> hiaTus ng konTi
Author: aLmich
I’ll be in Baguio for the weekends and then I’ll be watching Cinemalaya films on Monday [UP] so there might be a break in blogging over the next few days. I’m taking my laptop, so I might get a sneaky post [pray that I'll be tamad and focus on taking pictures]. There will definitely be a post on Monday. Anyway just so people didn’t worry when I go quiet for a bit especially considering my mental state [paranoia - it's not deadly so no worries] and the ludicrous amount of posts I’ve been doing over the past few days [sorry BID for flooding *hehehe]. Have a fun weekend all. See yah again!

> aBi's waLLpapEr
Author: aLmich
I already have a truckload of requests… So here’s another one. Another stride before I reach the summit. Whew!
Just be patient guys. I’ll be doing yours anytime soon. [hehehehe]

> sHemagH scarF
Author: aLmich
When the day environment suggests a not so good time, when people around you makes a big poop out of whatever you said just to free themselves from the guilt of being the initiator of such thought, if a friend starts to be unfriendly, if everything just don’t turns out right, I tend to divert my attention to reading.
Sometimes I’ll be reading the news and come across something so utterly fucking retarded that it makes my blood come to an immediate boil.
Get this, apparently Rachael Ray [Who’s Sicilian and not at all Muslim and/or a Terrorist as Wikipedia so kindly informs me] has had her Dunkin Donuts ad pulled from TV because apparently she’s endorsing Hamas in it by wearing a scarf, which is actually a super secret way of saying that she hearts Osama. Now, normally I cheer when an ad is pulled because it amuses me greatly to see stuff like that happen. I like seeing shills fail, and I especially like seeing ads fail. However, the reason behind the pull is such bullshit that it actually sapped out all the joy I might have felt from this.
In the ad, Ray is wearing a Keffiyeh. It’s the white thing around her neck for the uninitiated. When we had our Puerto Galera
FOX News says it symbolizes Palestinian Terrorists. Actually… No. It symbolizes a hat. That’s all. That some terrorists choose to wear it doesn’t make it a symbol. Most actually don’t even wear the fucking thing, they tend to favor Balaclavas with a bandanna over it, not Keffiyehs. So ski masks are bad too? Bandannas are out?
Can’t wear a beret because people might thing I’m supporting Che Gueverra, can’t wear a Kepi because that’s too much like Charles De Gaulle, can’t wear a military cap like Fidel Castro because I’d be pro Communist, can’t wear a cowboy hat because then I’m a redneck, can’t wear a Confederate Flag baseball cap because everyone would think I like Lynyrd Skynyrd. Shit people, The next time I wake up, I don’t have anything to wear anymore.
What’s next? Get offended at Toyota pickups and AK-47s because terrorists use them? Old Toyota trucks are the number one choice in transportation for ragtag armies; and the AK has murdered more American soldiers than any other weapon since the beginning of time. I don’t see anyone banning their importation.
The most absolutely surreal thing about this though, is that OUR side also uses the fucking keffiyeh. They call it a Shemagh. The Navy SEALS, the British SAS and other special forces people wear it all the time.
Think THEY’RE supporting Palestine by wearing it? I don’t think so. I also don’t think Michele Malkin, the pundit who started the whole fucking thing, would have the balls to suggest it. Ray was just an easy target that she used to make a non existent point about nothing. What a fucking idiot. It’s not enough that brave men like the SEALS have to constantly worry about being killed by the enemy, now they have to worry that they may have to use sub-standard face protection against sand because some dumb cunt at FOX couldn’t keep her mouth shut and very consciously tried to create a moral panic about Arabic head covering.
Oh, and now I hear that Ray was only wearing an ordinary scarf all along. Which is an understandable mistake on behalf of the people who bitched, considering that a keffiyeh/shemagh IS JUST A FUCKING SCARF TOO!!!
Didn’t they know that almost all of the Badings who flooded Puerto Galera last Holy Week wore that? Can you imagine Bading Terrorists? Hard!
Face sa kanaaannn na!
Face sa kaliwaaa na!
What a made up, bullshit controversy. Some people deserve to be repeatedly punched in the ovaries for wasting the valuable time I could have spent looking at internet porn with these moronisms.

