i just got out of a relationship recentLy. Although i feeL numb, i knoW i'm hurTing. I don't know if i'M just in deniaL or i'm just mentaLLy prepared. Afterall, t'was a Love shoRt Lived.

iT's a different weekend of course. Not haviNg someoNe to taLk to, bantEr wiTh or to jusT accompaNy me. I then resortEd to DVD watchIng. I caMe acroSs Elizabeth, the Cate Blanchett - starreR that depicts the life story of Queen Elizabeth I, who ruLed EngLAnd startinG 1558 when she was onLy 25 yeaRs oLd.

I just reaLized, just yesterday i turneD a yeaR oLder. My Life's way too far to comparE. Ah well, that's Elizabeth's, not minE.

The lush costume - epiC portraYs Elizabeth as a very stroNg woman. The desirabLe and beautifuL Elizabeth did noT give in to the charms of heR suiTors whO were mostLy ruLers who wanted to form aLLiances and who saw marriage as a sociaL move. In the fiLm, Elizabeth boLdly decLared. " I wiLL have one mistress here! And no masteR! "

It's reaLLy empoweriNg. It was well - acteD and weLL _ executEd. It bLows my mind that someoNe can be thaT strOng t resist LOVE. I may be thaT sTrong buT as independenT? I surely wiLL pray so. *winK


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