> KikO speLLed

Author: aLmich

You’re leaving. It will be a year before you’ll be back. 365 days ‘yon my friend. Tagal no?

I have always been positive about your plans in life. How you see things in advance and how you really would like to be a better person. There were flaws and bad deeds but I’m thankful you realized them and how you feel sorry for them. To tell you frankly, I am actually really upset that you’ll be leaving soon. Not that I’m being selfish but I just can’t imagine my weekends without you now.

I have always envied your convictions and drive, but I would like to bottle and merchandise your youthful exuberance. I wish you the very best of luck. I have the upmost confidence in your success. You have mad people skills and can definitely handle yourslef.

A raise a glass to your happy travels and say thanks for everything, especially your friendship, you will be missed by many others as well.

And to your new relationship, it takes big balls [or large labia? - pun intended] to take such a plunge into unknown depths especially knowing that in few day’s you’re leaving.

I thought I had big balls already getting over heart breaks but I really admire how you tried a graceful exit from yours.

So, I will say au revoir to a dear friend who has helped me get through some tough times, and has always shown me that honesty and integrity do mean something. “Something” really should be of an ambiguous flavour in this context.

I will surely miss you my friend. Our endless talks, our mall times, food binge-ing times, Baguio trip, Malate times and of course all “those” times we shared with your ex.

I will always remember you whenever I hear “I Will Survive” and “Hot and Cold”. I’m sure you know why. I’ll miss you Kiko!





Now, I can also spell friendship as capital K, i, k and a big O.


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