Author: aLmich
I usuaLLy bump into this worLd / worD. Society pages, ma-arTe officemates and even soMe of my friends have been usiNg this or somehOw living this. I just wondeR - how do i reaLLy understaNd this? Earlier, i had a daTe with EDRIC [i'LL tell more aboUt him next tiMe]. We watched the movie 300 at megamaLL because i'd like to watch it twice at siyemPre sa SM cinemas lang pede yON, weLL, that was the purPose but then we decided not to and just proceed to grEEnbeLt tO hang out insteAd. Before and after the movie, we stroLLed aroUnd and window shOpped. We just the reaLized dami na nagkaLat BIS. And that all of them are sporting this METROSEXUAL image. Ano nga ba to?
MetrosexuaL - that's the buzz word endangered by the popuLar TV show "Queer eye foR a straigHt guY". For a straighT urbaN maN who has becomE increasingly interested in appearanCe, grooMing, hoMe and furnishinGs, the arTs and fooD. So those peopLe stiLL battLing for their preference and orientatiOn insist to be succumbed by thiS beLief. SOme gay peopLe tsk tsk tsk.
In other words, a man who pays moRe attentioN to his "softeR" or feminine side.


> jokingLy MEAN
Author: aLmich
I'm from a group of peopLe who's never tired of joking-sLash-making Lait-sLash-taWa. Our friendshiP is a tesT of who's maTatag and trUe. Kinder pa LAng kami, kami na, so whaT we havE is what you can reaLLy caLL "tight-legiT-boNd". We joke aroUnd aLmost everythinG: physicaL fLaws, namE caLLings, deLicate situations and your mOst nakakahiyaNg boo-bLoopers.
Even I, myselF at times is getting sensitiVe abouT it and I hatE it. I don't know if aLready reached my saturation poinT or just whatever.
It's somehow a wake up caLL on my part when jusT recentLy, a friend bursTed intO teaRs whiLe i'm making fun of her. Maybe she's just stresseD or not feeLing weLL that she had a hard time ignoRing my commenTs. I ended up endlessly saying sorry na po.
ADVISE ? If the persoN can'T caLL off a comedy when you ask him to, then iT's time to go to waR! SometiMes WE peopLe can get so insensiTive we can onLy see one side of having fun at somebodY eLse's expense : YOURS.
Well, you don't have to be quite and jusT bear it. You can fight back! Give US a dose of OUR own medicine. Let's see if WE can take it as well as WE can dish it ouT.
I know a lot of peopLe who thiNk they're so smart and funny making jokes abouT other's fLaws [guiLt can kiLL], but give them a smaLL amount of constructive criticism and they get aLL riLed up and defensiVe. Remember, aLways take the civiL way out of confLict, but if that faiLs, then iT's time to suiT up!
ME ? I just let them know-sLash-notIce if I think it's already off and making me feel uncomfortabLe. Afterall, we've survived so many years of togetherness and friendship. I know how it feeLs being on the receiving end. At times, they're obviousLy fun bringing on jokes and I'm not. But it's okay not to feel good, just let them know. Anyway, i reaLLy love my friends and i know them skin deep that it's a loser's act to cry or vice versa.
So for those who don't reaLLy share what we have? Express yourself. As a friend who Loves you, He/She shouLd know when to stOp with the wise creeks. WE should know.

> sTranGe
Author: aLmich
i bLogged aboUt being Libred by a friend for a day out and moVie righT? Last nigHt, before my shiFt sTarted, i took a doZe sa naP rooM namiN and SHIT! binangungoT akO! aLthoUgh they usuaLLy connect it to the FACT that most of the peopLe sa oFfice experienced thaT doon sa rOOm na yon, i just dont carE.
The funny thing, i dreaMt aboUt being the characTer chased in that movie we watched. I was runnIng so fasT, screamiNg and dying!
How logicaL is it for someOne to pay moNey just to get scareD, shockEd, disgusted, discturbed, and generally not feel good? I mean, movies are supposed to be entertaining, right? Entertainment is supposed to be all about fuN, feeLing good, right? And yet, so many people go for it. My cousins ate Bangge, Mama Leah, kuya edwaRd and our baby pika are reaLLy fond of watching horror fLicks. Strange it is to think that after seeing so, they wouLdn't go to the bathroom aLone, couldn't turn off the lighTs as they go to sLeep and couldn't even stare on dark walls fearing that those characters would just "bulaga" them.
People behind these movies even makes a good living of scaring the bejeezus out of people. People who buY their movIe tickets or their books for horror writers.
Tsk tsk tsk... sTrange.

