> I Love You : 3 worDs and 100 waYs
Author: aLmich
I’m on the stage of saying these words now. I am in love and yeah, I am.
I love you.
Simple words. Just three simple words… but they mean so much. In the beginning of a relationship, it’s all you can think about. When will he say it? How will he say it? Is he feeling it yet? Why is it taking so long? And God forbid he says it too soon. Or you say it first and he doesn’t return it. With those three words, timing is everything.
You have to be confident of the “I love you return.” What happens when you say it too soon and it isn’t returned? It just hangs out there, a big silence waiting to be filled. If you say those three words and he doesn’t return them, where do you go from there? Do you break up? Wait a little longer and hope he eventually says them? And how much resentment will build up in that short time span?
Love is not something that has to be returned. It is something you feel, deep in your heart. If I love someone, that is a gift. It is my happiness and he cannot take it away from me no matter how he feels. But there’s a time to feel it and a time to actually say the words, and the two don’t necessarily coincide.
So many people wait for that one big moment — a moment when they look at the other person and know, without a doubt, that it is love. But what I am proposing today is that there is no one big moment. Love is not something that “just happens.” It is something that begins to build from the moment you meet the person and continues throughout the relationship.
You see someone across the room. There’s an instant attraction. One of you makes the first move and you find yourself talking. The connection is immediate. He takes your number and you wait for that first phone call. Then the first date. The first kiss, first… everything else. He’s on your mind every day; in fact, during this early stage you’re probably more enamored by him than you will be years down the road, when your only thoughts of him are to wonder if he remembered to pick up the dry cleaning on the way home.
But it’s not really love. Not yet. That’s what some people say anyway. True love takes time. How long, though? Two months? Six months? A year?
As long as it takes for you to be comfortable saying the words. The truth is, you began the process of falling in love the instant you laid eyes on each other. Oh sure, it wasn’t love. More like lust which turned to infatuation which brought on more lust… But, if it continues, it’s all part of that gradual process of falling in love.
When was the first moment I knew I was in love with him? I don’t really know, actually:
We met once and began texting after few weeks. We were not even flirting. I don’t really know how it all happened. All I know is that were just texting and talking and then eventually we both feel IT. I know it’s too early to say and claim things but I’m not gonna let this confusions be the hindrance for me to say “I Love You” because I really do.
You know the funny thing? It was only this morning that we shared our true names. Just 7 or 8 blog entries before I wrote about my Single Relationship now I’m here. Funny and I don’t care!
Lemme share you this also. 100 ways to say I Love You.
English - I love you
Afrikaans - Ek het jou lief
Albanian - Te dua
Arabic - Ana behibak [to male]
Arabic - Ana behibek [to female]
Armenian - Yes kez sirumen
Bambara - M’bi fe
Bangla - Aamee tuma ke bhalo aashi
Belarusian - Ya tabe kahayu
Bisaya - Nahigugma ako kanimo
Bulgarian - Obicham te
Cambodian - Soro lahn nhee ah
Cantonese Chinese - Ngo oiy ney a
Catalan - T’estimo
Cheyenne - Ne mohotatse
Chichewa - Ndimakukonda
Corsican - Ti tengu caru [to male]
Creol - Mi aime jou
Croatian - Volim te
Czech - Miluji te
Danish - Jeg Elsker Dig
Dutch - Ik hou van jou
Esperanto - Mi amas vin
Estonian - Ma armastan sind
Ethiopian - Afgreki’
Faroese - Eg elski teg
Farsi - Doset daram
Filipino - Mahal kita
Finnish - Mina rakastan sinua
French - Je t’aime, Je t’adore
Frisian - Ik hâld fan dy
Gaelic - Ta gra agam ort
Georgian - Mikvarhar
German - Ich liebe dich
Greek - S’agapo
Gujarati - Hoo thunay prem karoo choo
Hiligaynon - Palangga ko ikaw
Hawaiian - Aloha Au Ia`oe
Hebrew - Ani ohev otah [to female]
Hebrew - Ani ohev et otha [to male]
Hiligaynon - Guina higugma ko ikaw
Hindi - Hum Tumhe Pyar Karte hae
Hmong - Kuv hlub koj
Hopi - Nu’ umi unangwa’ta
Hungarian - Szeretlek
Icelandic - Eg elska tig
Ilonggo - Palangga ko ikaw
Indonesian - Saya cinta padamu
Inuit - Negligevapse
Irish - Taim i’ ngra leat
Italian - Ti amo
Japanese - Aishiteru
Kannada - Naanu ninna preetisuttene
Kapampangan - Kaluguran daka
Kiswahili - Nakupenda
Konkani - Tu magel moga cho
Korean - Sarang Heyo
Latin - Te amo
Latvian - Es tevi miilu
Lebanese - Bahibak
Lithuanian - Tave myliu
Malay - Saya cintakan mu / Aku cinta padamu
Malayalam - Njan Ninne Premikunnu
Mandarin Chinese - Wo ai ni
Marathi - Me tula prem karto
Mohawk - Kanbhik
Moroccan - Ana moajaba bik
Nahuatl - Ni mits neki
Navaho - Ayor anosh’ni
Norwegian - Jeg Elsker Deg
Pandacan - Syota na kita!!
