> nO morE coKe for Me
Author: aLmich
This is silly I know but forgive me. I still have the right to be one at times right? I drank my last can of Diet Coke with Lime [why with lime? that's another story] today. I am attempting to give up my beloved Diet Coke because of three reasons.
1) Caffeine.
2) Artificial sweeteners.
2) A friend made me do it.
My friend Kiko has been a great influence to me also. He’s into parties but not into drinking. He loves food but doesn’t eat too much. I admire his drive over things. Too bad he’s leaving tomorrow. Hatid ko siya sa airport later so half shift ako now. My reading lately has also led me to believe that caffeine leads to a surge in insulin and thus an increased appetite. I don’t like coffee but I have grown pretty dependent on the caffeine in Diet Coke. In fact, if I don’t get my daily fix of noon-time caffeine, I get a headache. Not a good sign, right? So I am gently attempting to back away from the Diet Coke. Nothing legalistic– I’ll probably have Diet Coke at the movies, still–but I’m not going to buy it by the case anymore.
Artificial sweeteners are less of a concern for me. I don’t believe that I am affected by them although I am aware of the research and articles we could immediately produce [thank you, Google] to show how sweeteners might kill us before our time. I’m more scared of diabetes and heart disease than I am of artificial sweeteners. I guess it’s a case of picking your poison. Still. There is some indication that artificial sweeteners might cause a craving for sugar and maybe even cause an insulin reaction.
I have very few vices, aside from eating as much as I can while listening to my mp3s at volume 8. That and the Diet Coke and seeing too many movies in the theater even though it would be so much cheaper to see them on DVD at home. It’s all about balance and making choices with full awareness.
So, I’m giving up Diet Coke with Lime. If I’m kind of grumpy tomorrow, you’ll know why. [I reserve the right to resume my Diet Coke addiction in the future. Just because I can.]
So on March 2 [that's my birthday], no coke din. Hahaha… I’ll try.