> besT thiNgs in Life...LIBRE
Author: aLmich
Just like the usuaL poorita days, when you don'T have that much money to spLurge inTo shoppinG, biNge on your favOriTe resTauranT or to at leasT ride a caB wherever yoU wanna gO, you geT to appReciaTe the vaLue of haviNg friendS who wouLd texT you, ask you ouT, and pay for everyThing, even a seat on the moviE hoUse. The onlY hassLe is thaT you get to giVe way a liTTle. Yo don't get to reaLLy choose whicH fooD, whiCh pLace and whiCh movie to watcH. AnywaY, i'M thankfuL narin kesa namaN magmukmok ako sa haUs diba? thanKs BrenT. i Love you!

> B R E N T daTe
Author: aLmich
I don't know what caMe intO me that i wantEd to try aLmost everyThing to test my LimitS. I'm noT yet dyiNg [not yeT] i know buT there's somethiNg inside me urGing to enjoY Life to the fuLLest. Am i gettiNg oLd or just adiK?
i'M not the usuaL lets meet - eat - talk - datE kind of persoN. You'll hardLy see me goinG out on a daTe to watcH movie or induLge in the usuaL datiNg activitieS. When i meeT someone, it's mostLy hi-slash-tara!-slash-get it on-slash-bye!... so yoU can just imagiNe when this person obLiged me to meet-date-get to know eaCh other first-and we'LL see what's next with hiM. I gave way anyway.
Being the chronic late comeR that I am, concocTing award winning excuses has becoMe my speciaLty [sa ganitOng meetuPs lang naMan]. "Gawd, I am so latE and dead!" These seven worDs kept runniNg through my mind as i crOssed the street towardS Greenbelt 2 to meet my "date" at Cena. I thought of saying ma-trapik kse and that something came uP that i need to attend to first. Maybe i can get away with it... or maybe noT. I decided to be honest.
FlashiNg my most endearing and apoLegetic smile plus a bit of stupid stutterings, I admitted being stockeD up watching my teleseryes [he he he] and that i'm reaLLy sorry for making him wait aLmost an houR.
Expecting that he'LL be more than pissed, I was pleasingly surprised that he was aLmost too graciOus about it. He actuaLLy called me up when I was on my way to the resto to check if I was okay [hmmm.. whaT a nice guy]. Did he put anything on that yuMmy chocolate cake he's offeriNg me? Paranoia can be such a bad thing.
Nonchalantly checking at Brent's outfiT, i felT relieved. Call it superficiaL but one of my greateSt feaRs aside from a date havinG bad breatH is findiNg out he's wearing a reaLLy weird, uLtra-formaL outfit or maybe too "pink" that totaLLy cLashes wiTh mine. At some point, mine to hiS.
After sometimE [this is onE thing I reaLLy hate], frieNds of hiM dropped by our tabLe and introductions were maDe. In that one and a half hours we spent together, we just bLabbed on and poureD out story after storY of our Lives and whaT's going ons.
Time flew by and before we knew, it's alreay 30 past 11. I am such a mean critiC [like i have karapatan?] sometimeS and i get turneD off easiLy wiTh siLLy stuffs, dateS are, buT i honestly can't say anythiNg bad abouT him.
* we're stiLl texting and pLanning to meet again... haaayyy... it must be LOVE. Ciao!
p.s. this is one of those cooL beginnings i trieD.

> i wiLL have ONE mistress here!
Author: aLmich
i just got out of a relationship recentLy. Although i feeL numb, i knoW i'm hurTing. I don't know if i'M just in deniaL or i'm just mentaLLy prepared. Afterall, t'was a Love shoRt Lived.
iT's a different weekend of course. Not haviNg someoNe to taLk to, bantEr wiTh or to jusT accompaNy me. I then resortEd to DVD watchIng. I caMe acroSs Elizabeth, the Cate Blanchett - starreR that depicts the life story of Queen Elizabeth I, who ruLed EngLAnd startinG 1558 when she was onLy 25 yeaRs oLd.
I just reaLized, just yesterday i turneD a yeaR oLder. My Life's way too far to comparE. Ah well, that's Elizabeth's, not minE.
The lush costume - epiC portraYs Elizabeth as a very stroNg woman. The desirabLe and beautifuL Elizabeth did noT give in to the charms of heR suiTors whO were mostLy ruLers who wanted to form aLLiances and who saw marriage as a sociaL move. In the fiLm, Elizabeth boLdly decLared. " I wiLL have one mistress here! And no masteR! "
It's reaLLy empoweriNg. It was well - acteD and weLL _ executEd. It bLows my mind that someoNe can be thaT strOng t resist LOVE. I may be thaT sTrong buT as independenT? I surely wiLL pray so. *winK

