> unDer the raiN i waLked...
Author: aLmich
It’s monsoon season and its drizzling outside. I have not been able to sleep as our stupid land lady bugged me for advance payment [but that's a different story], I sat next to the window and gazed out at the far huzzle buzzle road that never gets tired of the traffic even in such wet weather. Its kind of very good time pass to watch the vehicles pass by tearing the watery roads.
It’s been long since I have gone out for a late night walk, I thought to myself. A sudden thought that struck like a bolt of lightning in me. Yeah, my occasional night walks listening to good, soothing, melodious music all alone in the peaceful empty night roads.
A voice from the other room, “Kuya, kain na at lalamig na to”, thats our Yaya. She is very specific in having our dinner on time, the voice continued “Am not going to warm it once again if it gets cold, come and have it”. With an affirmative sign I went to the table before I could hear the second call.
I took the mushroom soup only. After the good warm “soup dinner” I headed back to my window, there is nothing in this world that can match the pleasure and satisfaction of soup meals on a cold rainy night.
When the clock struck 7:30, I hurried and prepared myself to work. I decided to just walk my way to EDSA instead of taking a cab that will take me directly to Ortigas. Yeah that solitary walk on the empty roads near my place. The rain was hesitantly falling from the sky dancing to the tune of the wind; I stepped out of my house and started to walk on the silent night road alone. My journey started, it has no particular destiny just a casual night walk. It is very cold outside, in spite of wearing a jerkin and a jean trousers I could feel the chill spill all over my body. With my jerkin top covering my head my headphone of my mobile phone was saved in my ear.
I even hummed the song I used to hear from little kids in our province.
Kung ang ulan ay parang tsokolate,
O anong sarap ng ulan.
Ako’y lalabas at ako’y nganganga
Hahahaha hahaha hahaha
O anong sarap ng ulan
O anong sarap ng ulan
My favorite house music [ahh], what a heavenly feeling! As my hands gripped into my jeans trousers I walked further down the road. The busy roads had a break at last, no one is on the roads except me and few of the vehicles that pass by once in a while. I felt myself totally free, no stress, no strain just me alone walking in the cold rainy weather.
How beautiful is this place in night!!! with the drizzling and the cold wind, walking alone with my favorite tune playing in the headphone that I plugged into my ear. A cold wind slept past me, I could feel my nose getting pinched by the cold, its time for something to have hot. I don’t night walk the same road, I remember the last time about few months back I walked down the east road that leads to a totally different direction but this time I walked south where you have some tea shop opened till 12 or 1 at night. I saw a tea shop that I used to go sometime to have a tea and buy myself a “pang-banyong tsinelas”.
As I got into the tea shop lifting my jerkin head cover a voice asked, ‘Sir coffee or tea?’…
Gimme a strong tea with high sugar’ I said, that’s how i like to have tea.. Strong but in a sweet way.
Got a cigarette from the shop boy and went to the corner table of the shop. As i lighted the cigarette my tea arrived with a voice ‘Sir tea’… With a head shake due to cold and as a gesture to say yes I held the glass with my palms covering the cup, it is nice and hot it made my cold shivering palms warm.
I took a sip of the strong brew, its perfect… thats the way it should be, I could feel the hot liquid flow all the way down within me. Rain outside never gave up, its still showering while I was enjoying my cup of tea, nice and hot that added a warm to my cold body. And yes, I tried smoking again.
After finishing my tea, I again started to walk briskly… Its a pleasing and soothing experience to walk all alone in the rain! No disturbance, no noise… So calm and cold… Dont know how many will like this kind of solitary late night walk, but for me its gives me the greatest pleasure. A pleasure while I lead my way to work.
Before I could reach the place to hail a bus to Megamall, I got a call from Z,’Where are you? I didn’t mind…
I turned off the phone and walked in the same pace as I started with my hands clutching in my jeans… Oh i just had my time today, a small enjoyment which many refuse to go out in such a rainy weather. I was almost reached home, I thanked myself for the splendid rain walk.
Releasing my hands from my trousers raised it up to my shoulder, looked above the showering dark sky… Thats the way you welcome a good monsoon rain. Stood there in that position for few second thanked the almighty for the soothing slow rain.
After a long time its a nice cold, melodious, poetic, rainy, night walk… There is nothing that can match my solitary night walk, that too in slow drizzling rain to add more romance for my lovable walk. Nevermind the problem on how I’m gonna dry myself.