Pangasinan - Inaru Taka
Papiamento - Mi ta stimabo
Persian - Doo-set daaram
*** Latin - Iay ovlay ouyay
Polish - Kocham Ciebie
Portuguese - Eu te amo
Romanian - Te iubesc
Russian - Ya tebya liubliu
Scot Gaelic - Tha gra\dh agam ort
Serbian - Volim te
Setswana - Ke a go rata
Sign Language - ,\,,/ [represents position of fingers when signing’I Love You’]
Sindhi - Maa tokhe pyar kendo ahyan
Sioux - Techihhila
Slovak - Lu`bim ta
Slovenian - Ljubim te
Spanish - Te quiero / Te amo
Swahili - Ninapenda wewe
Swedish - Jag alskar dig
Swiss-German - Ich lieb Di
Tagalog - Mahal kita
Taiwanese - Wa ga ei li
Tahitian - Ua Here Vau Ia Oe
Tamil - Nan unnai kathalikaraen
Telugu - Nenu ninnu premistunnanu
Thai - Chan rak khun [to male]
Thai - Phom rak khun [to female]
Turkish - Seni Seviyorum
Ukrainian - Ya tebe kahayu
Urdu - mai aap say pyaar karta hoo [the best way]
Vietnamese - Anh ye^u em [to female]
Vietnamese - Em ye^u anh [to male]
Welsh - ‘Rwy’n dy garu di
Yiddish - Ikh hob dikh
Yoruba - Mo ni fe
My favorite? The Pandacan way - Syota na kita!!! Siyota na kita Angelbert Aguilar.

> i knOw it aLL
Author: aLmich
I just had another encounter with someone of different kind. I don’t know what’s in her or with her. She plays a know-it-all kind of attitude. I wouldn’t mind being corrected [especially if I'm really at fault] just make sure you raise it on the right venue or say it in a nice way. I don’t know if I’ll just try to understand that she’ll be dying alone, withered and untouched anyway but I just hate really hate her and her ways. We’ve had some issues before which were just settled not so long ago and now she started again. Haaaayyyy…
There are plenty of different types of coworkers, and unfortunately, not all of them are pleasant or fun to be around. Part of working in an office is learning how to deal with difficult coworkers, and if you haven’t mastered the art of “playing nice”, you have a rough career ahead. Out of all the unpleasant colleagues I can think of, the worst is the Know-It-All coworker.
A Know-It-All coworker is a person who has to be “right” about everything, regardless of how much proof exists to the contrary of his or her beliefs. This is the type of human being who will argue a point to the end of time, refusing to give an inch despite the number of people who dispute his or her theory.
When you have a Know-It-All coworker in your midst, you have to learn how to deal with the situation amicable. It helps to understand the coworker’s motivation, but above all, you have to think of your own career. If all of your energy is expended in frustration by your coworker’s antics, your productivity will go down the toilet and you might find yourself out of a job.
Most Know-It-All coworkers obtain the majority of their satisfaction by instigating and “winning” arguments. They feel a sense of fulfillment when another person backs down in favor of their position, even if they only managed to “win” the argument by frustrating the other person. Rather than using logic to argue their points, they try to throw people off-balance.
The best medicine against this type of assault is to maintain a stoic attitude. Don’t get emotionally invested in arguments and debates; instead, take an apathetic perspective. It isn’t as satisfying to hear, “Whatever you say”, as, “Okay, I give up, you’re right!”, so don’t bother trying to convince them that they are wrong. Instead, let your Know-It-All coworker know that you don’t have time to play games and that you have work to do.
What you also have to understand is that your Know-It-All coworker might think that he has all the answers, but he will invariably be proven wrong in the end. When things don’t turn out the way he predicted, you will have the satisfaction of knowing that for all his bluster, nothing ever came of it. If, on the other hand, you allow yourself to be goaded into arguments, you’ve simply become the very thing you detest.
My Boss asked us to stop the exchange of emails and talk about it personally which was exactly my point. If you have issues especially not work related [or not "program related" at least on our case] you can just talk to me personally and I’ll always be thankful for the criticisms but please not through emails with our Manager and Supervisor copied. Epal! Kaka-stress!

