> soLiciTing advicE

Author: aLmich

The past mOnth haS been a "shiTTy" test of charactEr at woRk.. so shiTTy thaT i don'T carE if i'LL be suspended or wHat.. i can't go inTo further detaiL but i jusT don'T see "theM" being "fair". I even made pasaway to my new TL [ sorry maMi kaTe ]. Because of this, I soLicitEd advise frOm BRENT buT we endeD up fighTing. One of his word causeD a sTir thOugh.

            " when you soLiciT adviCe, consider taking iT! "

Tama nga naman diba? Napahiya tuloy ako.

One of the most interestiNg interpersonaL dynamics  that i've beeN abLe to obserVe is the tendency that many peopLe have to share somethinG that is bothering them, yet compLetelY ignOre the advice they receive in response.

ObviousLy, there are times when we share a concern simpLy because we want to vent or becausE se wimpLy want soMeone to Listen to uS. But there are times when we are genuineLy confuseD abouT what to do and actiVeLy seek advice, such as when we say , " I wish i know what to do", or " Do you have any ideaS?" Yet, when these peopLe offer suggestioNs, our immediaTe response is to tune it ouT, or in some way dismiss iT. As brent put it, " Di ka na lang sana nagtaNong". Aray!

Nga paLa, one advice he gave me is to be more serious on how i write my entries here. "Bakit ganun? uppercase-lowercase-uppercase? Ang arte tingnan. Aray again! [ i decided to work on this one, you'll see it in my next entry ]


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