> teaRy and i don'T knoW wHy...
Author: aLmich
http://www.myflashfetish.com/playlist/10601572" target="_blank">http://assets.myflashfetish.com/images/get-tracks.gif" alt="Music" />http://www.mixpod.com" target="_blank">
http://assets.myflashfetish.com/images/make-own.gif" alt="Playlist" />
http://counters.gigya.com/wildfire/IMP/CXNID=2000002.0NXC/bT*xJmx*PTEyMTg3Mzc2MTEwMTcmcHQ9MTIxODczNzYyNDEzNyZwPTE4MDMxJmQ9Jm49Jmc9MQ==.gif" border="0" alt="" width="0" height="0" />

> i've beEn LOMO-ized!
Author: aLmich
Im a self confessed whore. A cam whore to be exact. So are my friends.
Aside from the usual hearty laughs, banters, food binge-ing and photoshoots, we have added “Ang Spoiled” and photo editing to our growing list of stress busters.
While Zelot and Gay discover the secrets of great photography, I’m doing the easier part by cheating [hahahaha]. I manipulate our pictures using Adobe Photoshop.
For this week, I’m into lomography.
I love lomo shots, I like the vignette feel and how the colors contrast. Of course, I don’t own a lomo camera so the next best thing is post processing by Photoshop. Here is an example of a lomo-ized shot:
For those unfamiliar with lomo photography, this effect is achieved by lomo cameras by cross-processing photos, meaning the use of chemicals not intended for that specific type of film. Typically, Lomo users will take a color-slide film and then have it processed as a standard 35mm film [which uses different chemicals for photo processing], resulting in unique [oftentimes strange] exposures. Lomography inspires a passion and devotion to photography that is both heart warming and accesable, it has an organic feel that runs totally in the face of the sterile digitally enhanced age we live in.
Here’s what the photo above looked like before I edited it out using Photoshop:
Notice the difference between the two shots? If you want to know how cool your picrtures can be, try playing your Adobe. Abi is starting her own projects now. One good thing about exploring like this is you get to know your way around Photoshop bit by bit. Try it out, it’s like making new photos out of old ones.
Lomography… is a style of photography that was inspired by one particular camera the LOMO LC-A . A camera made by russians for russians, very simple in design a ‘trabant’ for photographers if you like.
Delightfully inconsistant Lomo cameras all have there own personality with ocasional light leaks and shutter lines, which all helps Lomography emphasize casual, snapshot photography. Characteristics such as over-saturated colors, off-kilter exposure, blurring, “happy accidents,” and alternative film processing are often considered part of the “Lomographic Technique.” Users are encouraged to take a lighthearted approach to their photography, and use these techniques to document everyday life, as the Lomo LC-A’s small size, simple controls, and ability to shoot in low light encourages candid photography, photo reportage, and photo vérité.
So there!

> yaYa, you're sucH a LoseR
Author: aLmich
Are you a little edgy these days? Do you worry so much about everything and anything? Do you feel that you look older than your age? Well, I guess it’s about time that you take my best prescription so far…LAUGHTER! Don’t be a loser. Yes, you read it right. Still, laughter is the best medicine. Do you know that when you frown, you are actually giving our dermatologist a problem and job as well?
Just a desperate try to make this entry sensible or at least helpful for you readers[*wink]. An aging face is characterized by both wrinkling and sagging. In order to have a more youthful appearance many times we turn to the cosmetic surgeon to correct the sagging aspects of the face. We also look to other invasive procedures for the wrinkling aspect such as laser resurfacing, deep acid peels and Botox injections. As we are all aware, these aggressive procedures carry risks. Also, they can often leave us with an unnatural appearance. So there, I’m pretty sure that as much as possible you would not want to look older than your age and you would not want to spend if you can actually avoid spending. I bet that you would do anything just to preserve your youthful look. Before you go into that stage, why not try the immediate remedy first.
Kaya ako, I make it sure I’ll be with people who enjoy life and know how such should be lived positively. I was with Abhi, Gay, Kelly, Alma and Nina earlier for our regular lunch out. We went to Strata and of course had numerous LAUGHS!
