> besT thiNgs in Life...LIBRE
Author: aLmich
Just like the usuaL poorita days, when you don'T have that much money to spLurge inTo shoppinG, biNge on your favOriTe resTauranT or to at leasT ride a caB wherever yoU wanna gO, you geT to appReciaTe the vaLue of haviNg friendS who wouLd texT you, ask you ouT, and pay for everyThing, even a seat on the moviE hoUse. The onlY hassLe is thaT you get to giVe way a liTTle. Yo don't get to reaLLy choose whicH fooD, whiCh pLace and whiCh movie to watcH. AnywaY, i'M thankfuL narin kesa namaN magmukmok ako sa haUs diba? thanKs BrenT. i Love you!