> racHeL apoLogizes
Author: aLmich
If you’ve seen my post entitled HELLBOUND ME, you would have known what I’m talking about here. I’m just so happy and feels victorious.
“After listening to the concerns of my peers and the LBTG community, I have come to see that my post was indeed hurtful and in poor taste.
I wish to make clear that I posted this article on my own volition and out of my own convictions, for which I still stand. But now, I stand by them in broken humility because I realize that the issue was never really homosexuality per se, but the universal problem of all men - homosexuals and heterosexuals alike - SIN, and one’s need of a Savior from its consequences.
I wish also to emphasize this one other thing, which I should have emphasized in the first place:
I, too, am a sinner. I, too, am hellbound…apart from Jesus Christ Who is my only Hope, my Lord and Savior.
As it is written, “Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners—of whom I am the worst.” ~ I Timothy 1:15
I was wrong in the manner by which I confronted the issue, which, again, is SIN and not homosexuality, and I have learned that there are better ways to share God’s unconditional Love with everyone.
Therefore, I am publicly asking for forgiveness from the LBTG community and to all those who have been turned off, offended and/or angered by my post.
I realize now that I was wrong for the condemning words that I endorsed, and for promoting the inflammatory article of Dr. Patrick Johnston.
I also ask forgiveness from those who were justifiably offended at the way I chose to address the subject of homosexuality.
I pray that you will accept this post as a genuine act of repentance for my offense against you all.
May the Lord bring about healing and understanding from all this.
Above all, may His Name be glorified.
God’s PEACE be with you all.
Your humbled friend in Christ,
Rachelle Ragaza “