> Let me miNd my owN rainboW
Author: aLmich
Sometimes, it's like you can actually feel your brain rotting.
Or maybe it's just me.
Okay, definitely just me.
Let's not go down that oh-so-familiar road of why I feel like my brain's rotting --- because, when I complain about it, I invariably get a comment berating me about how I seem to just sit on my ass and do nothing but bitch and moan. [And whenever I get comments like that, I always think, "Hold up. How do you know I've just been sitting on my ass, doing nothing but bitching and moaning? There's a whole bunch of other shit that I don't bother writing about down here...so just fuck off. Who asked you to read this anyway?])As some of you might have been able to suss out, I keep more than one blog. Usually, there'll be at least one news item for the day that just pisses me off. [Yes. That required italics just to emphasize the level of disgust and pissed off-ness that certain things inspire in me.]
So, yesterday, I discussed [oh-so-briefly] "worms and my own rainbow".
See, I'm not pathetis, but I believe in appreciating little things. [Okay, hold up. Digressing a bit here... what is up with this woman? There's a woman at work who seems incapable of going anywhere by herself. Like, not even to the washroom by herself. She'll come around and gather up one or two of her buddies to accompany her to the washroom or to go get water from the servery. What's up with that?] And there are these people na wala ng alam ibuka ang bibig kung hindi palibre... I mean, come on... nanglalamang ka na. Mahiya ka naman. Anyway, back to the worm-slash-rainbow thing...yeah, so, my thinking is this: I don't really care what everybody else believes in. Whatever gets you through the day, right? But then someone comes along and is all like, "That statement doesn't make any sense."Whatever. Maybe I should stick to bitching about little things... like how I think women who wear fake finger nails and who dye their hair are just tacky.