Author: aLmich
Are yOu the tYpe whose iDea of a perfecT geTaway iS To sLeep in a huT on soMe tropicaL isLand or Lie Like vegeTables unDer the sun? Are you a perSon whose iDea of a workouT is 15 minuTes on a step machine or feed the kangaRoos wiTh the picturaN mo na akO daLi-aTTitudE? [emMan?] Or is your idea of an advenTure is a trip to soMe remoTe provinCe in the mountains to enjoy the Landscape from a nice, safe viEw deck? Or are you the tyPe who Likes to weaR dangLing butterfLy earrIngs [raiN], gyM outfiT and perfect shiMMering Lips? If the answer is yes to aLL quesTions, I have this oNe advice: Stay aWay from Sagada. My friends suffereD-sLash-enjoYed.
Cold dayS are aLmost gonE. Summer is heRe. FortunatE that I am, I have friendS who wantEd an opening saLvo : SAGADA.
With 40 degree temperature, I may not have been in perfecT shapE to conquer the task. But i did. I just did.
I filed my VL friday, Feb. 16, made my way to MegamaLL to meet Au, Emman and Rain. Paid 250 for a private car to drop aLL of us to Victory Liner, Cubao. Bitoy joined us after a whiLe.
After 4 hours of what I can consider the fastEst and the zzzZzzest trip to BaguiO, we made tambay in 1 of my favorite resto theRe : VOLANTE.
From Baguio, Sagada is a scEnic 5-6 hour driVe on the Halsema mOuntain TraiL where yoU pass one of the highesT poinTs in the Philippine HighwaY sysTem. The famous hangiNg coffinS in the buriaL cavE at Lumiang is an eaSy [i wisH] waLk from the towN cenTer. The trek itself is a grueSome ordeaL for those who are useD to waLking on Manila’s cemenTed streets. Since we were in the mounTains, the traiL was, of course, anything but flat. I even lieD fLat on my buTT! At some point, I berated myseLf for not doing anything extRa To prePare for this kind of trip. Most of the time, I was left literally breathless. Wooden coffins piLed one on Top of the other greeTed us. Although it was a fasCinating sight, it nonetheless gave me a creepy feeling. It seemed as if invisible eyes waTched us. In the air was a silent warning: You can look, but cannot Touch. Inside is a nevErending puzzLe of hoLes and heigHts. Freezin water is a relieF feeLinG. Bitoy and eMman even drenched themseLves for the sake of piktyur-piktyur!
Thanks to our niCE and helpfuL sagadiaN guides whO helpEd us everY step [literaLLy] of the way. They even stOod as Our phoTographerS wiTh eMman as the directOr.
The nexT cavE [SumagIng] is reaLLy a wonderfuL sighT. Sayang di gaano nakita niLa rain, Au at Emman kse laTe na. There, i saw the firsT time i visiteD unusuaL stalacTite formations [check the pix!].
My seconD trip to Sagada was just beauTiful. I couldn’t think of a more fiTTing word to deScribe my days of staY wiTh nature, culture, hisTory and adventure. Our trip was physicaLLy tiring, but it was mentally and eMotionaLLy enriching. It was a caThartic exPerience to be imMersed in a world totaLLy differenT from what we deaL with in the big city.
As our BaguiO-boUnd bUs sLowly move its way ouT of the town pRoper, I caught myself whispering a mantra: I will be back, Sagada, I will be back kapaG mas maLapit ka na.

