> i fonD woMen nOw?

Author: aLmich

i foNd whO?

ceZ - my oFfiCe-bestFriend whOm i caN entrUst everyThing caN just fLip yoU with one sTare.. shE's goT this comMand in heR personaLity that i adMire.. a Li'L biT of kamaLditaHan, ka-corNyhaN at Times, mOod swiNgs, etC..

trikedriveRs haTe her.. one inStaNce that 'TiL now, makE uS buRst into Laughter waS whEn she haiLed a tricyCle and agReed to paY a speciaL-triP-faRe. Along the waY the driVer piCked anoTher passenGer aNd stiLL charGed heR whaT have beeN agReed uPon.. she theN insisted of giviNg haLf of iT, when the drivEr decLined accePting iT, shE threW the mOney and yeLLed " etO, bayaD ko! kainin mO! " theN marchEd her way to the oFFice dOor..

raiN - you wouLdn't wisH to maKe a fooL of hEr - oUr friendS caN expLain *winK

ate LaL - ever LawfuL?

mirriam defensOr, Loren LegaRda, mrS. LobregaT, katrina LegarDa..

i Have this naturaL fondness for strOng womEn. You knOw, the driveN, opinionateD, focused and occasionaLLy stUbborn kinD. Fence sittErs havE absoLuteLy no appeaL anD mosT definiteLy, the traditionaL imaGe of a shY, subervienT Maria Clara leaVes a duLL tastE in my mOuth. There's just sometHing abOut women whO breaK out of the comforTs of the traditionaL stereotyPes and makE it in aN otherwise maLe dominateD worLd.

it's jUst too paSSe..


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