> dumB bunS
Author: aLmich
Tanga! I used to do a lot of stupid things when I was younger. Fortunately, I don’t do stupid things now quite as often as an adult, but I still do them.
My mother tells me when I was a toddler I used to climb on unfinished wood in our backyard and then cry when she pulled the splinters out of my hand… and then I’d go back and climb on the same unfinished wood.
One time in Kindergarten, I didn’t go to school and didn’t take my exams because our Yaya teased me of not being able to memorize a simple thing like even our home address. It wasn’t a great idea. It was a dumb idea.
Then there was that time in college I spent all my whole week’s allowance shopping for pillows and comforters. That was dumb. My Tita even told me - “Hala, matulog ka nalang buong linggo!”
Well, just earlier, I was having my dinner and coffee while totally engrossed watching TV. My phone rung so I hurried to my room to get it. When I got back I just sat on the table without even checking ’twas free of clutter or anything. My eyes were fixed on the TV screen and was even laughing on the character played by a singkit actress. Suddenly I felt a sharp and burning sensation down my ass. I sat on my coffee and it’s frying my buns like hell! I ran back to my room and took off my shorts, and started jumping as I freaked out. So instead of doing what a smart person would do [run to bathroom and wash it with cold water] I decided to just stupidly jump and jump and yell of the pain. It was already late when I realized what I should have done. Now, I have fried buns and cursing myself for the stupidity.
I’m an idiot.
You live and learn. Well, hopefully you learn…

> V-daY cyniC
Author: aLmich
A lady friend kept on bugging me earlier on which gifts will be best for her boyfriend. My “guy” has been asking me if I appreciate flowers. I told him that I might as well wear gown if he’s giving me such, which of course gave him my answer. I just don’t like the idea of receiving flowers. I thinks it’s really a girl-y thing and I don’t wanna be one.
Valentine’s Day has always been a favorite with cynics! Each year this day draws near, there are some sections of people who take out their knives and go on the offensive. They have a problem with everything connected to Valentine’s Day. They don’t like the idea of giving gifts, more so because there’s this recession which seems to have the final say in everything! They don’t like the “mushy” stuff and they feel that you can express your love any day of the year! They may have a point somewhere, but they do stretch it too far sometimes.
I think it all depends on the individual’s choice. If you are in favor of doing something special on Valentine’s Day, go ahead and do it. If you feel that it’s not your cup of coffee, so be it. I’m sure there are lots of ways in which you can still say how much you love your significant other. And you can do that throughout the year. The point I’m trying to make here is, each to his or her own. Similarly there are lots of people who go crazy as the day draws near. They splurge money unnecessarily to get stuff they don’t need. Men say that they’re really pressured to do something, and women say that they’re disappointed. Some even send themselves flowers and cards [like Mr. Bean!] just so that they don’t look like they’re left out. I know a few of them who even borrow money to get gifts for their love! That’s just a lot of hassle don’t you think?
Would you consider me cynic then?

> offiCe higH schooLerS
Author: aLmich
Work - has alwasy been tagged as the synonym for Ngarag-ness. Work can sometimes be depressing especially when pressure starts knocking your door and eventually knock you out. The good thing about work [at least in my workplace] is that everything, other than the “work” of course, feels like High School Musical minus the music. At lunchtime, the typical high school scene of students queuing for food or the lift and all those sitting arrangements where the jocks and cheerleaders group together, the brains talking about almost everything over a sloppy pasta, some radicals trying to infest the area, geeks that are often left out, hommies that kept on playing their loud music, and ME - with my deliriously loud group. I say loud bacause that is how our laughter turns into during lunch time. Not needing to work extra hard to burn calories from our abs.
The moment Ron starts his comedy antics, loud guffaw will be in the air. Almsie will immediately be in her teeny-kilig role, so as Dressy Abhi, Nina will be the Naughty yet Childish Girl, Gay and Zelot as Bokbok and Poknat, Liz as the Maria Clara Magdalena, Kelly Butangera, Clumsy Abi, Lanie Brat Girl, Snoopy Ed, Carol the Giggler, Evette the Hip Hopper and of course Gen-ny Bravo. There are too some really sixteen-ish things that are going on. The kind that would fill a teen’s diary… you know… who’s dating who and who has a crush on who. It’s kinda funny to think how things happen when mature people are combined with the not-so-mature ones. As predicted, immaturity often rules. Suddenly, life turns into a Gossip Girl in flesh… an art-imitating life. These are the people why I’m enjoying my job and this life. These are the reason why I’m really happy.