> haraNa ni vaN
Author: aLmich

> a PrayEr for the stRessed
Author: aLmich
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those people I had to kill today because they pissed me off. And also, help me to be careful of the toes I step on today as they may be connected to the ass that I may have to kiss tomorrow.
Help me to always give 100% at work…. 12% on Monday 23% on Tuesday 40% on Wednesday 20% on Thursday 5% on Fridays.
And help me to remember….. When I’m having a really bad day, and it seems that people are trying to piss me off, that it takes 42 muscles to frown and only 4 to extend my middle finger and tell them to bite me! Amen

> abHi and juLie's waLLpapEr
Author: aLmich

> MRT sTruggLe and a priCey resTo
Author: aLmich
Nates: 29-Jul-2008 5:06pm
Wer u? I’m with rain. Kape kami. Wanna join us?
That started it all. I haven’t got enough sleep yet but still, I pushed myself to go. With few bills in my pocket, I thought of stuffing myself first before I left the house. When I asked our Yaya what’s for dinner… “Wala pa Kuya, di pa ko nagluluto. May rice diyan at may spanish sardines sa may oven.” And then I thought “Hmm, ayaw ko ng sardinas ngayon” not expecting that I’ll be like one in few minutes time.
Paranoia strikes - “Naku baka isipin ng magbabasa, nagiinarte na naman ako. Ayoko lang muna ngayon ng sardinas. Pede na ba iyon?” I feel sorry for the poor sardine though; his life was cut short when he was caught and then stuffed into a can, never to swim again in the deep blue sea.
At least he had one advantage; he sure as hell was not in an elbow fight to get into that can.
The MRT has often been likened to a sardine can, with people stuffing themselves into a confined space in a desperate bid to beat the dreaded rush hour EDSA traffic. I am no stranger to the MRT, but today I had the singular experience of being carried into the MRT by a wave of crazed flesh vying for a comfortable place in the train.
I didn’t even have to walk; everybody was pushing and shoving as if the world was ending and that was the last ride to a better place. Hands and elbows and knees and toes were everywhere as people came in from all sides trying to fit into the small aperture offered by the train’s sliding doors.
It was all I could do to stop from screaming at the barbarians at the gates. A bomb threat right there and then would have landed me in jail for violating the HSA, but it would be well worth the satisfaction of seeing the frenzied crowd run and duck for cover.
It’s another annoying example of Filipinos’ tendency -obsession- to be the first in everything. It would be nice if that drove our people to excel in everything, but the unfortunate end result is a people that would choose to flirt with danger rather than wait a few minutes in line, or queue up in an orderly fashion, or wait their turn to cross, or stay in one road lane, or -you get the picture.
The sheer lack of discipline so prevalent in our society is extremely frustrating. We were talking about Singapore in class this morning, and I can’t help but wonder how much better this country could have been if a person the likes of Lee Kuan Yew held office at Malacanang.
Getting out of the train was just the opposite of getting in. I had to push my way out of the sea of bodies that just wouldn’t budge even to my repeated cries of “excuse me”. At the door was another wave of people jostling and pushing and shoving to get in, effectively hampering my exit.
I felt so bruised, all sweaty and stinky. Needless to say, I was already in a very evil mood by the time I got down to North Avenue Station station. The woman who cut into my line sure as hell didn’t help matters!
I was holding myself from freaking out when I have to be back to our meeting place twice because of incorrect information.
What more? we had a hard time deciding where to eat because everything seemed jampacked or if not, the place wasn’t smoker friendly.
When we have found one place that is of perfect location, mahal naman mga presyo nila. It’s not really as pricey as going to exclusive restaurants but I just don’t think it’s reasonable enough. Hefty servings may have been the reason but the place isn’t that good. My apologies to Heaven and Eggs Restaurant.
I won’t write anything more about the restaurant. I’ll just be thankful I was with friends. They’ve been my friends since young. We’ve been classmates since Kinder to High School and still maintaining to hold our friendship. True people who know each other inside and out. People who can rightfully claim - Kilala kita Al.

