> why bLog?

Author: aLmich

I was talking a little about blogging today and I was mentioning to this 2 friends how some people blog about everything -- cam whoring, pictures of food, daily activities, conversations with friends and *er, more cam whoring. They totally don’t understand blogging. Actually the idea of blogging, or broadcasting of thoughts, it’s sometimes just for this feeling of satisfaction, of encouragement, of someone caring about what you do.

I blog for a mixture of reasons. But one of the main reason is satisfaction. I get thrilled to see visitors and it makes me happy that the article I posted actually helped them. I used to post more personal stuff but after a while I just realized that nobody’s really interested I guess.

Eventually I switched to funny stuff that I see everyday that made me smile. And I want to remember the moments that I feel happy seeing a YouTube video, angry that the world isn’t fair, proud when people find my posts useful.

And thus I blog. It’s hard to describe the feeling. I just concluded to them that they should try it. Try blogging for a little while, get your friends to see your blog. It’s quite a good feeling for me and it may be for you too.

I'm glad Nates is starting his own now.


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