> cooL resoLutiOns
Author: aLmich
fLipping throuGh magaZine pages at Powerbooks MegamaLL, my eyes were inTrigued by this titLe : "Good Beginnings". It's actuaLLy 41 New Year Resolutions to nurTure body, minD, and spiriT. It's more of a girL thing but I just thought, who said I can't be one? AfteraLL i'm a **y.
So here are soMe of my picKs:
Honor your fLaws. It suggested to staNd naked in fronT of a fuLL lengtH mirroR. Resist the urge to criticize whaT you see. Instead, ceLebraTe each featuRe for iTs pLace in yOur persoNal hisTory. I then touchEd my noSe, liPs and haiR. Funny thiNg, I ended up touchIng everywhere! Hilarious.
CelebraTe the miracLe of your boDy. Read Diane Ackerman's Natural History of Senses. This one pushed me to visit Netopia and search for it. It has essays wiTh LyricaL and poeTic Lines combininG scientiFic triviA wiTh personaL refLections and tonguE-in-cheeK humoR. Every paragraph wiLL inspire you to Look at the worLd [and yourself] in a differenT waY.
Update your worK skiLLs. Learn a new sofTwaRe. read up on youR industrY and discoveR new trenDs and tiPs. Now, i'm trying to work on Learning some prograMs.
Have Lunch wiTh someonE you don't knoW very weLL. This one I just did. You'll read abouT this on my next entries. By the way, the name's BRENT and it's a dinneR datE.
Take a Risk. Stop pLaying on the saFe siDe! Do something outragEous : sTart with somethiNg simpLe then sLowly go for the goLd. Savor the sense of empowermenT that comeS froM doing soMething thaT once seemEd scarY. On my nexT entries, you'LL knoW how i conquereD SAGADA on a 40 degree temperaTure, trembLing knees and severe coLds.
Keep a journaL. I'm tryiNg to do my bLog.
Cut negaTive reLationshiPs. Energy vampirEs are peopLe who draiN you of youR enthusiaSm and leaVe yOu feeLing bad about yourseLf. Identify them and Let go. You're not beinG seLfish. Just hOnesT. I'm working on igNorinG HER parinigs and pahagings again. Made me realize, she doesn'T have the repuTation nor the braiNs so whY shouLd I care?
Plant a dreaM tree. Mami cEz gave me and Dian a pLant that we pLace on our offiCe tabLes. It's a fortune pLant we've been proddiNg that wiLL give us 25k. Cez alreadY won her 10k!
Be Naughty. Break a smaLL but weLL-ingrained ruLe. I'm doing something now anD this smiLe/griN never left my facE. : )