> LeavinG on a jeTpLane : LeavinG us saD
Author: aLmich
Kiko left for Atlanta today. While checking his luggages if he’s got all what he needed, we were singing this. I was a bit teary and really sad. While I was on my way to his place, Skad texted me - “Wer u na?, Lungkot ako, di na ako mapakali.” I of course understand what he’s feeling. Ako na bestfriend sobrang lungkot na eh siya pa.
All my bags are packed
Im ready to go
Im standin here outside your door
I hate to wake you up to say goodbye
But the dawn is breakin
Its early morn
The taxis waitin
Hes blowin his horn
Already Im so lonesome
I could die
So kiss me and smile for me
Tell me that youll wait for me
Hold me like youll never let me go
Cause Im leavin on a jet plane
Dont know when Ill be back again
Oh babe, I hate to go
Theres so many times Ive let you down
So many times Ive played around
but I tell you baby, they dont mean a thing
Every place I go, I think of you
Every song I sing, I sing for you
When I come back, Ill bring your wedding ring
So kiss me and smile for me
Tell me that youll wait for me
Hold me like youll never let me go
Cause Im leavin on a jet plane
Dont know when Ill be back again
Oh babe, I hate to go
Now the time has come to leave you
One more time
Let me kiss you
And close your eyes
Ill be on my way
Dream about the days to come
When I wont have to leave you alone
About the times, I wont have to say
Oh, kiss me and smile for me
Tell me that youll wait for me
Hold me like youll never let me go
Cause Im leavin on a jet plane
Dont know when Ill be back again
Oh babe, I hate to go
But, Im leavin on a jet plane
Dont know when Ill be back again
Oh babe, I hate to go
I can’t still believe until now na umalis na siya. After sending him to the airport, I and Skad were just quiet. When I got back to the office, that was when it hit me. I really cried in the comfort room, still teary eyed when I talked to Abhi. I think she felt it that was why she checked on me. Haaayyy.. life.
We’ll be missing you Kiko. Ingat ka palagi.

> nO morE coKe for Me
Author: aLmich
This is silly I know but forgive me. I still have the right to be one at times right? I drank my last can of Diet Coke with Lime [why with lime? that's another story] today. I am attempting to give up my beloved Diet Coke because of three reasons.
1) Caffeine.
2) Artificial sweeteners.
2) A friend made me do it.
My friend Kiko has been a great influence to me also. He’s into parties but not into drinking. He loves food but doesn’t eat too much. I admire his drive over things. Too bad he’s leaving tomorrow. Hatid ko siya sa airport later so half shift ako now. My reading lately has also led me to believe that caffeine leads to a surge in insulin and thus an increased appetite. I don’t like coffee but I have grown pretty dependent on the caffeine in Diet Coke. In fact, if I don’t get my daily fix of noon-time caffeine, I get a headache. Not a good sign, right? So I am gently attempting to back away from the Diet Coke. Nothing legalistic– I’ll probably have Diet Coke at the movies, still–but I’m not going to buy it by the case anymore.
Artificial sweeteners are less of a concern for me. I don’t believe that I am affected by them although I am aware of the research and articles we could immediately produce [thank you, Google] to show how sweeteners might kill us before our time. I’m more scared of diabetes and heart disease than I am of artificial sweeteners. I guess it’s a case of picking your poison. Still. There is some indication that artificial sweeteners might cause a craving for sugar and maybe even cause an insulin reaction.
I have very few vices, aside from eating as much as I can while listening to my mp3s at volume 8. That and the Diet Coke and seeing too many movies in the theater even though it would be so much cheaper to see them on DVD at home. It’s all about balance and making choices with full awareness.
So, I’m giving up Diet Coke with Lime. If I’m kind of grumpy tomorrow, you’ll know why. [I reserve the right to resume my Diet Coke addiction in the future. Just because I can.]
So on March 2 [that's my birthday], no coke din. Hahaha… I’ll try.

