> sexuaL confuSion
Author: aLmich
When did this happen?
And why it did?
When did the sexes get all confused?
Somewhere between gen X and Y, they blended and made XY...
I'm not even sure bisexuality exists.
I'm not even sure bisexuality exists.
Although I claim to be one.
Or we just over use it?
Or we just over use it?
I think it's just a layover on the way to gaytown.
Everybody who is not straight means gay.
Isn't that next to Ricky Martinville?
Or Michael Alley?
I think it's great.
I think it's great.
We're open to all experiences.
We're evolved.
It's hot.
It may not also be that hot.
It's greedy.
We're double dipping.
Is sexual flipping the wave of the future?
Is sexual flipping the wave of the future?