> whaT's on a TuesdaY?
Author: aLmich
What's on a Tuesday?
What is a "_a_n_s_w_e_r_"?, this is from the "Jeopardy" game we usually watch at home.
I think I've been using this phrase too losely in the past. I can honestly say that there hasn't been enough time in the day for the past month. Moving to my new company at the same time moving in to a new place has got to be the biggest undertaking of my "trabahador" life. Emotionally, I knew it would be but boy... I hadn't really realized that physically it would be as well!
It has caused me to realize that we often take advantage of time. We either waste it in front of the t.v. because we are "tired" or we simply put off having dinner with friends or that old officemates for the next week when suddenly next week is no longer there.
I have discovered this while trying to sift through all of my "stuff". It looks like a tornado has gone through our room. I've got piles for goodwill, garage sale, garbage, storage and then finally "payatas" pile of laundry! In reality the only things I've accomplished since I moved to our new place is my self. I wish I hadn't put off going through this stuff 2 months ago when I had enough time in the day!
All of these while trying to have dinner and/or drinks with every friend and family member that I care about. Since I've accomplished good friendship with people, I can tell you it's more people than you'd think. I've eaten out so much in the past month I look like an overstuffed pig. And working out? Forget about it - where's the time?
Oh, and try using the " i have dyspepsia" - excuse on a Tuesday night while you should be out there working. And what do you call that time you sneak yourself into "ministop" for 3 bottles of San Mig super dry? You definitely drink more when you are weepy, I've discovered. For the record, I do not recommend drinking a bottle of wine on a Tuesday night unless you are on vacation. All this while still holding a job. Oh, life has been interesting...
Good thing I'm just so happy and thankful that I have Ate Erlynn, Roan and the rest of the gang sa bahay. Masaya. Parang bahay-bahayan. Whew!
So the purpose of my rampage? Don't put things off. Before you know it, a life change will come your way and you'll be left holding a bottle of wine and an empty box with your hair on fire!