> camWhoraGe
Author: aLmich

> JasoN's TarP
Author: aLmich

Author: aLmich
Due to usual blogger problems and errors occuring in this site, I think it's best to discontinue bitching here. Blogger has been a great part of my day to day life and of course I'm thankful. I don't wish to leave but the regular occurence of the host's problem, widgets and and posting issues prompted me to look for another which can really cater my needs. It has been a pretty challenging role to put into writing what you have in mind. Some of the posts here have caused quite a stir to people. With the environment I am with now, being a blogger helped me to de-stress. Callcenter environment is the elite version of "palengke". Politics=palengke, tsismis=palengke etc... There are other ways to bitch and doing so somewhere else, as I have come to realize is not such a sane thing to do. There are other sites to do that, besides. There is a good chance that the new site will allow my artistic side be more active. As you may have noticed, I change my layout design every now and then and to do that I would probably have to ditch this site completely. But don't hold your breath.
This was supposed to have been my 273rd post. This is almost exciting. I feel rotten having to leave this dump but it's not because this dump stinks so much. It's that people bothered to smell the stink and blogger [almost everytime] encounters site error.
I wish I can say something really cutting about this whole leaving-the-blogger-site drama. But I don't know that it's a good idea to drop a very obvious, very nasty hint about Why "I Have To Do This". It is probably a bit late to bother with this but I can't help it. I am so in the mood to say things.
The right people know where to look. I am getting the fuck out of here.
This was supposed to have been my 273rd post. This is almost exciting. I feel rotten having to leave this dump but it's not because this dump stinks so much. It's that people bothered to smell the stink and blogger [almost everytime] encounters site error.
I wish I can say something really cutting about this whole leaving-the-blogger-site drama. But I don't know that it's a good idea to drop a very obvious, very nasty hint about Why "I Have To Do This". It is probably a bit late to bother with this but I can't help it. I am so in the mood to say things.
The right people know where to look. I am getting the fuck out of here.

> jOin the raCe
Author: aLmich
I remember listening to "Chico and Delamar" before... whining about not being able to join the Amazing Race Asia. I'm really a fan of the show but I think “ordinary” Filipinos should not attempt to join AXN’s popular reality show The Amazing Race Asia and just try to enjoy watching the show at the comfort of their homes. Because no matter how unique or creative your videos will be, and as long as popular models or stars will send theirs, the stars will always be chosen to represent the Philippines.
The first season of TARA brought us two teams from the Philippines: (1) the pink duo composed of sexy actress Aubrey Miles and model Jacqueline Yu, and (2) the Lopez couple Ernie and Jeena. Ernie is the son of Eugenio Lopez, Jr. and the brother of Eugenio Lopez III, chairman of the local network ABS-CBN. Aside from the Philippines, Malaysia also has two teams in the race. It could have been a good chance for the Philippines to win the race or, at least, to reach the finale, but unfortunately, both teams from the country were the first and second to be eliminated. What a shame!
I suspect that the AXN executives in the Philippines selected only the popular and the influential to compete in TARA. Though the new season brings another celebrity, I am glad they include the interesting couple of the retired US Navy officer Henry Reed and his Filipina wife Terri Reed. The celebrity I’m referring above is no less than Marc Nelson, paired up with his best buddy Rovilson Fernandez. Both worked as TV and event hosts in Manila, with modeling as sidelines. Hmmm, I guess Marc should replace Allan Wu already. The latter’s hosting style is quite annoying. Plus, he’s a Fear Factor loser. Too bad he’s back on screen again.
Looking at our powerhouse teams, I suddenly had high hopes for this season. They better not be eliminated early, else I’ll stop watching the show again.

> reBeL
Author: aLmich
No matter how hopeless, boring and tough life may well be, always keep a positive attitude when you wake up in the morning and forget what may seem to be a life ruiner. There are some instances that would really test your patience or friendship that is. Me? I decided not to be affected by insensitive people although at times you can't help it.
Each day is always a start of something new and each new day gives us the power to continue with life and get what we always wanted to get. But be realistic, of course, for sleeping with Jake Cuenca is something we should never aspire in this lifetime. Only Cinderella [and company] lives in fantasy, not us.
It might have a diminutive relevance with what’s really going on with my own life now. But I'm tryin to enjoy what life offers or at least what life brings.
But I live in a vibrant city where everybody wanted to talk, to get noticed, to brag, to be recognized, to be the center of attention, to be accepted, to be significant and, perhaps, to rule. The list never ends there, because people just can’t stop. We always wanted to do things in our own little ways, and brag about the difference they might achieve. Too much freedom caused us to collide with the righteous ones, and too little achievement caused us to blame them. Guess what, we never made a difference.

> i'D raTher be mUm
Author: aLmich
I have no idea what I'm doing here. Heck, I have no idea about anything anymore! I feel so stressed out, so brain dead, I just want to sit still for the rest of my life. Come to think of it I have always thought of myself as someone incapable of sitting still for a really long time. And now, I want the time to do it more than anything else. I'd like to write about some things but MUM's the word today or else Ron's mind will be running crazy again.
Anyway, here goes nothing...
dfgbhbdfvh rhtuhasdufoghf urhg rihg fihgo horhgori hirohtoirthorhtoh roirhtdfjbvzbsdgbasuoertjadnglisdbgf hgrghbz;selfjdhfgjkasdhf;ouehjncx,mvfk veoh hf uhughufhguhufhgnaberughufh;agkjnz.hdgouha rh ihari giahioh a ishoi aoi;h ;oiahe;ohgakjsbdguhou;rg oirh oih rgoi;hodfngj;naoir ior oiiorhgoihasdf irh p'ja'prt'jq wp9e'utna wiethioa gahiorhtnbjdnfjnjnjgfio 'artuj 'awujinasdjkgnioqwh3oi5hjnr girjtih iahiose;ht aifjigjrijijir iauw9e'th a jf ijiejtijrijijt; woeutihvcnb se fajsbdiopjhawe tobdv asdjgnjnafjgna;ei asd;ligj awoi4;tio vabwe jio ijgo;izjdcjgnahdgurhnadjgnjarg aihthihtr a wetiawjtijritjia t aisdhgsdf ijsdijia weugtguewut weutughrt asdoiyhuosfgajwngoihfv urgihr rgiuohsfdcmngvirotuohisdnvmzn.xdghjasdg asighn ewrhaoihwtjna ajsndjnfe fgrnjgnr awejntjngjnenfjwafdbns awejta.bdfg ajkdsgjakbgjs ajbgjbsd gajsdbgjdbgjbd aewjtbndsjgnjngd ebjgbjewb...
Woah! That felt GOOD!!!
Anyway, here goes nothing...
Woah! That felt GOOD!!!