> suMMer aLmost oVer
Author: aLmich
So summer vacation is almost done, but the heat doesn't seem to be letting up. With the temperature rising up to almost 35 degrees these days keeping your cool is such a hard task. Our aircons are working overtime, as our sweat glands continue to produce vast amounts of perspiration. Even drinking glassfuls of ice coldwater or eating large bowls of halo-halo is not enough to chill us out. Tempers have been flaring and election violence is rising to a fever pitch.
But despite all the hot and heavy hullabaloo and happenings, before you even think about locking yourself in the fridge, my hayskul barkada made way to Anilao, Batangas for beach-bumming. To make payabang, here are our pictures. Be cool!
eMman, naTes, kHar, aLjun, joHn, ME, rAin, and aU salamta nga pala... I really enjoyed it!
there'll be more pix!