> in BED with JC
Author: aLmich
I thought I'd be having a boring Saturday night. After the gimik with my new friends [myah, gretch, ryan, sir knowel and the newest - Jc], I woke up with a serious hang-over and a series of shaking and perspiring moment. The night's ka-booze plus the fact that I haven't slept for almost 2 days drops my knees. I opened my eyes and saw that I was inside my room and my head cracking and pounding like crazy. Suddenly, the party we had came flashing back. Actually, I was having second thoughts of going to Jarvis' birthday party, number one because my work ends around 12 and that the party starts at 4. Second, I have nothing to wear and third, I'm so tired to party and I would just like to doze and slumber on my bed the whole day. But I have to go because that's Diana, one of our ka-buenas.
And so I found myself, giggling and enjoying the night after the birthday party. I have not been going out for quite sometime. I suddenly bacame a stranger there. Malate crowd didn't change that much but I felt I really missed it. After Giligan's drinking session, the BED party was a blast. I somehow felt strange and alone but Jc made sure we'll enjoy the night. And for that, salamat! *hehehe I know the post' title will be gathering some raised brows but I don't care, try to get a life!