> siGaw's inTernaTionaL reLease
Author: aLmich
While easing the boredom of a Saturday with JC, checking friendster and some blog entries, YM-ing Ed and two “7-11 big gulps” to drown ourselves with, I came across Kiko’s blog. We were stunned by an embedded video he featured. It’s the international release for what used to be a “Richard Guttierez - Angel Locsin - Iza Calsado” horror film - Sigaw.
If you are one of hundreds of thousands of Filipinos “sick of Philippine politics,” and “getting tired of being Filipino,” here is something to shout about.
Director Yam Laranas’s film Sigaw [internationally released as The Echo] has been drawing raves in Hollywood after producer Roy Lee watched the movie and confessed: “I found myself jumping at certain scenes and I have seen many other horror movies where that never happens.”
You’ll appreciate that quote more if you know who Roy Lee is. He’s the hot Hollywood producer who brought Japanese horror movies The Ring, The Grudge and Dark Water to Hollywood and turned them into critically acclaimed, international box office hits. Right now, Roy Lee is executive producing The Departed starring Leonardo Di Caprio and Matt Damon, and directed by Martin Scorcese.
How Roy Lee discovered Yam and Sigaw is fast becoming the stuff of legend in filmmaking circles. It is absolute proof of the power of good word of mouth. Roy heard about Sigaw from someone who watched it and loved it and knew other people who saw Sigaw and were raving about it as well.
Without a single centavo spent on Marketing and PR, Sigaw outlived the hype and hysteria of the 2004 Metro Manila Film Festival where it quietly cultivated a cult-like following.
If you have been able to watch the original version, you would see the twist they made for the new version. This time The story of Sigaw revolves around a young ex-con who moves into an old apartment building, only to learn his neighbor is an abusive police officer who savagely beats his wife and daughter. When the ex-con tries to intervene, he becomes trapped in a curse.
Yam - the Filipino filmmaker got his wish with a screening of the movie at the Hall Theatre on July 17 at 7:15 p.m. He will be on hand to present his 90-minute thriller, which stars Jesse Bradford as Bobby, Iza Calzado [who reprises her role], Amelia Warner, Kevin Durand, Louise Linton, Carlos Leon and Pruitt Taylor Vince.
This is something we can all be proud of isn’t it?
[*damn! i can't post the video trailer... ill post it another time]

> mYx
Author: aLmich
I’m just posting this for my cousin’s friendster… I’ll be deleting this soon as she grabbed her pics : )

> greaTest Love storY in cHina
Author: aLmich
Joanne sent this earlier and I can’t help but to share it with you guys. You may have known me through my posts that I’m not a believer of love [or in denial] but I won’t take the inspiration this might give you. Be in love.
An incredible love story has come out of China recently and managed to touch the world.. It is a story of a man and an older woman who ran off to live and love each other in peace for over half a century.
The 70-year-old Chinese man who hand-carved over 6,000 stairs up a mountain for his 80-year-old wife has passed away in the cave which has been the couple’s home for the last 50 years. Over 50 years ago, Liu Guojiang a 19 year-old boy, fell in love with a 29 year-old widowed mother named Xu Chaoqin…
In a twist worthy of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, friends and relatives criticized the relationship because of the age difference and the fact that Xu already had children.
At that time, it was unacceptable and immoral for a young man to love an older woman.. To avoid the market gossip and the scorn of their communities, the couple decided to elope and lived in a cave in Jiangjin County in Southern ChongQing Municipality .
In the beginning, life was harsh as hey had nothing, no electricity or even food. They had to eat grass and roots they found in the mountain, and Liu made a kerosene lamp that they used to light up their lives.
Xu felt that she had tied Liu down and repeatedly asked him, ‘Are you regretful? Liu always replied, ‘As long as we are industrious, life will improve..’
In the second year of living in the mountain, Liu began and continued for over 50 years, to hand-carve the steps so that his wife could get down the mountain easily.
Half a century later in 2001, a group of adventurers were exploring the forest and were surprised to find the elderly couple and the over 6,000 hand-carved steps. Liu MingSheng, one of their seven children said, ‘My parents loved each other so much, they have lived in seclusion for over 50 years and never been apart a single day. He hand carved more than 6,000 steps over the years for my mother’s convenience, although she doesn’t go down the mountain that much.’
The couple had lived in peace for over 50 years until last week. Liu, now 72 years, returned from his daily farm work and collapsed. Xu sat and prayed with her husband as he passed away in her arms. So in love with Xu, was Liu, that no one was able to release the grip he had on his wife’s hand even after he had passed away.
‘You promised me you’ll take care of me, you’ll always be with me until the day I died, now you left before me, how am I going to live without you?’
Xu spent days softly repeating this sentence and touching her husband’s black coffin with tears rolling down her cheeks.
In 2006, their story became one of the top 10 love stories from China , collected by the Chinese Women Weekly. The local government has decided to preserve the love ladder and the place they lived as a museum, so this love story can live forever.
Uh well, I guess it’s not the right time for me to comment.

