind), I want to share this verse with you:
Ephesians 6:7 (NLT)
Work with enthusiasm, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people.
My mentor gave me this same advice. He helped me to see that I was basing my enthusiasm on the response of others and not on the one for whom I work. To put it simply I was finding myself worn down by the response of others to the things the Lord is asking me to do. In reality, the only thing that truly matters is that I be faithful to His leading and put the response of others in His hands.
I already knew that I “perform” for an audience of One, but sometimes the divide between knowing it and living it can be expansive. I had to readjust my focus. I had to clarify who it is that I must please. The bottom line is…it is God!!! Wow, what a breakthrough….what a relief….what a burden lifted!!!
It is so much simpler when I focus solely on Him. I am finding a renewed excitement and enthusiasm. My focus is no longer on polls and approval ratings, but is instead back on the one I truly work for.
This week you may find that your enthusiasm is a bit lacking. I encourage you to take a few moments and refocus on who it is you truly work for. When you put your eyes back on him your work will become a joy and you will once again become exceedingly enthusiastic.
Until next Monday, may God’s richest blessings be yours this week."
More of Pastor Carl's at http://pastorcarl.wordpress.com/