> ZeloT the pHotO zeaLoT
Author: aLmich
I take a lot of pictures. I know what a beautiful photo is. It is not too often but I do tend to pause every now and then when taking someone else’s picture. I have never given photography that much thought before. The process that goes on behind it. Much of which occurs only within the confines of the photographer’s mind. Nowhere else.
Like any other medium of art, it has its own unique qualities. And unless you treat them with the respect that they truly deserve, no matter how good an illustrator you are, or writer, or actor, or dancer, you will never be able to come up with engaging photos much like the works of art you are used to creating in your other — perhaps chosen — artistic endeavors.
And then there is the beautiful notion that by taking a photo, one is not merely putting in to print the external features of another human being. One is actually capturing that other person’s wide range of emotions, and even state of mind, at that exact moment before one hears the “click.”
On my Multiply account, I always receive updates from people adding more entries to their sites. And I’ve been seeing Zelot every now and then posting pictures. As a starter until now. And I can really say she’s really doing good. The quality of her photos now shows how much she’s into it.
I don’t know, but, there is a sense of power in there… this feeling of being privileged.
So… Go Zelot!