> for ouR desKtop

Author: aLmich

I've been transferred to another program at last! [*whew! what a relief..]
I've long been requesting for that. And now I'll be calling Academix Direct. A lead generation type wherein we call people who have plans of pursing college. We then provide 3 universities that have matched their criteria.

I just love the fact that I'm into something new. I wont be selling internet advertising, telephone subscription nor pushing for natural gas anymore. We'll just be verifying informations and then refer them to US universities and Colleges. A li'l bit of this, that and a lot of chit chat!

And more thing, I have Gretch , Myah, Ms. Diana too!
What more can I ask for?


> preTend thaT he's gonE

Author: aLmich

Dreamt about [let's call him] C last night --- which bothers me because I hadn't thought about him in a really long time.

You know when you start feeling like you're in a good place and that you've actually started to move on, but then you find yourself thinking about someone you just wish you could erase from your memory... sort of like what Jim Carrey tried to do in "Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind".

Sometimes, I think that if I could completely erase C from my mind, I would. But that was before --- before, when I used to wish he'd get an STD or that his career would fall apart or that he'd just do me a favour and fucking leave Manila, you know?

It's weird how bitterness can just turn you into this horrible kind of person, you know? You get so stuck in feeling bad.

I once read, "Resentment is like taking poison and waiting for the other person to die."

No shit.

That's exactly how I was living.

But now? Yeah, the dream kind of shook me up, but I can see now that maybe I should be glad that things turned out the way that they did. Who'd want to be with a horrible person who didn't recognize your worth, anyway? If you were still with that person, you'd never be open and available to meet the person you're supposed to be with.

That sort of thing.

If I had to see him now, I don't think I'd even have the energy to say anything to him. I'd rather we just both pretended the other didn't exist anymore.

Sometimes, pretending just makes it easier.


> Let's be niCe todaY

Author: aLmich

"No act of kindness, however small, is ever wasted." - Aesop

On my way home today, traffic was bumper to bumper, the traffic lights seem to be sira na naman and coffee had dripped from the cheap paper cup onto my clean white shirt yet I tried to smile and control the PI word come out of my mouth. I was getting into the swing of things for "Random Acts of Kindness Week".

Yes, it's more than a slogan on a bumper sticker. It doesn't really matter what you do; kindness comes in all shapes and sizes. Maybe you can help an old lady cross the street, bring in your neighbor's trash cans, or help a stranger change a tire. Hahaha am I nuts? I'm not, mabait lang talaga ako today. If you have trouble thinking of something, approach me [*hehehe].

It would be best to just let it be a mystery.

However you spread kindness this week, have fun and smile.


> celebrate singLehood

Author: aLmich

"Although I'm rarely accused of "having good timing" [or tact, for that matter], it seems that my luck has finally turned: Today I've parted ways with the jerk, er, guy I was seeing, just in time for the nonstop thrill ride that is National Singles Week. Er, excuse me -- National Unmarried and Singles Americans Week. Because I am nothing if not a serious investigative journalist, I did a hard-hitting piece on the phenomenon that's sweeping our nation: Celebrating being single during an assigned week! Most reporters would shy away from such a controversial subject. Not me. It's all about the story, people. With that, today's column, Party of One. Cue "All By Myself."

Party of one

If you're one of the 95 million Americans who stubbornly refuse to join in wedded bliss, the commemorative holiday you've been feverishly anticipating is finally here. That's right, spouse-less slackers, it's National Unmarried And Single Americans Week! Possessors of a marriage license, get thee to the sleepy bedroom 'burbs. This week is NOT for you!
As for the rest -- I know it's difficult to contain your exuberance.

You've no doubt already planned several rollicking events, probably involving whipped cream and speed dating.

You've no doubt already planned several rollicking events, probably involving whipped cream and speed dating. After all, times when you can officially celebrate not having a ball & chain come but once a year. [Excluding bachelor parties. Obviously.]

The esteemed holiday was founded in 1984 by a courageous group of Ohioans called the Buckeye Singles Council, who clearly had too much free time on their [ring-less] hands. Disgruntled with the smug marrieds in their state, they decided that they just wouldn't stand for it anymore.No longer....

No longer would they ignore the blatant favoritism accorded to those with marriage certificates!
No longer would they put up with the inferior status of those without contractual agreements sealed with large, expensive parties involving multi-tiered cakes!

No longer would they answer their mother's insistent phone calls about "that nice Jewish orthodontist"!

They retaliated by proclaiming that forthwith, the third week in September would be reserved solely for honoring unmarried people throughout the nation as well as creating awareness of the rampant discrimination against their kind.

Oh, you think the unattached don't really suffer discrimination? I bet you're married, you single-hater!Stigma and embarrassment.

According to one dating expert I spoke with, "There is still a stigma and embarrassment about being alone."

Yeah! Here's to all the stigmatized, embarrassed singles out there. Grab your cats and a bottle of warm white wine and raise a toast to life without joint tax returns, "checking in," and mandatory visits with ugly in-laws.

"This week single people are finally given permission to actually get out and enjoy themselves," the expert explained.