We also have this new “expression” that will grace our YM stats later - “You’re such a loser Yaya. However, however..” as quoted from Ogie Alcasid and Michael V’s Bubble Gang skit. This is a guilty pleasure–watching Yaya [Michael V.] and Angelina [Ogie Alcasid] outdoing each other is just damn funny. The duo is so at ease at each other, and the role that they are in. It looks very natural [a good indicator of a good comedian]. Ogie is fantastic as the bitchy, spoiled brat who always makes life miserable for Michael V, being an uneducated, promdi yaya. If you got the chance, watch it. Just forget political undertones and correctness for a while.
So guys, avoid stressing yourself or being paranoid because people may take advantage of that. Avoid frowning too much and avoid those people who make you frown and down. Laugh when you feel like laughing. It will bring delight to your heart and your looks as well. Remember that when you laugh, the whole world laughs at you. But when you cry, you cry alone. Stay beautiful and healthy.

> misSing my famiLy
Author: aLmich
I was starting to feel a little blue because of little things adding up for the last months. Yes, I just came from a vacation and have tried to set aside the issues but I believe everyone gets those days when things don’t seem to go your way no matter what you do and no matter what you tell yourself you just get frustrated. Maybe it's also the weather that's making me feel this way again. It's funny how bad paranoia can affect you and how evil people can get. Uh well, I'll just go by Gay's YM stat before - "Paranoia knows no reason nor logic. Stop that nonsense!"
The internet not working [fixed now]. Cable TV not working [fixed now]. Me losing a small photo album I always carry with me ever since I could remember with photos dating back from my grade school days for which I don’t have any more copies [will never find it].
Sigh on the last one.
I think I feel the way I do mostly in part because I miss home. It’s not going back to where I used to live and living the life again but the thought of what I previously had, how it felt like to have someone take care of you and to always have friends you grew up with at hand.
I miss being young again and having my parents make the decisions for me. I miss the summers in between school when the only major dilemma I had was what to do for the day, when will I have enough pocket money to go out, and where and when my friends and I would meet up.
I miss not worrying about what to eat for my next meal because someone always prepared it for me and fixed up after. I miss someone doing my laundry, fixing my bed, driving me around. I miss the lazy weekends curled up in bed next to my parents and sisters and watching just any stupid show on TV. I miss the shared meals on the table.
But mostly, I think, after all these months, I actually miss my family being together, as in really miss it. I miss my Mama doing polvorons and pancakes [hotkeyk as we call it], I miss thinking of what to give Papa for his birthday. I miss us talking and laughing together. I realize that one can never have enough time with the people they love.
With that being said, I feel so much better. Writing and knowing that people will read what you write is good therapy. I mean I’m not the type who writes about family issues, this being one of the really rare times, but I guess it’s good to do so once in a while. Yes, I’m human after all.

> oH mia maMma!
Author: aLmich
I know this is kind of late. I’ve heard all the praises, acclamations and exaggerations but I didn’t feel the excitement to watch it then. Good thing I trusted Allan - office mate / trainer / friend being the articulate and smart and good critic.
After 5 hours of sleep earlier, I woke up with my nephew tugging my hand to reach his toy atop the computer. I obliged and saw a new stack DVDs, checked it and played the one that caught my attention.
I wasn’t really paying attention at first but the moment I had strawberry jam, pancakes and coffee settled with me, I got hooked.
I’m supposed to be working on something but I couldn’t resist posting. Was supposed to post before I left for work but laziness got the best of me.
Mamma Mia the movie. How wonderful was it?
Oh what fun!
THE SETTING. The setting was absolutely breathtaking. The backdrop was a character in itself, with the sparkling blue green waters, the wonderful old buildings, the church on top of a winding hill. With that Grecian setting, there was little that could go wrong with the movie. Must include Greece as a someday tourist destination. I still remember Alexis Bledel’s scenes set in Greece in The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants.
Meryl Streep. Nobody else could play Donna, in my opinion. The role for the movie was made for her. Who knew she could sing like that. Christine Baranski and Julie Waters also deserve special mention for making Pinoys at the theater laugh.
Amanda Seyfried. Now that girl could sing. Who knew? Aside from Meryl Streep, she was the one whose voice rose above everyone else’s.
Pierce Brosnan. Fit the role. Wasn’t convinced about his singing though. Tee hee.
Colin Firth. I will always love him, even if he plays a gay role
The company. Great extras all around. The women were ordinary women of all sizes, shapes and ages. How’s that for girl power? The men were mostly hunks. Haha. Great on the eyes
THE PLOT. Pretty close to the original. Darn it, I forgot that the Harry character was gay. Oh well, so much for a hunky Colin Firth [who’s still hunky in my eyes, by the way]. I just had the feeling though that while there were singing parts of the movie that dragged for me, I didn’t feel that way when watching the musical.
