When you dream, it usually has something to do with your subconscious. It can involve anything from your last thought before you go to sleep, to that show you watched before bed, to the to-do list you have looming tomorrow.

But more often than not, dreams tap into your inner psyche. They often present things you don’t want to face in your day-to-day life. Your mind works overtime while it’s dreaming, and what you worry about will often come to the surface.

My plan to get a good sleep worked just right earlier. I didn’t eat too much, didn’t have too much coffee and didn’t think so much the whole time at work. Soon as I get home and after a quick bath, I hit the sack. It was a peaceful sleep except for a not so bad dream [I supposed].

I dreamt about a cheating boyfriend. It didn’t affect me much because first of all, Z and I aren’t really into a relationship. We have this “thing” and some endearments but never really talked about getting serious. I treat him as my boyfriend but don’t really expect. I have learned not to [thanks to Jc's precaution].

I’ve read this from Glitter Magazine before. If you’re dreaming out a cheating boyfriend, there’s a reason! Your gut feeling about your relationships is always correct. Your subconscious mind might see the signs, while your conscious mind dismisses them. If you don’t want to face the fact of a cheating boyfriend, it will be easy to sweep the signs away.

But deep down, you know the truth!

If you’re dreaming about a cheating boyfriend, it’s time to get the proof – one way or the other – that will set your mind at ease. If you have that gut feeling that something is wrong, chances are, you’re absolutely right. But how do you go about finding out what he’s hiding from you?

The tips are the only ones I can really remember. Might as well share right?

  • Start by keeping a journal. Use it to write down not only the things you dream about, but the things you see in your waking hours. Write down what he tells you about work or his friends. Make special note of any mysterious phone calls or evenings he worked late.
  • You can go further than that! Write down the mileage on the car and check it every day or so. Is he driving it much more than necessary just to get to work? Ask him where he had lunch, and make a note of it – you might find a receipt later that says otherwise.
  • If he’s evasive about anything, hesitates during a discussion with you, or changes the subject abruptly, make a note of it. What might seem innocent if it happens once or twice is not innocent at all if it begins to show a pattern.
  • Pay attention to what parts of his life he doesn’t want to talk about and make a point of bringing them up from time to time. If his stories change, you’ve caught him in a lie – and why would anyone lie, unless they had something to hide?
  • The more you hear, the more you will write down. The more you write down, the faster you will see a pattern that looks out of place. Your dreams don’t lie – pay attention to them, and start digging to find out what your boyfriend is hiding!

I know that it may sound stupid and a loser’s act but I’m just sharing it anyway. Who knows? You’ll get a thing or two from it. I think it’s better than to tell everyone about all the cutest guy in town being your boyfriend right? And please don’t use somebody elses picture for bragging and whoever that is being smittened by your beauty if in case you can really call it that way.

PS - picture is of Tami… my “crush.”


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