> cooL resoLutiOns
Author: aLmich
fLipping throuGh magaZine pages at Powerbooks MegamaLL, my eyes were inTrigued by this titLe : "Good Beginnings". It's actuaLLy 41 New Year Resolutions to nurTure body, minD, and spiriT. It's more of a girL thing but I just thought, who said I can't be one? AfteraLL i'm a **y.
So here are soMe of my picKs:
Honor your fLaws. It suggested to staNd naked in fronT of a fuLL lengtH mirroR. Resist the urge to criticize whaT you see. Instead, ceLebraTe each featuRe for iTs pLace in yOur persoNal hisTory. I then touchEd my noSe, liPs and haiR. Funny thiNg, I ended up touchIng everywhere! Hilarious.
CelebraTe the miracLe of your boDy. Read Diane Ackerman's Natural History of Senses. This one pushed me to visit Netopia and search for it. It has essays wiTh LyricaL and poeTic Lines combininG scientiFic triviA wiTh personaL refLections and tonguE-in-cheeK humoR. Every paragraph wiLL inspire you to Look at the worLd [and yourself] in a differenT waY.
Update your worK skiLLs. Learn a new sofTwaRe. read up on youR industrY and discoveR new trenDs and tiPs. Now, i'm trying to work on Learning some prograMs.
Have Lunch wiTh someonE you don't knoW very weLL. This one I just did. You'll read abouT this on my next entries. By the way, the name's BRENT and it's a dinneR datE.
Take a Risk. Stop pLaying on the saFe siDe! Do something outragEous : sTart with somethiNg simpLe then sLowly go for the goLd. Savor the sense of empowermenT that comeS froM doing soMething thaT once seemEd scarY. On my nexT entries, you'LL knoW how i conquereD SAGADA on a 40 degree temperaTure, trembLing knees and severe coLds.
Keep a journaL. I'm tryiNg to do my bLog.
Cut negaTive reLationshiPs. Energy vampirEs are peopLe who draiN you of youR enthusiaSm and leaVe yOu feeLing bad about yourseLf. Identify them and Let go. You're not beinG seLfish. Just hOnesT. I'm working on igNorinG HER parinigs and pahagings again. Made me realize, she doesn'T have the repuTation nor the braiNs so whY shouLd I care?
Plant a dreaM tree. Mami cEz gave me and Dian a pLant that we pLace on our offiCe tabLes. It's a fortune pLant we've been proddiNg that wiLL give us 25k. Cez alreadY won her 10k!
Be Naughty. Break a smaLL but weLL-ingrained ruLe. I'm doing something now anD this smiLe/griN never left my facE. : )

> caFfeine oveRdose
Author: aLmich
CuRrent obsessiOn for coffEe addictS is to haVe the StarbUx 2007 pLanner. ProudLy, I have oNe. It's a limiteD ediTion that may soMehow hurT youR pockeT or mayBe noT.
If you're noT a reguLar sTarbuX caffeiNe addicT, you'D probabLy ask whaT's so speciaL about an ordinaRy notebooK thaT you caN easiLy purcHase at a locaL "NationaL".
We'LL just so you knoW, in ordeR to havE one, you have to fiLL out a piecE of paper wiTh twenty-one stickers. One stickeR is to oNe beveragE. So, you couLd just imagiNe how I neaRLy jumped when the pLanner was handed to Me.
The pLanner isn'T reaLLy breathtakingLy extraOrdinary. It's rather simpLe - wiTh its bLack coveR and goLd LetterS. Good thing i'M reaLLy a coffee addicT and a breatHing coffEE bean macHine or eLse i'LL have my pockeT with an unpretty sigHt.
It's funny how otheR peopLe made way jusT to have iT. Some wouLD position themseLves near the counTer and ask peopLe [strangers] to "lend" their littLe sticker book for the purcHase. A friend even wiLLingLy treateD us for coffEE just to fiLL the 4 spaceS in her sticker booK. Only to fiNd out that the pLanner was out of stOck!
Now, when I go ouT for soMe coffEE before going to work, I see peopLe carryiNg their prizeD pLanner, aLL brimming with smiLe. If there's one thiNg I Learned from this, iT's achieVing a certaiN goaL. Sounds odd. But Looking at it cLoseLy, you'LL reaLize thaT theRe are thinGs yOu reaLLy wanT in Life that yOu end up geTTing.
Twenty-oNe [or more] hurdLes may coMe your way, but iT wont sTand a cHance as Long as yOu're driveN, focused and passiOnaTe abouT it. Because onCe you knOw exactLy whaT you wanT, geTTing there wouLdn't be as confusiNg as it may seEm. Nevermind if you'rE on the brinK of caFFeine overdOse.
Happy New YeaR!
* i misS naTes, raiN, jayVee - my coFFee parTners : (