All in all, a great movie. I wasn’t disappointed.
When I first saw the movie poster advertised and saw that Meryl Streep, Pierce Brosnan and Colin Firth were going to be on it, I thought, well, there’s little chance they’re going to screw up the movie version. It might be exciting! And I wasn’t wrong. The movie can stand on its own two legs, musical aside.
Jersey Boys is another musical they might want to make into a movie following Mamma Mia. I read, on the other had, that Wicked is in the works to become a movie. I also loved, loved Wicked.
The production has great roles for older women and men actors, with the prime younger role going to Sophie’s character.
Might watch the movie again on Sunday with my sisters this time. Watched it alone initially because wanted to savor the experience.

> eMergenCy
Author: aLmich
When do you tell yourself that the pain you’re experiencing is not normal anymore? When do you suggest being taken to the hospital? This was the struggle I experienced the last time I was rushed to the Medical City. It first occured on my last day in Baguio. Thinking that it’s just a normal abdominal pain, I tried to ignore it. The next day, soon as we arrived here in Manila, the pain struck again. I was really in severe pain. I decided to ask my sister to bring me to the hospital after I vomitted twice. The same continued on our way there.
On arrival, I was checked over by a nurse. She gave me something to help with my symptoms. I honestly can’t remember if it was a spray or a tablet she gave me. Whatever she put under my tongue definitely helped with the pain and my breathing. She left the room to go get some advice. She returned and said that I needed to be endorsed to the surgery department. I was asked a series of questions, he was making sure I felt ok, asking about my abdominal pains etc. I think he was trying to get a bit of background to pass on to those at who were going to be taking over my care.
Follow up:
On arrival I was taken into a room and put on a machine that checks all your vitals like heartbeat, blood pressure, etc. My blood wasn’t right. My heartbeat was also very fast. I think it was around 120bmp. I then had a CT Stono taken. They couldn’t see anything of concern. They decided I needed further tests to do with my pains because the doctor wasn’t happy with what I was saying with regards to my symptoms. Apart from the abdominal pains, what other symptoms do you have? he asked. I told him that I really feel strange like being numb all over, peing was painful, my throat too and that I felt like puking again. He didn’t look happy. He asked if there was anything else. I said yes, I have a pain going down my urethra. My neck seemed stiff too.
I was moved to another room few hours later. Some tests were again executed. That was scary knowing they were talking medical terms. I also find it funny because the door sign of the room I was in said OB Gynecology”. WTF!!!
The consultant came to see me that evening and had a chat with me concerning the tests. He seemed happy with the results but still perplexed as to what was causing the symptoms, especially my pains. He advised that we may have another scan of the abdominal area. [I think this was because of my continued gastro symptoms].
Anyway, the waiting felt like forever. I was anxious and worried also about my sister waiting for me. She skipped school becuase of my emergency and has not eaten anything yet. It wasn’t until the doctor came back to see me later on that he mentioned my kidneys. Kidney stones in fact. He asked if I’ve undergone medications or anything that could have caused this. I said no. He wanted to do a couple of blood tests I think, to see if they could find the cause. Nothing appeared to show up as a probable cause.
After completing all the tests, clearance from my “OB GYNE” [hahahaha] I was allowed to go home. Bilateral nephrolithiasis [??] - the main reason I was told. I was given some medications to take home with me. I was given a form and told to go back and see my own urologist. I visited my doctor the following day. I told him what had happened and he told I did the right thing, such pains MUST be checked out. He asked if I had been given anything to take when I was discharged. I said no. [I told him when I was in hospital they gave me anti spasm and pain killers] I told him I was not experiencing heartburn. He prescribed omeprazole to help with the gastro symptoms which I’ll for a period of one month. Unfortunately it doesn’t appear to be doing anything for my symptoms. When I read the leaflet on omeprazole, I couldn’t believe it. It mentioned heartburn. I can tell you, HEARTBURN IS NOT what I was experiencing.
Going back to what the hospital did find, I did a bit of research about the kidney stones. I was asked to strain my wee wee to check for sediments. Since I chose the option of not going under the knife, I was prescribed tons of pain killers until the stone settles down my urethra. It’s still painful everytime I forget to take my meds and I hate the drowsy and dumb feeling after taking them. But I guess, I’m left with no choice. Sad.

