> tOoth toooT....

Author: aLmich

I won't be reporting for work now. I suffered almost 3 days of God-knows-how-painful-toothache [?]. And since I wasn't allowed to take a leave, I obliged to bear the pain while pitching my spiel [*walang awa].

About two months ago, I had a very vivid dream of losing a molar. In the dream, the tooth fell out and broke into multiple pieces. Losing a tooth in a dream is often a symbol of changes and growing in your life, and I thought of the dream in that context. When you are young, losing your “baby teeth/milk teeth" is one of the first really big milestones on your way to adulthood. Of course, when you are young, time is always your ally. You tell yourself that you’ll be bigger, stronger, smarter, more capable. However, you eventually realize that all time leads to death. Camus put it best, in Myth of Sisyphus:

“Yet a day comes when a man notices or says that he is thirty. Thus he asserts his youth. But simultaneously he situates himself in relation to time. He takes his place in it. He admits that he stands at a certain point on a curve that he acknowledges having to travel to its end. He belongs to time, and by the horror that seizes him, he recognizes his worst enemy.”

Anyway, thinking of these things a few weeks ago, I went in to have a crown placed on my molar. It was then that the dentist notified me the tooth could not be saved, and would have to be extracted. I scheduled the extraction, and two days before the extraction, a piece of the tooth broke off. Sometimes a dream is just a dream.

The extraction earlier this day was rather painful and bloody. Nagsinungaling kse ako, told the dentist that I've been on mefenamic for 5 days already. I just can't bear the pain anymore. It was really painful, I even thought of backing out.The roots of the teeth were determined to stay embedded in my jawbone, and the tooth broke into more pieces while being extracted.Now,I'm nursing a hole in my mouth, living on a liquid diet. When the jawbone heals in a few months, I’ll be installing an implant. Already I crave solid food, and am planning a trip to Baguio in a few weeks where I intend to binge at Volante, another Solibao meal and of course Kaffeeklatsch. Turnip cakes, pork dumplings; what could be better?


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