> wHo me?
Author: aLmich
EveRyboDy's firsT impResSion wiLL foreVer be "supLado" .
Yet i have kepT aLot of fRienDs afTer They goT to knOw me beTTer.
Life is toO shorT, I've reaLized, to just sTay put in oNe pLace. Life
musT be Lived viCariousLy!! So I now spenD tiMe doiNg tHe thiNgs i
Love to Do and wisH for soMe to be dOne. SpenD tiMe wiTh peopLe i Love. I wouLd Love to pLay mosT sporTs. My favoriTe thougH, wouLd be skating. I'LL spin oN The ice driLLing a hoLe into iT.. [ hehehe ]
I Like the rain. to taKe a driVe in thE afTer nOOn. [ my friend ra!n just gOt her License and been prodding abOut haVing the LTO exaM perfeCted ]
mEeting up mY frieNds for a mOvie [ or whaTever reaSon wE coMe up
wiTh ]. WasTing the day wiTh mY highschooL-best-friends. I Love traveLLing.
ExpLoring new pLaces. TaLking to pEopLe. KaraOke [ wiThout the presenCe of anY of my hiGhschooL friends - yOu wouLdn't waNna know whY .. ] TV comMerciaLs. gLazed donuTs. Big beaR hugs. Taking picTures. Riding roLLer
coasTers. fOod biNge-iNg [ daMpa, saiZaki, sbaRRo, frenCh baKer, bagUio ihaw-ihaW striPs ] , coFFee, Lads, befriendiNg peopLe..
geTTing awAy frOm iT aLL by heaDing To The beAch.
* i miSs MindoRo