> barHoppinG and pupUnG
Author: aLmich
After a couple of days of turning down good time offers on Thursday and Friday, a strong impulse shoved me out of my Fortress of Solitude last Saturday night. On hitting the centre Z and I popped by San Miguel by the Bay bar strip. A certain group with so hard to understand name was playing to a lovely lively crowd. It seems like every time I go to the place, someone will be playing house music which of course immediately catches my attention hence the existence of any live group. Elektro was played, as well as the rest of my BED playlist, well, it’s always good for a drink or two.
Next, Z suggested that we went to check out the end of the strip which projects movie scenes on their screen. I missed all the films and videos, but caught up with a few people I hadn’t seen in a while. A couple of beers later and I was off to another, where a dude named Chris was having a going-away party.
The bar seems to have it going on: it looks good, the drinks are a bit on the pricey side, but not unreasonably so, the music [at least last night] was pretty danceable house, and there were a fair number of familiar faces there.
A bit of chatting, a couple of beers, too many cigarettes and a cab ride later I was in the far more genuine atmosphere of Malate. The contrast in vibe was kind of stunning in a pleasant way.
I pulled a bit of a whitey after a beer and a few hauls off a spliff and took off. It was around half past three in the morning at this point and I was in no mood to take a night tram back home. So I hung out in O-bar for few beers and a bit of people watching.
Before all these nga pala, we were looking for a new resto to try and so we’ve seen Pupung and Friends accidentally, since I am not so familiar with MOA all I can remember is that this resto is beside an escalator and another new restaurant KKK. Nates and I wanted to try this before but too bad, they were already closed when we both got there. Good thing Z asked me earlier this time.
The Food
We ordered Rib Eye Pork Steak which costs 125.00 including java rice and a glass of ice tea. We also ordered halo-halo.
They also offer, tapa, liempo, longanisa, bangus belly, bbq tuna in sticks, breaded porkchop.
For drinks, they have guinumis [cold drink with coconut milk], halo-halo and buko pandan. They also have green mango ensalada, tinuktuk[?] and laing.
The Cost
An order of a meal would cost around 70-88 pesos, their highest price of food is the pork steak. Drinks costs aroubd 16-25 pesos for soda and ice tea.
Other sidings you could order for 10.00 or 15.00 or 25.00 like laing or pinakbet.
Extra rice cost 12.00 and java rice costs 16.00.
The Ambience
It looks a little crowded and they cannot accommodate all the people coming in so the tendency is to look for another restaurant nearby. Their design is a big tarpaulin on the wall of Pupung and Friends comics, plus they wrap another comics tarpaulin in one of the big posts. They even use it to decorate their lampshape with Pupung and Friends cartoons.
It takes a while for your order to arrive, around 15-20 minutes, but if you ordered breaded porkchop it is readily available, if it needs to be barbequed you have to wait. Though we did not order porkchop, you can see it in their counter that it is already prepared. Maybe it is just their soft opening so they are a little slow.
The concept
Their menu is not new but their concept it, they named their food after the character in the comics, the decoration I think is original. They do not need a lot of advertisement because there is a lot of walk-in clients. They may be familiar with Pupung and Friends and the food is cheap.
I would give them a rating of 6 out 10, because I like what we ordered, but it is not a candidate for my favorite reataurant. You might just try it but nothing will make you come back, maybe the price or maybe if there is a long line in other resto.
The food is similar with Binalot and other street resto offering tapsi and breakfast meal. Maybe in one year they need to add, french fries, spaghetti, carbonara, and other food and maybe name it Pupung and Friends in Italy or France or America so you can order a burger. Hehehehe.
Oh! and yeah, Nates treated me out last time we were there. After hearing the mass at EDSA Shrine, we went to MOA and had couple of drinks. It was a night worth remembering kse unang libre niya to since he got back. More to come Nates!

> qUick bagUio posT
Author: aLmich
I’ve had this post sitting as a draft for a a week now and I finally got around to posting it. I was waiting for JD to have all our Baguio pictures posted but he seems to be too busy until now. Uh well. I’ll just post them next time.
The collage here pretty much summarizes my whole Baguio gala. I love how every photo has its own story behind it. Most of these photos were not taken by me. I grabbed them from JD’s initial posts.