> VAN - ity
Author: aLmich

> i haTe iT wheN i miSs yOu
Author: aLmich
Stacie Orrico - I Am Not Missing You
Oh, Oh
I’m not missing you
Been through just about everything that I could go through
When it comes to relationships
Don’t know what I was missing or why I ain’t listen
When I told myself that was it
Now here I go, hurt again
Cause of my curiousity
Now that it’s over
What else could it be _____
I made a promise never to settle
Why didn’t I keep it?
Cause I hated the heartbreak
Crying and cheating, the fooling around
[But] I’m not missing you
I’m not going through the motions
Waiting and hoping you call me
I’m not missing you
You might have had me open
But I must be going because
I got life to do
I know I’m usually hanging on
I used to hate to see you gone
But this time it’s different
I don’t even feel the distance
I’m not missing
I’m not missing you
It’s a shame in a way cause
I feel that I may not ever find the right one for me
Did I leave him, is he right in front of my face oh
Will my true love ever be?
Why would I go on a search again
When I know what the end will be
What good is love when it keeps on hurting me?
I made a promise never to settle
Why didn’t I keep it?
Cause I hated the heartbreak
Crying and cheating, the fooling around
Chorus x 2
No I can’t be with you
Cause I’m scared felt like I was falling when you left me
I can’t keep going through life
Unaware of what I missed
And the person I could be
Love’s good when it’s right
And when it’s left in your memory
All the times I let you down
I guess love will be nice for someone else’s life
[But] I’m not missing you
I’m not going through the motions
Waiting and hoping you call me
I’m not missing you
You might have had me open
But I must be going because
I got life to do
I know I’m usually hanging on
I used to hate to see you gone [I used to hate it]
Oh different, oh feel the distance
I’m not missing
I’m not missing you
I’m not going through the motions
Waiting and hoping you call me [knockin' at my door]
You might have had me open
But I must be going because [it's the best day of my life]
I know I’m usually hanging on
I used to hate to see you gone
Oh different, feel the distance
I’m not missing
I’m not missing you I’m not missing you [oh baby]
I’m not missing you
I’m so over you
It ain’t even a problem

