> checK in

Author: aLmich

earLier this daY aTe maBeL - a frieNd/kapitbahaY visiteD anotHer friend/kapitbahaY whO jusT haD an operaTion aT LourDes hosPitaL. The noRmaL friendLy-kulitaN-harutan went on, suDDenLy, aTe mabeL compLained aboUt being too coLd whicH I immediateLy couNterEd.. "okay nga yaN kse paraNg nasa hoTeL taYo sabaY halakhaK " waLa Lang aLiw diBa? anD thEn I whispEred a wiSh - saNa i'LL be riCh to havE my owN hoteL.

There's something inherentLy fascinating aboUt stayIng in hoTeLs. As a chiLd, I wouLd imagiNe hoteL lobbies as grandEr versiOns of our LivinG roOm. And it seems thaT untiL now, I have not outgrOwn thiS fascinaTion yeT. It musT be the serviCe or the LuxurY of noT haviNg to thiNk about anytHing, cLeaning up your rOom, takiNg out the trasH or even maKing the beD. Be that as iT maY.. HOTELS, isn'T my hOme yeT.. In facT, does not even come cLose.. : (

keLan pa?


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