> joyCe's weDDing
Author: aLmich
While hurrying every office responsibility to be finished last Friday, I received a call from Nathan asking me to attend Joyce’s [high school friend] wedding. I immediately agreed for it has been a long time since I saw her and I just happened to be one of the Godfathers of his child. They’ve been married already but I guess they just wanna do it again for whatever reason I surely appreciate anyway.
I remembered wasting time the other week, chatting with friends, looking at celebrities captured in photos showing off their baby bumps and downloading music at home, I learned via friendster that a friend is getting married. There she was flashing that huge rock with stars in her eyes and I was very happy for her. I knew it was coming, they’ve been together forever.
Her engagement news followed my receipt of a card reminding me that one of my friend from my former company is getting married next month. I emailed her thanking her for the invite and she politely let me know that it was just a Save the Date - the actual invite would come later.
I know nothing about the wedding process, and that doesn’t bother me. I am just irritated that marriage seems to be the topic of all of the conversations around me lately. Another friend has been engaged for months, my cousin and her significant other eloped about a week ago [and decided to tell us after] and I have a feeling that a few more friends and relatives will be walking down the aisle sooner rather than later.
And as my circle of single friends continues to dwindle, I’m struggling to figure out who I will begin spending all my free time with. I’m beginning to think weddings are the lates trend - I just didn’t get the memo.
I don’t wanna burden myself with such thoughts though.
The day didn’t just end there, after the ceremony, Nates and I went to Quiapo for some DVD haggling. I guess I’ll be married to my DVDs first… at least for the moment.

. jOurneY to tHe cenTer
Author: aLmich
Journey to the Center of the Earth is definitely a “pambata” film, but don’t let that put you off because it’s quite enjoyable. Just don’t expect too much and let the child in you to come out. Jc, Ralf, Kiko and I enjoyed it. I wasn’t that bothered about seeing the film itself. I was more interested to see the 3D stuff in action. We originally planned to watch it’s 3D version at MOA. Unfortunately, Kiko found out they were only showing the 2D version so we thought Megamall wont be bad, I thought I’d give it a go anyway.
It’s not overloaded with story. It’s like Disney World meets The Mummy, but even without the 3D effects it was fun. I’m guessing with the 3D stuff it will be quite cool. I’m not sure I can be bothered to go again and see the 3D version, so if anyone goes to see it, please tell me what the visuals were like…
Brendan FraserR has gone subterranean for his newest popcorn offering and, frankly, can you blame him? After chasing down the undead in Egypt, Morocco and, coming soon — just in time for the Olympics — China [with "The Mummy: The Tomb of the Dragon"], it’s probably nice to go someplace where you don’t need to slather on the sunblock and compete with hordes of scene-grubbing extras.
You would have to look deep under the lava rock to find any bit players lurking in “Journey to the Center of the Earth,” which qualifies as one of the most underpopulated science-fiction opuses since “2001: A Space Odyssey.” Geared toward kids of an age group more conversant with Dr. Seuss than Jules Verne, this rambunctious and ridiculous 3-D version seems intent on curtailing the actorly histrionics in favor of reptilian creatures that thwack, rubber-band style, in our faces.
Like any conscientious movie critic, I do what I can to avoid clichés, and since I am only human I don’t always succeed. But I have long vowed never to stoop to what I regard as the lowest kind of hackery, which is to describe a motion picture as a thrill ride, a heckofa ride or any other kind of ride. So what am I supposed to do about “Journey to the Center of the Earth,” a new movie that shares its name with a beloved Jules Verne novel, copies of which occasionally appear on screen? On their way to the titular destination, the three main characters — a geologist [Brendan Fraser], his young nephew [Josh Hutcherson] and an Icelandic mountain guide [Anita Briem) — speed down steeply inclined tracks in wheeled cars, ]rather like a roller coaster. A bit later, as they fly through the subterranean air, one of them predicts that they will descend into something “just like a water slide.” Near the end, after they have parasailed, fled from beasts and surfed on magnetic rocks, they whiz down a green hillside on a sled improvised from the jawbone of a dinosaur.The movie had a happy ending pero ako kelangan pa dumiretso sa opisina at magtrabaho. Whew! talking about sad ending.

