> weeKenDer

Author: aLmich

Escalation on tardiness. Prompting suspensions. Terrifying and another weird bus ride. Depression. Holy Week. Inuman sa tabi ng pabasa kina rOan with Larry Lorenzo and Kuya Jay. Alone-ness. Love. Lust. Temptations. Life's mishaps..

Whew, what a week that was! Have you ever experienced a time when many of the various dualities in nature—life and death, love and hate, friend and foe, old and new, simple and complex—seemed to have played out before your eyes, like one long movie with many sub-plots? Well, I just did this week… This week, I also felt that a number of new dots appeared in my life, which I hope would connect towards some meaningful trajectories in the future [ see the new stories i'll post in the next few days regarding what i consider dots to connect in life ] I know it’s yet too premature to talk about what these dots are, but I’m alluding to them here already, as a reminder of sorts of some early hunches, which I can go back to later. That’s how I look at life now--with giddy anticipation of its next surprise, and with childlike curiosity in testing some personal hypotheses about life’s many mysteries. Not so long ago, I hardly felt that way at all. Something clicked in me, and now I feel like a different man. It’s a great way to feel at 26.

* dots - something we can't explain yet considered vital to life. Events that somehow made me/us realized how things work together for good.


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