> gooD moRninG sunsHine!
Author: aLmich
Early morning thoughts
I woke up this morning [that's 6pm really folks as I'm on a GY shift] before my alarm went off. As haziness turned to clarity I began remembering the different things I had to do today, and I felt my anxiety rising:
"I need to get hold of H and say sorry again [don't ask why]. But he's a stubborn bitchy guy. I wonder if he'll hate me for calling him up. Do I even have his mobile number still? He wouldn't check his phone too often if he's on rage mode."
"Pre-shift meeting with my ABS team will be around 8:30."
"Uncle and Aunt will be arriving. I have extra towels, toiletries, bottles of water. Anything else?"
"It's a Banchetto Day - tataba lalo ako."
"I can't chat through MIRC again or else Ed will kill me."
And so on and so forth, until my alarm rings [I hit on snooze] and my alarm rings again.
Good morning world!