Singles are the only people who DON'T need permission to go enjoy themselves!
Singles are the only people who DON'T need permission to go enjoy themselves!
Beyond that, how should we losers without wedding bands celebrate this momentous occasion? Alcohol, nudity, repeated trips to Scores?
According to the expert, we can "get a good night's sleep, hang out with friends, or go for a great haircut."
Personally, I was leaning towards the alcohol and nudity, but okay. I guess a haircut sounds nice too.
And of course, nothing says "I'm going all out to properly commemorate National Unmarried and Single Americans Week" like getting a good night's sleep.
I knew this was going to be the Best Week Ever."

--Julia Allison [http://dating.personals.yahoo.com/singles/datingtips/39619/party-of-one]

*kulit no?


I was browsing through friend's blogpages and got inspired with one of the background music. An Original Pilipino Music entitled “San Na Nga Bang Barkada Ngayon”. Roan, used the same for a video made for our batch. This inspired me to look for pinoy mp3s on the web.

In my search, I came across the songs of Eraserheads and Rivermaya. I decided to download most of the songs I knew and listened. I didn’t realize how this could just bring back so many good memories from the not so distant past.

First I was listening to The Eraserheads’ tracks from its Ultra Electro Magnetic Pop Album [their very first]. I got this album when I was still in hayskul. My classmates, who was still trying to find their music identity at that time, also wanted this album and so we shared same moments of senti and kanta along our ways home. The tracks included songs like “Toyang”, “Pare Ko”,”Tindahan Ni Aling Nena”, and “Ligaya”.

We could sing along with the songs knowing the lyrics of each one of them since they were very easy to learn. Those were the best years I had bonding with my ka-baste98.

I’ve always loved the Pinoy alternative music especially the ones I grew up with. These were bands like The Eraserheads, Rivermaya, True Faith, Put3ska, *heck, even Yano, The Youth [remember Multong Bakla?], and that band who sang that psycho song “Lakas Tama”. Those were the Pinoy bands of my time. Club Dredd was the place to be for Pinoy rock and every claimed-to-be-punk in our class obliged to have the bar's shirt, and that other rock band place somewhere near UST in EspaƱa [Mayrics?].

I never went to both places and only heard them from my older guy cousins or titos who would go there and watch. Only them were allowed to go there.

I remember some of my girlfriends decided to go to a Pulp Magazine sponsored concert in Manila. They were surprised to find themselves being thrown in a the mosh pit but terribly enjoyed the whole experience. This was one of the things I didn’t experience in my youth. Being thrown in a mosh pit and crowd surfing. I would still want to do it for the thrill of it.

As I grow older, my taste for music has become more diverse and yet, I still feel like I’m home when I listen to OPM Rock.

Even now, everytime the baste98 meets, kantahan while toma sa tunog ng E-heads ang isa sa pinakamasaya. We have all developed this love and great friendship sa isa't isa kasabay sa tunog ng gitara. Hanggang ngayon buong-buo pa rin kami. Malayo man ang iba, we know that the kapusong-Baste remains in our hearts.

Now, that IS an accomplishment.


> mag-exeRcise tayo!

Author: aLmich

This entry has long been delayed but I'm posting it anyway.

A friend sent me a link of a video aptly titled “The Prison Break Dance”. I was amused to see that it was the whole “Thriller” dance routine by Michael Jackson was performed by 1,500 Filipino prisoners at CPDRC [Cebu Provincial Detention and Rehabilitation Cente]. I went to YouTube and searched for more videos and found out that the CPDRC Prison inmates have been doing several other “performances” as their daily morning exercise! This was spearheaded by security consultant, Byron F. Garcia, who realized that music help “drastically” improve inmates behaviour.


I think the idea is brilliant. Where else can you find not only dancing cooks and waiters but also prison inmates doing song and dance production as their morning routine? Only in the Philippines! Kidding aside, I give props to Mr. Garcia for being able to mobilize a whole prison and make the inmates participate in this project. Morning exercises never looked so much fun and entertaining!


My ofis-besfrends have long been asking me to make wallpapers for their desktop and cellphones. And since I can't sleep, I gave in... *hehehe


> bunTis cHronicLe

Author: aLmich

Matt arrived from the States early today...
Siyempre si Ate excited...


Imagine waking up every day at 8PM and heading to work until 7AM. Would you be able to adapt to working nights and sleeping when the sun is up? There's a reason they call it the graveyard shift, but for the increasing number of callcenter/shift workers in the Philippines, overnight jobs and constantly changing schedules are a reality that cannot be avoided.

Understandably, many may be tempted to live on a steady dose of caffeine or prescription stimulant medications just like I do. I can't start my day wthout a venti Cafe Americano or a Mocha Frappe with a shot of espresso. But these can only help for so long and come with some side effects. How can you naturally adjust to an unusual sleeping pattern?

Sleeping When the Sun is Up
The key to adjusting your sleeping pattern lies in changing your body's circadian rhythm, a sort of natural alarm clock that helps to regulate your hormones, body temperature, heart rate and other functions to the rhythm of the day. This circadian clock is normally timed to the earth's natural light and dark cycles, which is perfect for the regular office job. But for people who work in industries that require round-the-clock employees, like the police force, hospital system, call centers, newsrooms and mining companies, this clock needs to be reset.