I suddenly recalled Drew Barrymore’s movie, Never Been Kissed. It’s kinda weird to think how we often want to change things… things that happened during the most awkward years in our life… when in fact, we are far more different now. We are in a world where fun means relinquishing those good old days and trying to relive it again. Honestly speaking, I am loving it! And with these cool people in tow, what more can I ask for?

> to bE or noT to bE?
Author: aLmich
[Wikipedia] : Confusion, of a pathological degree, usually refers to loss of orientation [ability to place oneself correctly in the world by time, location, and personal identity] and often memory [ability to correctly recall previous events or learn new material]. Confusion as such is not synonymous with inability to focus attention, although severe inability to focus attention can cause, or greatly contribute to, confusion. Together, confusion and inability to focus attention [both of which affect judgment] are the twin symptoms of a loss or lack of normal brain function [mentation].
After all my efforts with actually trying to land a mate, wouldn’t it just be such a shame for me to lose an opportunity because I’m afraid to trust the motives of someone interested? That’s where I am today.
I have no idea how to fall into something with possibilities and just, well, BE. I seem to find myself wondering, second-guessing, and anticipating the shoe to drop. Depending on your beliefs, we technically only have one physical life. I don’t want to live it never trusting again.
It really isn’t the bitterness of past failed serious relationships that is my problem anymore. There was most assuredly a time when I didn’t necessarily hate it, but more to the point — I tried very hard to keep a thinly veiled guard up. I was always waiting for when they would hurt me. For a time I just stopped believing.
Now the issue here is trusting if whether or not advances, interests and their attention are genuine. I believe it’s an enormous waste of effort, time and yes, even money, if in the end I sabotage things before they have begun! I don’t fear commitment for what it implies. I just fear the possibility of a let-down. More to the point — a devastation. Jumping in with both feet and eyes semi-closed is new to me. I think the ME, that ME in his younger years, was quite good at that. Too good. And now that he has reached nearly a maturing age, putting his big toe in the water is how he would rather start.
So what’s bothering me now is the question - should I or shouldn’t I? I already started being sweet and all too accomodating to him but at the back of my head, I’m not sure if I’m doing the right thing or just letting myself be prone to pains and hardships again.
However why is it that I’ve dived in full on, but can’t mentally get past dipping my big toe in the uncharted waters of an actual possibility?
Anyway, I’ll just wait and see. Yeah, wait and see.

> haPpy ThingS haPpening
Author: aLmich
Close To You
Sam MilbyThere’s nothing I won’t try
Just to make you mine
To get a little closer
Would be so divineAnd everytime I see you
U make me come undone
I always want u near me
In you I found the oneChorus:
Oh, why don’t you smile my only star
Shine on baby
Smile, my only star
Smile, my only star
[2x]With you by my side
Girl it feels so right
Now that im close to you
I could stay all nightNo matter where I go
No matter what I do
In the end just smile
Bring me back to youChorus:
Oh, why don’t you smile my only star
Shine on baby
Smile, my only star
Smile, my only star
[2x]Uou shine so true
I can’t believe your mine
Everything may change
But to me you’ll always shineChorus:
Oh, why don’t you smile my only star
Shine on baby
Smile, my only star
Smile, my only star
I take the bus home almost every single day, and I don’t usually smile on the bus. The bus, on a good day, is a time when I can be alone and have some quiet time with a good morning radio show or with good music from my walkman phone. Unless I have friends with me, I don’t want to be making chit-chat or interacting with people. In fact, random strangers trying to chat me up on the bus really annoys me.
But I saw something yesterday that made me smile.
A woman came on the bus. She looked tired [this was at about 5:30 PM]. Her face was drawn down. She had a bit of a shuffle more than a walk. As she was shuffling down the length of the bus heading toward its rear, a seated passenger reached out and grabbed her by the waist without saying anything. For a split second, she looked extremely distressed. I imagined, based on that quick glimpse of her facial expression, that she was thinking, “Oh, my God. I’m being accosted by some crazy person. I just want to be left alone.” But then she turned to look at the person grabbing her, and clearly it was someone she knew. She quickly turned her horrified face into a widened smile and sat next to this guy and began talking to him.
I couldn’t hear anything they were saying. Nevertheless, they were so happy to see each other that I couldn’t help a wide smile myself. I knew nothing about these people. They didn’t appear to be dating. They clearly liked each other and either are or had been emotionally close at one point. Maybe they hadn’t seen each other in a long time. Maybe this guy was visiting the area from far away. Imagine that they happened to be on the same bus at the same time by accident. I loved that moment. I still have no idea who these people are, and they somehow managed to brighten my day at the end of my evening commute.
I’m really in good mood for these past few days [and I don't know if I'll hate the reason].