> aLms... aLmS... ALms...

Author: aLmich

I was out with Z last night for a dinner at cyma. While still waiting for him I decided to check the “apple of the eye” shoes I was eyeing for months already. It’s a bit “brokeback”, gay and somewhat different from my usual unfussy get-up but it’s really gorgeous. Then again, when I’m seized by such a spending compulsion, the restraining money-minded critic inside me rejects the craving at once.

Without question, I’m no spendthrift but I’m trying to be careful not to cross the line of frugality into stinginess. I’d like to keep my money for the right reasons. I’d want to be self-sufficient, independent and generous. It sounds goody-goody but I do feel guilty having to say no to the needy. In fact, I actually think that God, counts on my share every time alms are collected during Offertory.

I was moved upon seeing this donation box last night at McCafe after the dinner. It’s a fund drive for the benefit of poor kids. The idea is to get customers to drop into the habit of donating at least a fraction of the change returned to them. Essentially, the idea is almsgiving, an anonymous act of charity. While almsgiving is not the ultimate solution to poverty, it portends hope for the poor. It’s a promise that the money-minded are not totally socially clueless and indifferent.

I really hope so.


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