Resetting your circadian clock takes a bit of work, however. For overnight workers, once the body gets used to being up at night and sleeping during the day, things get a bit easier. But for those with a constantly-changing schedule, also called a rotating shift, the circadian clock has a tough time constantly readjusting. It is this last type of shift work that tends to be most taxing on the body.

Graveyard workers are of course prone to being asleep at work. These workers are more likely to experience stomach problems, colds, flu, weight gain, heart problems and higher blood pressure caused as a result of the stresses that shift work can put on a person's mind and body.

However, there are some things you can do to get a good night—or day—of sleep before heading off to work.

Start a Bedtime Ritual
It is recommended that shift workers should create an environment that will allow them to relax and sleep easily.

Take a warm bath or listen to soothing music.
I, personally have a bunch of sweet rhythms and [*get this] Christmas songs downloaded on my shuffle or cellphone.
Avoid caffeine within 5 hours of bedtime. [*through which I'm having problem because my Ate Erlynn and I are just coffee addicts even at home]

Avoid over-stimulating mental activities shortly before bed, such as a reading an exciting book or working on a crossword puzzle.

Lower the temperature in your bedroom to help you sleep. [*so kelangan may aircon!]
Use light-blocking blinds or wear eye shades. [*aside from the usual curtains, I have a blanket to cover our room and I also have an eye cover to totally block any light coming through]
Keep a fan on or wear ear plugs to block out ambient noise.
Keep Alert at Work
Be sure to wake up well before your shift begins just in case you are a bit drowsy. If you need a cup of coffee to get you going, just be sure to only drink caffeinated beverages early on in your shift so it doesn't interfere with sleep later. Interacting with coworkers can also help keep your mind alert, as can short bursts of exercise such as climbing the stairs or taking a brisk walk.

If you feel drowsy on the ride home, don't fight it: be sure to pull over to the side of the road. [*pang-mayaman 'to kse kelangan may kotse] Carpooling can help ensure that you get home safely.

Eat Well [*hmmm]
Callcenters and hospitals dependent on shift workers will often operate a limited part of in-house cafeterias during the overnight hours. Beyond that, vending machines and greasy diners are the only other options. Bring a meal from home whenever possible. Munching on carrots or other crunchy vegetables can also help keep you alert. Some experts suggest eating smaller portions throughout the day instead of three large meals to avoid a shift worker's tendency to get heartburn and other stomach problems. But realize that there will be the temptation to join your family for a heavy dinner when you're first waking up.
Make Time for Your Family
While shift work can allow you to be home during the day, it can leave little time to spend with family who may be at work or school. Set up a schedule that will allow you to spend some time with your loved-ones. Whether it's always reading your daughter a bedtime story before heading off to work or spending Sunday shopping with your wife, shift work doesn't mean the end of a cohesive family. [* i might do this na rin kse Ate's having a baby anytime this week]

Weekends can be especially hard, as you will want to take advantage of the time to spend some daylight hours with friends or family. While experts stress the importance of maintaining your sleep schedule, it's simply impossible for most to keep it up through the weekend. Just be sure that family and friends understand your situation so that they are respectful of the time you do have to spend with them and the time you choose to spend asleep. [* dito pumapasok ang mga taong walang habas kung magtxt! punyeta!]

Without the stress of rush hour traffic or the monotony of a nine-to-five job, shift work can be appealing to many people. And by adding a strong routine to your overnight or shifting work schedule, you can stay healthy, too.

So people stay healthy! Live a normal life even with the abnormal situation. Afterall, you're paid better naman diba?

Lovelife and sexlife? that can be worked on.


> neW perKs

Author: aLmich

Things will be a bit different for me. Instead of the usual 10pm-7am workload, I'll be on a 3am-12pm sked now. I've been given the opportunity to be transferred to a new program as I have long wished. This is way cool for me since I typically worked 10-7 ever since... it's like getting a bunch of free time every week and better working habit I hope.
So lemme think of new perks to spice up my new found life. I'm excited!
Now.... what to do with all that time off?


> wHen and wHere?

Author: aLmich

So, according to AskMen.com, women give terrible relationship advice and men should perfect the art of blowing off a girl.


I don't know why I'm even reading this. It's just making me feel like, "You know what? Let's not bother with this. You're not even straight! Future spinsterhood, here I come!"

I don't know... maybe they're onto something, though. Sometimes, when my female friends are giving me advice, I sort of feel like I can't really trust what they're saying.

Like Samantha on Sex and the City said to Carrie, "Honey, we're as fucked up as you are. It's like the blind leading the blind."

So far, what I've been doing is this: nothing. Okay. That's not true. I've been trying to assess the situation. You don't want to chase after someone who's just gotten out of a relationship. But how long do you wait? And how do you carefully lay down the groundwork so that you're seen as someone they should seriously consider dating?
Hmmm... this is promising. I may not be straight but it can work either way isn't it? And pullleeeaaazzzeee... look at the guy, he's crying for me. I can't just leave him. *sigh

I don't know.


> baby sLide

Author: aLmich