> caLeruega visiT
Author: aLmich
Have you experienced planning to go somewhere and when the time comes you feel half hearted? Visiting Caleruega wasn’t the main reason we hied off to Batangas, it was Joanne’s birthday. I was still nursing a flu then but since she’s really a treasured friend, I made no excuse. It was a night of singing, drinking and food binge-ing. Funny thing, it was raining cats and dogs outside but we didn’t care.
After two days of non-stop raining, it was time again to go back to the reality of Manila. Joanne, being so nice, decided to take me to a tour first. It was then I realized I almost missed the beauty of the place. Caleruega is just walking distance from their house. On our way, we passed by Evercrest and the Chapel on the Hill. It is owned by the Don Bosco fathers.
Rather than words, I’ll put in these pictures. The place is so laid out that it inspires prayer.
Caleruega, on the other hand, is well known for weddings. In fact, the movie “Sukob” was shot there. Owned by the Dominicans, it houses retreatants and there were quite a number around. It is a very relaxing place with koi pond, elevated walkway and hanging bridge to boot.
Rising tall and majestic in the highest point of Caleruega is the Transfiguration Chapel. Its facade is a reproduction of the original chapel in Caleruega, Spain…
hence the stained glass design below:
On the left is the prophet Elijah, the middle, Jesus, and the right, Moses with the two tablets of stone.
On the way to Caleruega were a number of houses and townhouses, a few of them looking like they had seen better days. I felt sad looking at them, among them is this…
There were also new townhouses with nary a caretaker nor security guard. What a pity if they don’t take care of it.
Brgy. Kaylaway, Batulao,
Nadugbu, Batangasmail: caleruega_philippines@yahoo.com
Contact Numbers:
Ask for:
Ms. Jackie
Ms. Melda
Ms. Cristalle

OWC Pure 80's Party
Author: aLmich

> prefeRreD annoyaNce
Author: aLmich
Racism is rampant in some countries. I just don’t understand. While we all give our best “whatevers” to people of different race we tend to be treated like we don’t belong in this world. I hate the thought of being treated “unfairly”. I know it has existed throughout human history. It may be defined as the hatred of one person by another — or the belief that another person is less than human — because of skin color, language, customs, place of birth or any factor that supposedly reveals the basic nature of that person. It has influenced wars, slavery, the formation of nations, and legal codes.
The same goes with intimidations on social class, education and gender. What’s the problem people? Whoever says that social classes are things of the past needs to get their illusions shattered.
I wikipedia-d this… Social class refers to the hierarchical distinctions [or stratification] between individuals or groups in societies or cultures. Usually individuals are grouped into classes based on their economic positions and similar political and economic interests within the stratification system.
Just go to a nearest BPI branch, and one counter is clearly labeled “Preferred banking clients.” Yes, if you are not rich enough, you are not a preferred banking client, and you cannot line up in that counter.
I am no communist, but I just want to disillusion people about this Enchanted Kingdom.
PS: I paid my BPI bill at this BPI branch, and took me an hour just to pay a five-hundred peso credit card bill.
“We’ll take you farther.” Errrrr. It should be “We’ll waste your time.” More appropos, I guess.