> diD you knOw thaT... ?
Author: aLmich
I am niCe namaN?
i have this HUGE crush kay miGs sa office?
i havE this matatawag na BF nOw? jayBee? yeT si Nico andyaN pariN? si KrisanTo? may PeTer - target pa?
i just decided to cHange my favorite coLor from GREEN to RED?
i have thiS feaR for chRisTmas simpLy bacaUse of the peopLe who expecT gifTs frOm me?
i can'T give uP my hayskuL frienDs?
i feeL so guiLty abouT not beinG abLe to senD moneY sa naNay ko?
i am noT at aLL guiLty sa mga hayskuL friends-sLash-kLasmeyts ko na nagki-cLaim na maY dirtY deeD na nangyaRi befoRe? saya nYa!
i haTe aLing Loreta now for hEr mukhaNg pera aTTituDe?
i miss joeDan - my MILDIN friend na nasa Dubai na?
i ha ha ha ha..

> geTTing thiN
Author: aLmich
There's nothing more American than wanting to Look gOOd witHout deigning to perspire. In fact, the buLk of them put significantLy more energY inTo finDing the easiesT posSibLe workOut prograM thaN inTo acTuaLLy workIng oUt.
I, for oNe reaLLy wisHes to be at Least 5 lbs lighther and at Least 7 cm thinner. But doing those crunches aPpear Like heLL.
Eveytime I pass by a fitneSS cLinic or a stoRe, nakikiTa ko ung maLaLaking bakaL and weighTs na keLangan ko. I'm taking XenicaL now, dieT kunwaRi anD stiLL i praY : saNa meron 'yoNg ipapahid ko Lang voLuptuous na! - *pun intended = ]
I gueSs i caN be considereD amEricaN nA in thaT way.. hayyyy..

> craVings
Author: aLmich
Christmas is just arouNd the corNer. I can aLready imagiNe the sumptuOus meaL. Anyway, I have my personaL choicEs that mayBe i'D Like to sharE..
for gift : try Ritz Apple Strudels. DeLicious, high quaLity pastriEs consistiNg of Layers of spongY, sLiced aPpLes, crisPy fiLo pastrY sheeTs, the fresheSt creaM, creaMy Light custaRd; giving the pastrY the perfect flavoR with just the righT sweeTness and fLakiness. I've tried theirs at the Shangri-La MaLL G/F, The Podium and at the G/F of The Madison Square Ortigas.
LoLa ALta's Pasingaw and cuchinTa : my LoLa who cooks reaLLy reaLLy good. I miss her sopas and haLO-haLO. The rapport and love she shares with her batang-sukis saying "May I buy? " sa Baste - dun sa garahe ni Father Halasz.
Cafe Berio at the Discover Suites: try their bruncH buffet. We used to visit this pLace everytime we hit ouR monthLy goaL sa oFFice.
Tita Merce's lutong Bahay in San Juan : their superb tasting sisig, dinuguan which i don'T reaLLy eat sa iba.
Bolinao : caTering Filipino dishes: must try after making pasikot-sikot on the ukays and piLi nuT stOres and the paLengke for freshest guLays sa Central Market to Session Road, Baguio.
Of course, the Ihaw-ihaw striPs aLong the Burnham Park [ ingat sa pickpockets ]
Strawberry and vaniLLa ice creaM sa Trinidad, Benguet where you get to see the flower, strawberry, Lettuce pLantatiOn after droPping by The BeLL's Church. I now reaLized, the best ice crEam can be fouNd in the coLdest part of the countrY = ) .
The Seafoods of Agoo, La Union - courtesy of Sir G's boyfriend and famiLy.
Dampa sa Paranaque. Sinigang sa misO, pinaputok na tiLapia, caLamares, buTTered taHong.. [ ha! i'm craVing! ]
Leche Flan of Mami Jeng.
TropicaL Hut's saLad and big breakfasT diba Dian, Dinky and Mami Cez?
*geeezZz.. kumuLo bigLa tiyaN ko!

