> ziT ranT

Author: aLmich

I have an enormous pimple on my forehead.

I'm not that young anymore and I still get zits.

I think it's worse when your skin is otherwise relatively clear and you've just got that one big honkin' zit right smack dab in the middle of your face. Though... it's really more like on the right, not so much the centre. But the point is, no amount of concealer is going to cover that thing 'cause it just comes off as this bump on your face that wasn't there the day before... or maybe it was but it's just bigger today and more noticeable.

And maybe the smart thing to do would be to leave it and let it go away on its own instead of maybe aggravating the situation further by adding makeup onto it, but at this age, you'd think your body would just cut you a break already and leave the zits behind.

I may not be making sense here I know but that's what I fel like writing. And these type of feelings have hurt people too. I am sorry for at times I just write what I feel like writing. Maybe we could just settle on the fact that I'm not that bad pa naman.

So I wanna take this opportunity to say sorry to those na nasaktan ko through these rants.

To nates, rain and everyone, sorry talaga.

I miss you and I love you always.


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