> yOur words, my worDs...
Author: aLmich
“Everything will come to pass.”
“You can do it, I believe in you!”
“We know you, we’re here for you.”
Those words are some of the most powerful we´ll ever hear and when they come from someone we respect and trust, they mean even more. They say that men are motivated by work successes and women by their men. While that exact statement might be a little off these days, it is true that we need another person to support us. No man is an island [sorry for the cliche].
My life has been in turmoil for these past weeks. I wanna take the opportunity to say sorry to all the people I may have wronged.
When your world seems disarrayed and everything is turning against you, it is definitely worth taking the time to find a friend who can support you in the endeavor. Some are strong enough to forge ahead and be successful anyway, but not everyone can do it. Most of us need encouragement when the chips are down and if you can`t find that at home, you`ll need it from a best friend or even a stranger.
Last weekend, Jc, I and Ralf braved the sputtering rain, made our way to Coffee Nook and spilled all our emotions. Two buckets of beer, sisig, coffee, sinigang, steak and the ambiance loosened everything that has been bothering us. Each one’s words of encouragement made us stronger and happy in the course of life we’re taking. Thank you guys. Some people may have thought they know everything about me and so made them feel they can easily judge but I feel so blessed to know that you will always be there. You’ve seen everything about me, you know what I have, what I can and what I’m capable of.
Words are powerful. Encourage someone, get a little encouragement and everybody wins!
PS- I guess the rain and the overflowing emotions didn’t successfully outrun our humor. We even managed to take pictures and act like nothing burdened us.

> fuCkeD uP
Author: aLmich
I hate the world today
You’re so good to me
I know but I can’t change
Tried to tell you
But you look at me like maybe
I’m an angel underneath
Innocent and sweet
Yesterday I cried
Must have been relieved to see
The softer side
I can understand how you’d be so confused
I don’t envy you
I’m a little bit of everything
All rolled into oneI’m a bitch, I’m a lover
I’m a child, I’m a mother
I’m a sinner, I’m a saint
I do not feel ashamed
I’m your hell, I’m your dream
I’m nothing in between
You know you wouldn’t want it any other waySo take me as I am
This may mean
You’ll have to be a stronger man
Rest assured that
When I start to make you nervous
And I’m going to extremes
Tomorrow I will change
And today won’t mean a thingI’m a bitch, I’m a lover
I’m a child, I’m a mother
I’m a sinner, I’m a saint
I do not feel ashamed
I’m your hell, I’m your dream
I’m nothing in between
You know you wouldn’t want it any other wayJust when you think, you got me figured out
The season’s already changing
I think it’s cool, you do what you do
And don’t try to save meI’m a bitch, I’m a lover
I’m a child, I’m a mother
I’m a sinner, I’m a saint
I do not feel ashamed
I’m your hell, I’m your dream
I’m nothing in between
You know you wouldn’t want it any other wayI’m a bitch, I’m a tease
I’m a goddess on my knees
When you hurt, when you suffer
I’m your angel undercover
I’ve been numb, I’m revived
Can’t say I’m not alive
You know I wouldn’t want it any other way
For the heck of it, I got a pic to add today, it’s called “Fucked Up!”. Amazing what you can do with free time and Adobe.
I am at my eloquent worst right now, so I am unable to convey anything of what I want to say today. I don’t know what to do, so I think I will not say anything more.

