Author: aLmich

I usuaLLy bump into this worLd / worD. Society pages, ma-arTe officemates and even soMe of my friends have been usiNg this or somehOw living this. I just wondeR - how do i reaLLy understaNd this? Earlier, i had a daTe with EDRIC [i'LL tell more aboUt him next tiMe]. We watched the movie 300 at megamaLL because i'd like to watch it twice at siyemPre sa SM cinemas lang pede yON, weLL, that was the purPose but then we decided not to and just proceed to grEEnbeLt tO hang out insteAd. Before and after the movie, we stroLLed aroUnd and window shOpped. We just the reaLized dami na nagkaLat BIS. And that all of them are sporting this METROSEXUAL image. Ano nga ba to?

MetrosexuaL - that's the buzz word endangered by the popuLar TV show "Queer eye foR a straigHt guY". For a straighT urbaN maN who has becomE increasingly interested in appearanCe, grooMing, hoMe and furnishinGs, the arTs and fooD. So those peopLe stiLL battLing for their preference and orientatiOn insist to be succumbed by thiS beLief. SOme gay peopLe tsk tsk tsk.

In other words, a man who pays moRe attentioN to his "softeR"  or feminine side.



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