> vagaBond moveS agaiN
Author: aLmich
Whew, I just moved houses [again!], but I think I've finally found a place that I'll be keeping for quite some time. Having moved 3 times within the last 3 years, I should be an expert at packing up and shifting, right? This last move however was excruciatingly painful. So many boxes, plastics, and abubots. Deciding what to toss out and what to keep and updating all your records. I was packing, literally until JB came. Had to work ‘til 10am just to free up my entire weekend for this move. Being a pack rat, it is painful for me to chuck out stuff because “you'll never know when you'll need it” is my mantra. It's such a bad habit, that even for many years, I still have loads of stuff rotting away in a couple of boxes at home. I finally decided to just toss some out. Easier to do it eyes closed. There's also an emotional bond that I have with “my things” mind you, it's not materialism, it's just the comfort of being surrounded by the familiar and by things that remind you of who you are, what you've been through and... Actually maybe I'm just too lazy to throw them away. Anyway, why have I been moving so often? Well, the original plan on those places was a temporary thing so I really was going to move out. Have been in crappy places where the only redeeming factor was the friends I made. I've lived in a lovely, quiet neighborhood where I had birds waking me up every morning. I've lived in the heartland where dogs wear booties and where you have to watch out for killer litter. I’ve lived in a place where you can see people in bathing suits, swimming down by the pool. Now, I think I've found a place that suits me perfectly. It’s near LRT2, main road, schools, market, convenience stores, and church. In fact, we got everything on my list and more... So, from being geographically undesirable, I am now in the heart of the city. With Ate Erlynn and Roan, I’m enjoying every day.
*my new pLace..