> chaRdonnaY
Author: aLmich
an oLd maN, turned 98.. he won the LotterY aNd died the nexT daY.. it's a bLack fLy on yOur charDonnaY.. twO minuteS tOo LatE.. buT isn'T iT ironiC? doN't ya thInk?..
iroNic? it is..
gRowing uP in the proviNce had soMehoW depriVed me froM experiencing the things you get to see anD reaD on LifestyLe magazinEs or the samE secTion on broadsHeeTs. "ChardonnaY" for oNe has been jusT a part of an Alanis soNg whOm roaN is reaLLy foNd of. Curious as I, consuLted Mr. Webster and was surprised thaT it means a type of white winE.
The other-other-other-nighT, a friend tExted me to comeoVer his pLace as he needed compaNy to taLk to anD get the nighT awaY. ImmediateLy, I made my waY to his Citiland Pasong Tamo pad. He was already drinking anD so he introdUced me to his - chardonnaY.
Like any noviCe, I gulpeD down the firsT gLass of whiTe he gaVe me. I guess he was disappoinTed wiTh the way i guzzLed down one of his priZed seLection.
AccordiNg to hiM, drinking wine is a seNsory experience anD so wenT the dramatic expLanation and his Litanya on how to make Love and appreciaTe wineS especiaLLy cHardonnaY. It was sooo detaiLed Like siPping to the Last droP. I was puzzLed anD was kind oF annOyed wiTh how he's maKing so mucH fUss anD compLicatiOn. He's aLways been Like thaT! wiTh Life, poLitics, reLationshiPs even to the simpLest of detaiLs. And so i thought, maybe, he's just too smarT and aTTached to his eMOte-ing nature. While, I, on the other hand is an easy-go-lucky tyPe.. guLping his offereD winE Like a kantO tomador spree-ing LambanOg. We were waY too much druNk that we ended uP snoriNg like tuk-tuk 'tiL 12 pm.
When I got hoMe, I remembered Nathan - a highschooL frienD saying " saNa time wiLL come that we'LL aLL meet sa US.. abLe to say, Okay guys, see you therE!.. i'LL briNg the wiNe.. "
It's so niCe to thinK and dreaM abouT it. WhiLe you caN aLL say "Cheers! Salud! Toast! Kampai! Bring on the bubbLy!" Celebrations are more compLete when winE or champaGne is passeD anD shareD. The mood becomes moRe festive when you hear the cork pOp as LorraiNe do the Brother Louie Louie, smeLL the fruiTy, crisp wiNe brew with Nathan doing the chickeN dance, beLting his Philippine IdoL auditioN pieces. With Eugene, Roan, Au and Emman in tow. With Kwatog on the phone, Bitoy not texting back.. Michael serving us.. Very SYGLO diba? Wine works Like potion that makes fooD appetiziNg, makes compaNy warm and makes an event aLtogether memorabLe..
*whew! Life..

> checK in
Author: aLmich
earLier this daY aTe maBeL - a frieNd/kapitbahaY visiteD anotHer friend/kapitbahaY whO jusT haD an operaTion aT LourDes hosPitaL. The noRmaL friendLy-kulitaN-harutan went on, suDDenLy, aTe mabeL compLained aboUt being too coLd whicH I immediateLy couNterEd.. "okay nga yaN kse paraNg nasa hoTeL taYo sabaY halakhaK " waLa Lang aLiw diBa? anD thEn I whispEred a wiSh - saNa i'LL be riCh to havE my owN hoteL.
There's something inherentLy fascinating aboUt stayIng in hoTeLs. As a chiLd, I wouLd imagiNe hoteL lobbies as grandEr versiOns of our LivinG roOm. And it seems thaT untiL now, I have not outgrOwn thiS fascinaTion yeT. It musT be the serviCe or the LuxurY of noT haviNg to thiNk about anytHing, cLeaning up your rOom, takiNg out the trasH or even maKing the beD. Be that as iT maY.. HOTELS, isn'T my hOme yeT.. In facT, does not even come cLose.. : (
keLan pa?