> mY harrY poTTer's penSieve
Author: aLmich
I have long been reading Harry Potter. I have avoided as much as I can to hear stories of how it ended. Thanks to Jc for lending me both the 6th and 7th book.
I know it’s quite late already. The mania has already faded but who cares? It took me a while to buckle down and write about my reaction to “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.” I could have done it as soon as I finished it—I was still wide awake at that time—but I honestly couldn’t make up my mind on how I felt about it. I still can’t, actually, but July draws to a close and so does my Harry Potter month. At least I hope I don’t end up writing an epilogue later on.
After making making”tambay” at Kiko & Jc’s haven, I got home, ate lunch, and proceeded to bulldoze my way through the novel until 3ish AM.
Like I said, I am still undecided on how I feel about it. To make things easier, I will just pull out stuff from my head one by one. You can pour them all in the Pensieve when I’m done. I’m thinking about incorporating “pensieve” to my own blog domain.
I am sure most people have read the book by now, but just in case YOU have not read it, please do not proceed if you don’t want to know what happened.
Alright? You have been warned.
The Deathly Hallows: I am not too happy about that storyline. I was looking forward to seeing more of the Horcruxes so I was a bit annoyed that my attention was being drawn to yet another convoluted tale. I know, I know… it’s in the title of the book so I should not complain about it.
Ron hissing: What the hell was that? Granted that we can all mimic sounds and Ron displayed a talent for it, I still thought it was lame.
The Epilogue: Rather cheesy, in my opinion, but I guess the fans would have been very upset if she didn’t include it. I know some people who wanted at least another chapter full of updates. Puh-leez.
Names of the children: Okay, why didn’t he name any of his kids Serius? Or is the other one James Serius?
The locket: It reminded me of the One Ring. Sorry, I can’t help it.
Death 1: I was shocked that Hedwig got the ax! It was necessary, though—they would have used him [her? I don’t remember] when they were camping around Britain. It was good that he was killed fast, though. It was cruel, but Rowling had to make a statement that nobody was safe. Well, at least she wanted us to feel that way.
Death 2: Fred, Fred, Fred. That pissed me off. She should have killed Molly instead.
Which brings me to Bellatrix: Why Molly?!?! I would have been more thrilled if Tonks [ah, she was already dead by then] or Lupin [ditto] did it. Her husband would have been a better choice as well.
I knew Lupin had to die at some point after he asked Harry to be the Godfather of his child. Stupid move, man.
Poor Creevey.
Did Fenrir Greyback bite Lavender Brown or was he about to when Trelawney stopped him? Did she turn into a werewolf or not? Hey, wouldn’t it have been cooler if Trewlaney killed Bellatrix? Hehehehehe.
Dobby: I never liked that character, but that was one of the deaths that I took hard. A bit sappy, but I felt so bad for him.
The Dursleys: I didn’t like the idea that Diddy liked Harry in the end. I wanted Harry to go to war irritated.
The Malfoys: The had to be redeemed, I figured, because J.K. was determined to have a very, very happy ending for the series. I hate that. It really didn’t make sense.
When Draco appeared in the Epilogue and she described him and said that he had a receding hairline, I thought—wow, he didn’t inherit his father’s lovely locks after all! Hehehehe.
The Elder Wand: I am still confused as to how Harry became the true master of the wand. He didn’t physically take it away from Draco! It was another wand, right? You mean if you take one then you get ownership of all of your opponent’s wands?
The Patronus spell: JK Rowling went crazy with that one. All of a sudden everybody was using it left and right. Too much, too much.
The Doe: I knew it was Snape’s! I knew he was good so who else would have been clandestinely helping Harry?
Snape: When Dumbledore said “Please” to him in HP6, I knew Albus was begging him to keep his end of the deal. He’s still my fave along with Serius.
Snape again: I didn’t like the whole chapter with the Pensieve. Couldn’t she have explained Snape’s story in another way? It sounded to me like an after-thought or a rushed job. And the “I love Lily” was already clear to me from Book 5. I was expecting more.
Lily’s eyes: Rowling said before in one of her interviews that it was important that other people noticed that Harry had his mother’s eyes because it would play a big part in the ending and the series. I guess it served as a reminder for Snape not to throttle Harry too much.
Dumbledore: There was too much Albus in this one. I thought I had seen the last of him in HP 6. I am not exactly a fan of his as you can see. Fine, she wanted to show that he was “human” and fallible, too. I still don’t like it.
I wanted more Voldy—past and present. More blood and gore! More soul splitting! hehehe. The snake coming out of that poor lady was cool, though.
I really wanted Hagrid to die. Why didn’t he die???
Tunnel to Hogwarts: To think poor Draco had to fix that stupid cabinet for one whole school year! I thought this was lame.
The camping scenes: I guess it was essential to let Harry, Ron, and Hermione bond, but it took them a ridiculously long time to get their act together. Zzzz… Why did she have to follow her “one school year” formula again? It reminded me of HP4—Barty Jr could have handed Harry over to Voldy at the beginning of the year. Did they have to wait for the stars to align or something? I guess I have to check the book.
Special appearances all around: Even Krum was there. I thought Lockheart was going to waltz in at some point. heh.
The locket, again: I remember asking a friend why it was not included in the HP5 movie. I thought it was a horcrux and I thought it was important that they show that Harry and co found it and threw it away.
Speaking of Horcruxes, I knew Harry was one, too, that was the reason why I was so convinced that he was going to die. He did… for a chapter. How disappointing. Lame, lame, lame. We got another “Dumbledore-Harry-heart-to-heart-talk” in the end. I really thought he was going to die.
Happy Ever After: I guess JK Rowling really didn’t want a tragedy in her hands. The series, no matter how dark and serious it got in the end, was still for kids. She wanted to give them a nice and clean ending. I wanted something else. Oh well…
Well… I can’t think of anything else to say. It’s funny how I’ve spent so much time mulling on this. I had a Harry Potter week!!! And to think I was such a lapse-fan of the series.
Anyways, all in all, I think that this book was tailor-made for the fans. I can’t help but wonder if JK would have written the series the same way if she didn’t have a very strong and imaginative and vocal fan base.
I still don’t know how I feel about it, though. Maybe I should just read it again.