> sTeaDy LanG

Author: aLmich

I’ve been reading so much these days. I seldom link other people’s blogs or blog entries. Nowadays especially, I find that I don’t have the energy to write about the stuff I want to write about. Work gets in the way. Chores get in the way. Life gets in the way. Yes, I have a ton of excuses. I was a bum a while back and I had the time to write, but now that I’m in a better place I come up with all these excuses?


So yes, I should stop whining and just get to it or find time to write something, anything remotely related to what I really want. Except I end up editing myself even before I start and that means that whatever output that should have made its way into this blog has been banished to a forgotten place.

Like my unusual weekend watching Animal Planet, walking all the way to the Robinson’s Pioneer Mall, the Hongkong Noodles, not to mention the bento plates I bought from the 88p store that truly made my day.

Or my usual banterings with Kiko and Ralph. Or simply playing with my nephew and touying him around Toy Kingdom. I realize that it is really a simple world we’re living.

Which brings me back to the premise of my first sentence regarding other people’s blogs. I’m currently enjoying the holidays with minimal stress and typing merrily away on a laptop when I thought to myself, time to visit people’s blogs. And I’m glad I did. One of the inspiring entries I came across again was David Eric Poarch’s entries.

He’s got brief entries. Nothing too fancy. But I liked the fancy free narrative and the pretty, pretty photos.

Yes, I should take the time to write, especially things I want to write about. I mean, if Anthony Bourdain banged out Kitchen Confidential during his free time as a chef where the minimum was 14-hour workdays almost everyday, why can’t I?

That’s one of my new year’s resolutions for 2009.


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