> where HAVE weS [ senTi moDe ]
Author: aLmich
Where have WE gone, reaLLy?
caTch pasT 30.. anD they say you turN into a senTimenTaL souL.
But we're just 20-someThing!
yeT we begin To assess oUr Life with whaT-haVe-beens, what-havE-been-noTs, whaT-mighT-bes, anD whaT-ifs. All of a suDden, we’Re trapPed in This
inexpLicabLe musT-feeL of deTaiLing oUr Life’s exPerienCes in
retrosPect, in preParation for whaT couLd be in sTore tomorRow. It is
Like taking the conSeQuences of faCing Life’s Q and A, anD replying
in ALL honesty to quEries Like, “Where have WE gone?” “Where are WE
heading?” And as I put it. "Where’s
ouR next stop?"
LasT nighT whiLe ceLebraTing our frieNd AU's B-ig-DAY, KWATOG - our deaR friend from highSchooL lefT for Dubai.. i didn'T feeL good aboUt myseLf and so everyOne starTed askIng -- how 'boUt uS? wheRE are we heaDing? suDDenLy, frusTrations pouRed in..