> geTTing thiN

Author: aLmich

There's nothing more American than wanting to Look gOOd witHout deigning to perspire. In fact, the buLk of them put significantLy more energY inTo finDing the easiesT posSibLe workOut prograM thaN inTo acTuaLLy workIng oUt.

I, for oNe reaLLy wisHes to be at Least 5 lbs lighther and at Least 7 cm thinner. But doing those crunches aPpear Like heLL.

Eveytime I pass by a fitneSS cLinic or a stoRe, nakikiTa ko ung maLaLaking bakaL and weighTs na keLangan ko. I'm taking XenicaL now, dieT kunwaRi anD stiLL i praY : saNa meron 'yoNg ipapahid ko Lang voLuptuous na! - *pun intended = ]

I gueSs i caN be considereD amEricaN nA in thaT way.. hayyyy..


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