> i knOw it aLL
Author: aLmich
I just had another encounter with someone of different kind. I don’t know what’s in her or with her. She plays a know-it-all kind of attitude. I wouldn’t mind being corrected [especially if I'm really at fault] just make sure you raise it on the right venue or say it in a nice way. I don’t know if I’ll just try to understand that she’ll be dying alone, withered and untouched anyway but I just hate really hate her and her ways. We’ve had some issues before which were just settled not so long ago and now she started again. Haaaayyyy…
There are plenty of different types of coworkers, and unfortunately, not all of them are pleasant or fun to be around. Part of working in an office is learning how to deal with difficult coworkers, and if you haven’t mastered the art of “playing nice”, you have a rough career ahead. Out of all the unpleasant colleagues I can think of, the worst is the Know-It-All coworker.
A Know-It-All coworker is a person who has to be “right” about everything, regardless of how much proof exists to the contrary of his or her beliefs. This is the type of human being who will argue a point to the end of time, refusing to give an inch despite the number of people who dispute his or her theory.
When you have a Know-It-All coworker in your midst, you have to learn how to deal with the situation amicable. It helps to understand the coworker’s motivation, but above all, you have to think of your own career. If all of your energy is expended in frustration by your coworker’s antics, your productivity will go down the toilet and you might find yourself out of a job.
Most Know-It-All coworkers obtain the majority of their satisfaction by instigating and “winning” arguments. They feel a sense of fulfillment when another person backs down in favor of their position, even if they only managed to “win” the argument by frustrating the other person. Rather than using logic to argue their points, they try to throw people off-balance.
The best medicine against this type of assault is to maintain a stoic attitude. Don’t get emotionally invested in arguments and debates; instead, take an apathetic perspective. It isn’t as satisfying to hear, “Whatever you say”, as, “Okay, I give up, you’re right!”, so don’t bother trying to convince them that they are wrong. Instead, let your Know-It-All coworker know that you don’t have time to play games and that you have work to do.
What you also have to understand is that your Know-It-All coworker might think that he has all the answers, but he will invariably be proven wrong in the end. When things don’t turn out the way he predicted, you will have the satisfaction of knowing that for all his bluster, nothing ever came of it. If, on the other hand, you allow yourself to be goaded into arguments, you’ve simply become the very thing you detest.
My Boss asked us to stop the exchange of emails and talk about it personally which was exactly my point. If you have issues especially not work related [or not "program related" at least on our case] you can just talk to me personally and I’ll always be thankful for the criticisms but please not through emails with our Manager and Supervisor copied. Epal! Kaka-stress!