> sTeaDy LanG
Author: aLmich
I’ve been reading so much these days. I seldom link other people’s blogs or blog entries. Nowadays especially, I find that I don’t have the energy to write about the stuff I want to write about. Work gets in the way. Chores get in the way. Life gets in the way. Yes, I have a ton of excuses. I was a bum a while back and I had the time to write, but now that I’m in a better place I come up with all these excuses?
So yes, I should stop whining and just get to it or find time to write something, anything remotely related to what I really want. Except I end up editing myself even before I start and that means that whatever output that should have made its way into this blog has been banished to a forgotten place.
Like my unusual weekend watching Animal Planet, walking all the way to the Robinson’s Pioneer Mall, the Hongkong Noodles, not to mention the bento plates I bought from the 88p store that truly made my day.
Or my usual banterings with Kiko and Ralph. Or simply playing with my nephew and touying him around Toy Kingdom. I realize that it is really a simple world we’re living.
Which brings me back to the premise of my first sentence regarding other people’s blogs. I’m currently enjoying the holidays with minimal stress and typing merrily away on a laptop when I thought to myself, time to visit people’s blogs. And I’m glad I did. One of the inspiring entries I came across again was David Eric Poarch’s entries.
He’s got brief entries. Nothing too fancy. But I liked the fancy free narrative and the pretty, pretty photos.
Yes, I should take the time to write, especially things I want to write about. I mean, if Anthony Bourdain banged out Kitchen Confidential during his free time as a chef where the minimum was 14-hour workdays almost everyday, why can’t I?
That’s one of my new year’s resolutions for 2009.

> KikO speLLed
Author: aLmich
You’re leaving. It will be a year before you’ll be back. 365 days ‘yon my friend. Tagal no?
I have always been positive about your plans in life. How you see things in advance and how you really would like to be a better person. There were flaws and bad deeds but I’m thankful you realized them and how you feel sorry for them. To tell you frankly, I am actually really upset that you’ll be leaving soon. Not that I’m being selfish but I just can’t imagine my weekends without you now.
I have always envied your convictions and drive, but I would like to bottle and merchandise your youthful exuberance. I wish you the very best of luck. I have the upmost confidence in your success. You have mad people skills and can definitely handle yourslef.
A raise a glass to your happy travels and say thanks for everything, especially your friendship, you will be missed by many others as well.
And to your new relationship, it takes big balls [or large labia? - pun intended] to take such a plunge into unknown depths especially knowing that in few day’s you’re leaving.
I thought I had big balls already getting over heart breaks but I really admire how you tried a graceful exit from yours.
So, I will say au revoir to a dear friend who has helped me get through some tough times, and has always shown me that honesty and integrity do mean something. “Something” really should be of an ambiguous flavour in this context.
I will surely miss you my friend. Our endless talks, our mall times, food binge-ing times, Baguio trip, Malate times and of course all “those” times we shared with your ex.
I will always remember you whenever I hear “I Will Survive” and “Hot and Cold”. I’m sure you know why. I’ll miss you Kiko!
Now, I can also spell friendship as capital K, i, k and a big O.

> aMazinG raCe baGuiO
Author: aLmich
Last Sunday, a spur-of-the moment decision led our feet to the city of Pines. Earlier that day, Z and Gay texted me to meet them at Victory Liner Cubao as they will still be coming from their Lucena trip. We have planned to attend Inigo’s christening [Lanie's new born baby] at Dau Pampanga. Soon we were joined by Lizel, Abi and Allan. After the hearty meal served at Inigo’s reception, Gay dared us to just have a coffee at Starbux John Hay. We were hesitant at first but soon the prodding made us all say yes and so there we went.
It’s really one of those unplanned getaways that I will always remember. It helped us escaped from the urban hustle and bustle of Metro Manila. A four-hour bus ride was all it took to get my friends and I to the City of Pines, and we found ourselves hanging around Pizza Volante because Starbucks John Hay was already closed.
Despite the disappointment, we really enjoyed every minute of our stay there. We took so many pictures hanging around Gecko, along the Session Road and Andoks Dokito Frito. We tried to check the midnight ukays but they were nowhere in sight. Laughters filled the air as we continued on our neverending banters, chit chats and picture takings. After a 5 hour stay we decided to head back home. Whew! what an Amazing Race. And a sweet respite it indeed was.
Last Sunday, a spur-of-the moment decision led our feet to the city of Pines. Earlier that day, Z texted me to meet them at Victory Liner Cubao as they will be coming from their Lucena trip. We have planned to attend Inigo’s christening [Lanie's new born baby] at Dau Pampanga. Soon we were joined by Lizel, Abi and Allan. After the hearty meal served at Inigo’s reception, Gay dared us to just have a coffee at Starbux John Hay. We were hesitant at first but soon the prodding made us all say yes and so there we went.
It’s really one of those unplanned getaways that I will always remember. It helped us escaped from the urban hustle and bustle of Metro Manila. A four-hour bus ride was all it took to get my friends and I to the City of Pines, and we found ourselves hanging around Pizza Volante because Starbucks John Hay was already closed.
Despite the disappointment we really enjoyed every minute of our stay there. We took so many pictures hanging around Gecko, along the Session Road and Andoks Dokito Frito. We tried to check the midnight ukays but they were nowhere in sight. Laughters filled the air as we continued on our neverending chit chats and picture takings. After a 5 hour stay we decided to head back home. Whew! what an Amazing Race. And a sweet respite it indeed was.