> my buBBa gumP sHrip-erienCe!
Author: aLmich
I’m a sucker for good food. When I go out, it should always be accompanied by a stomach-full meal. Too bad I have to control my appetite for months or else I’ll be your “big fat ass” next door.
I miss my days at the province where I could just eat anything without thinking how much it will cost especially the seafoods. I’ve always loved seafood and shrimp is on top of the list. I always sort of feel bad for all my friends who have this allergy for these shelled creatures. Who could resist eating shrimp…? with all its juice streaming down your chin as you put them in your mouth one after another.
So have you ever been on a shrimp boat? Then head on over to Bubba Gump now for a mighty shrimp fest. I had a sumptuous meal earlier at Greenbelt. Tired and hungry, we couldn’t resist to request a quicker service, we were both looking forward to the meal. I was literally turning over my brain trying to decide which of my favorites I would order.
This is the first time I ate there with him and since I’ve been on diet for months, I took the opportunity to order appetizers. I scanned the menu and a funny name jumped out at me. “Ping Pong Shrimp”. Hmm… I play ping pong and I love shrimp but do these two go together? Technically they don’t but hey I’m not one to argue as long as it tasted good.
I then ordered the “Mama Blue’s Southern Charmed Fried Shrimp” as I was not in the mood to do some peeling to order the others on the menu. Oh and of course I got the full size.
The appetizers were served and it looked too delicious. I had to shout in protest to keep him from forking the dish as I wanted to take a picture first.
Delicioso! I was scared at first because the menu said spicy and I really don’t have the tongue for that. [Exact description: : Lightly breaded Shrimp, and just a little spicy! Topped with a Mango Pineapple Salsa]. However, it was not what I expected. It was mildly spicy with a sweet twist. All I can say is once you finish one, you cant help but eat more. But it is after all just the appetizer and boy did it really whet my appetite.
My fried shrimp was as expected. Large, hot and crispy. My friends did not think I could finish the whole thing but really, was that such a hard task?
Bubba: Shrimp is the fruit of the sea. You can barbecue it, boil it, broil it, bake it, saute it. Dey’s uh, shrimp-kabobs, shrimp creole, shrimp gumbo. Pan fried, deep fried, stir-fried. There’s pineapple shrimp, lemon shrimp, coconut shrimp, pepper shrimp, shrimp soup, shrimp stew, shrimp salad, shrimp and potatoes, shrimp burger, shrimp sandwich. That- that’s about it.
Bubba Gump Greenbelt
Level 2, Greenbelt 3, Makati City
Tel : [+632] 757-5154
Telefax:[+632] 757-5104
email: customer@bubbagump.com.ph

> geT ouT of my waY
Author: aLmich
I go to gym. I do cardio exercises. I trek, I roam around in my dopie, I walk and even walks the walk of life.
I have nothing against walking, the sun, and walking under the sun. It’s something I actually enjoy doing provided the right circumstances, the right setting, the right people and provided that I won’t have to do it on a regular basis [and with my lifestyle— I don’t]. But walking under the sun, IN THE CITY, in LONG SLEEVED POLO after a nine-hour shift at work just irritates the shittles out of me — especially when it could’ve been easily avoided if only the people around me weren’t such idiots.
[On my way home yesterday, I took the bus because I feel so tired to just thinking of MRT stairs. A woman got on the bus somewhere in the Crossing area and sat next to me — no, squeezed her sticky self next to me, even though we were occupying a three-seater. We were to get off at the same place: Boni, and it was CRUCIAL for us to get off right there because the bus was taking the fast lane and the next stop would offset me by [I'm guessing] more than a hundred meters.
We were seated near the back of the bus and she took her time to get up and move when the bus was ALREADY AT OUR STOP. I had already stood up and was nudging her slightly [she was in my way]— a signal that she should hurry her ass down the exit because unlike her, I have to be somewhere. She didn’t. And so we I miss my stop and am inconvenienced. [*Unnecessary anger]
Walking through EDSA isn’t my number one most hated thing in the world [that honor belongs to gaining weight] but it comes in pretty close. It’s a scorching Tuesday afternoon and the diseased masses of Boni move as if they were going for a Sunday stroll in the park, seemingly unbothered by the vehicular fumes. Sometimes, they’re also unmindful of other people and act as if they own the fucking city and block the way. Oh look, stairs, perfect!; let me stop RIGHTHERE and send someone a message on my phone. Who the hell cares if I’m a goddamn obstruction— I don’t.
You know what else I hate? Groups of people who stand around by the entrance or the exit and discuss where to go next or whatever. MOVE TO THE GODDAMN SIDE AND LET PEOPLE THROUGH.

> ThoughT for the daY
Author: aLmich
I’d like to post something and let everyone know that I had a happy day. As I started to type in my happy thoughts, I felt [using all my senses] something not right. I then decided to stop and have this instead.
Uh well, I guess there’ll be time to post a happy thought.

> aNawanGin
Author: aLmich
We all know Manila. The stress of daily living, the traffic, the heat, the neverending rants.
As far back as the summer started, I’ve been wanting to get away from the city even for a brief respite from the doldrums of commuting to and from work, the usual thing you do day in and day out that sometimes makes you wonder of living into a groundhog day the moment you wake up eyes staring at the ceiling wishing you had a terrible case of hangover just to feel different this time.
I was really excited for what awaits us in our roadtrip to Zambales. Nothing beats travelling with your friends, it’s like you get to know them even more, bond with them more or do and see stuffs you won’t normally get by hanging out in the city.
We went there first not knowing what to expect. All we know? we’re up for an exciting adventure…
To make the story short, I’ll just shift to a photo blog in detailing the rest this escapade.
I already have posted some Anawangin - Capones entries before. You can check it here and here. Enjoy reading !