> gasTos

Author: aLmich

Working for a callcenter is starting to take its toll on my pocket. Daily lunches out, fastfood meriendas, and P100 coffees have been my life. It goes with the lifestyle. It’s not a very frugal life. When I check my wallet each night, I cringe at the sight of just a P20 bill and a few coins, hidden by the various receipts of my numerous food purchases.


This has got to stop, I told myself. But I was reluctant to let go of my resto lunches; it was an essential break for my day and a chance to catch up with officemates about their lives, and actually catch up what else needs to be done at work.
It’s been a struggle to curb my spending, but I’ve gradually learned how to be less galit sa pera when eating out. With the help of my trusty officemates/lunchmates, here are 3 tipid tips we’ve come up with:

1.When eating out, offer to split a large dish [or two!] with someone. You get a decent share, plus the cost won’t be as much as one whole dish.
2. Order iced tap water instead of bottled or soft drinks. The prices of drinks double in restos, so make tiyaga for the meantime and make do with free water. You can also tote your own drinking bottle.
3. Be your own Starbucks. Get a box of 3-in-1 coffee [I know, I know—it’s a far cry from gourmet or specialty coffee] from the grocery and enjoy your cup of Joe at your desk. It’s around P35 to P50 per box for ten sachet packs—a far cry from the P105 per cup of cafĂ©-brewed coffee.


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