> LosiNg a treaSured frienD
Author: aLmich
I think I lost a friend. I really don’t know why. I stood by him for almost everything I can remember. I don’t know what happened.
What do you do when things don’t work out? Especially when they were going so well initially, that you were sure it was going to happen exactly the way you planned. When it was a certainty but was made not to be by someone else. An acceptance that was later turned into a denial. Do you chase after it? Do you seek revenge? Do you let it go and lead your life the way you want to? What do you do when things have gone bad for so long you aren’t sure they can be rectified anymore. Do you take the first steps towards friendship? Or hold on just to see if you can out-last the other person? And in the process lose one of your dearest friends or at least what was one of your dearest friends, perhaps even more. It’s like taking a wrench to your heart, not even the regular kind, like the heavy duty ones your dad uses to fix the Hummer. One wrong move and everything can crumble to pieces. I don’t know which path I am supposed to take. I’ve tried a few of them and none of them felt right.
I just hope I won’t be forced to retaliate to whatever he’s doing. I don’t wanna play bitch on him. I wish he would just stop.

> cHarice, someThing is oFf...
Author: aLmich
I really admire your talent and I love you but something needs to be corrected. Attitude? Choice of words?
Somebody needs a wake up call here. Sana wag naman lumaki ang ulo mo please.

> wanTed
Author: aLmich
It has been a very busy weekend for me. We moved in to our new place, settled our neverending bills, and got so tied up with household chores. I received SMS from my childhood friend “Eugene” inviting for a birthday celebration. I then extended the message to all of our batch mates and promised my presence. I received several messages also from friends but chose JC, Kiko and Ralf’s invitation instead.
We then agreed that it will be a “Wanted” day and chose to eat grilled food from World Chicken before the movie started. This will be about the movie first as I intend to post another one for the “World Chicken”.
It would be understandable to be leery of an action thriller that opens portentously with the words “A thousand years ago …” and then goes on to tell of an ancient “clan of weavers” who formed a murderous fraternity.
But this kind of inadvertent humor is combined with an intentionally snarky attitude and dark comedy to make Wanted more enjoyable than it ought to be. Much of the entertainment value comes from jaw-dropping stunts and explosive action sequences, which are high-octane fun. Yes, bullets bend, blood spews, cars crash and bodies are punched, stabbed and shot up. But the look of the film, as directed by Russian-born filmmaker Timur Bekmambetov [”Day Watch”], is highly inventive, even though the plot is inane and some of the dialogue is decidedly awkward or clichéd. We were in high spirits and enjoyed the action so much that we almost didn’t care if we caused disturbance to others watching it [sorry].
“Wanted”, like the Matrix movies, has a stylized visual panache. Bullets from different directions move in slow motion and clash in midair, and a gunman leaps through a mirrored glass window, shattering it into brilliant shards while shooting relentlessly, suspended between building roofs.
Angelina Jolie is a sultry sight to behold, effortlessly pulling off outlandish and extreme maneuvers. In the scenic countryside of the Czech Republic, she jumps a boxy car into a moving train, where it lodges itself in one of the cabins, atop the seats. She also pulls a variation of an Evel Knievel stunt and catapults the sports car she’s driving over several police cruisers and a bus, firing off rounds at her target all the while.
The focus of the plot is on twentysomething accounting manager Wesley Gibson [James McAvoy, who projects an engaging anti-hero quality]. He spends most of his day in an office cubicle, quaking in fear of his obnoxious boss and popping pills to ease his panic attacks. Although he is aware that his sleazy girlfriend is cheating on him with his best friend, Wesley is such an emotional slacker that he doesn’t bother to confront them. But after being recruited by the weaver clan/assassination club, suddenly he finds he has the right stuff to shoot the wings off a fly.
Jolie and Morgan Freeman are key members of this weaving clan, toiling in a cloistered Chicago textile factory that looks like a Gothic castle.
Sure, their real trade is cloth, but they dabble in the killing business as well, carrying out the assignments designated by “Fate.”
Freeman sermonizes about the Loom of Fate, another of those chortle-inducing features. Apparently, when looked at under a microscope, weavings contain critical missed stitches that create a binary code spelling out the name of assassination targets. How refreshingly low-tech.
“Wanted” is silly and far-fetched. And if it didn’t back up its ridiculous plot with spellbinding visceral energy, it would have been a dismal failure.
Uh well, the fact that we were talking about it even after watching only goes to show that it made an impact for movie addicts like us. Next? We’ll be watching “Journey to the Center of the Earth” at iMax, MOA. Can’t wait.