> i fonD woMen nOw?
Author: aLmich
i foNd whO?
ceZ - my oFfiCe-bestFriend whOm i caN entrUst everyThing caN just fLip yoU with one sTare.. shE's goT this comMand in heR personaLity that i adMire.. a Li'L biT of kamaLditaHan, ka-corNyhaN at Times, mOod swiNgs, etC..
trikedriveRs haTe her.. one inStaNce that 'TiL now, makE uS buRst into Laughter waS whEn she haiLed a tricyCle and agReed to paY a speciaL-triP-faRe. Along the waY the driVer piCked anoTher passenGer aNd stiLL charGed heR whaT have beeN agReed uPon.. she theN insisted of giviNg haLf of iT, when the drivEr decLined accePting iT, shE threW the mOney and yeLLed " etO, bayaD ko! kainin mO! " theN marchEd her way to the oFFice dOor..
raiN - you wouLdn't wisH to maKe a fooL of hEr - oUr friendS caN expLain *winK
ate LaL - ever LawfuL?
mirriam defensOr, Loren LegaRda, mrS. LobregaT, katrina LegarDa..
i Have this naturaL fondness for strOng womEn. You knOw, the driveN, opinionateD, focused and occasionaLLy stUbborn kinD. Fence sittErs havE absoLuteLy no appeaL anD mosT definiteLy, the traditionaL imaGe of a shY, subervienT Maria Clara leaVes a duLL tastE in my mOuth. There's just sometHing abOut women whO breaK out of the comforTs of the traditionaL stereotyPes and makE it in aN otherwise maLe dominateD worLd.
it's jUst too paSSe..

> wHo me?
Author: aLmich
EveRyboDy's firsT impResSion wiLL foreVer be "supLado" .
Yet i have kepT aLot of fRienDs afTer They goT to knOw me beTTer.
Life is toO shorT, I've reaLized, to just sTay put in oNe pLace. Life
musT be Lived viCariousLy!! So I now spenD tiMe doiNg tHe thiNgs i
Love to Do and wisH for soMe to be dOne. SpenD tiMe wiTh peopLe i Love. I wouLd Love to pLay mosT sporTs. My favoriTe thougH, wouLd be skating. I'LL spin oN The ice driLLing a hoLe into iT.. [ hehehe ]
I Like the rain. to taKe a driVe in thE afTer nOOn. [ my friend ra!n just gOt her License and been prodding abOut haVing the LTO exaM perfeCted ]
mEeting up mY frieNds for a mOvie [ or whaTever reaSon wE coMe up
wiTh ]. WasTing the day wiTh mY highschooL-best-friends. I Love traveLLing.
ExpLoring new pLaces. TaLking to pEopLe. KaraOke [ wiThout the presenCe of anY of my hiGhschooL friends - yOu wouLdn't waNna know whY .. ] TV comMerciaLs. gLazed donuTs. Big beaR hugs. Taking picTures. Riding roLLer
coasTers. fOod biNge-iNg [ daMpa, saiZaki, sbaRRo, frenCh baKer, bagUio ihaw-ihaW striPs ] , coFFee, Lads, befriendiNg peopLe..
geTTing awAy frOm iT aLL by heaDing To The beAch.
* i miSs MindoRo

> where HAVE weS [ senTi moDe ]
Author: aLmich
Where have WE gone, reaLLy?
caTch pasT 30.. anD they say you turN into a senTimenTaL souL.
But we're just 20-someThing!
yeT we begin To assess oUr Life with whaT-haVe-beens, what-havE-been-noTs, whaT-mighT-bes, anD whaT-ifs. All of a suDden, we’Re trapPed in This
inexpLicabLe musT-feeL of deTaiLing oUr Life’s exPerienCes in
retrosPect, in preParation for whaT couLd be in sTore tomorRow. It is
Like taking the conSeQuences of faCing Life’s Q and A, anD replying
in ALL honesty to quEries Like, “Where have WE gone?” “Where are WE
heading?” And as I put it. "Where’s
ouR next stop?"
LasT nighT whiLe ceLebraTing our frieNd AU's B-ig-DAY, KWATOG - our deaR friend from highSchooL lefT for Dubai.. i didn'T feeL good aboUt myseLf and so everyOne starTed askIng -- how 'boUt uS? wheRE are we heaDing? suDDenLy, frusTrations pouRed in..

> aneW
Author: aLmich
I've aLways wanTed a staRt, a new BegiNNing...
bLoggiNg for onE has beeN my pLan siNce time buT to no avaiL, i usuaLLy enD uP havIng noNe.. eiTher i'm acTing too tiRed, Lazy anD makinG excUses..
i've aLways had thIs noTion that to staRt thiNgs righT, i need to puRsue theM on MONDAYs, JANUARYs, 1s.. 'twaS onLy lasT niGht i decided to deviaTe..
i wisH this oNe wiLL woRk now..
