> misSing my famiLy
Author: aLmich
I was starting to feel a little blue because of little things adding up for the last months. Yes, I just came from a vacation and have tried to set aside the issues but I believe everyone gets those days when things don’t seem to go your way no matter what you do and no matter what you tell yourself you just get frustrated. Maybe it's also the weather that's making me feel this way again. It's funny how bad paranoia can affect you and how evil people can get. Uh well, I'll just go by Gay's YM stat before - "Paranoia knows no reason nor logic. Stop that nonsense!"
The internet not working [fixed now]. Cable TV not working [fixed now]. Me losing a small photo album I always carry with me ever since I could remember with photos dating back from my grade school days for which I don’t have any more copies [will never find it].
Sigh on the last one.
I think I feel the way I do mostly in part because I miss home. It’s not going back to where I used to live and living the life again but the thought of what I previously had, how it felt like to have someone take care of you and to always have friends you grew up with at hand.
I miss being young again and having my parents make the decisions for me. I miss the summers in between school when the only major dilemma I had was what to do for the day, when will I have enough pocket money to go out, and where and when my friends and I would meet up.
I miss not worrying about what to eat for my next meal because someone always prepared it for me and fixed up after. I miss someone doing my laundry, fixing my bed, driving me around. I miss the lazy weekends curled up in bed next to my parents and sisters and watching just any stupid show on TV. I miss the shared meals on the table.
But mostly, I think, after all these months, I actually miss my family being together, as in really miss it. I miss my Mama doing polvorons and pancakes [hotkeyk as we call it], I miss thinking of what to give Papa for his birthday. I miss us talking and laughing together. I realize that one can never have enough time with the people they love.
With that being said, I feel so much better. Writing and knowing that people will read what you write is good therapy. I mean I’m not the type who writes about family issues, this being one of the really rare times, but I guess it’s good to do so once in a while. Yes, I’m human after all.