> weeKenD siesTa!

Author: aLmich

I have been thinking of starting to diet again. For these past few months I have been eating all I want. As you may have noticed from the pictures posted from my previous entries and the most recent ones, I have gone literally big from -this- to =THIS=.

A large number of people often eat relatively healthy during the week, however, when the weekend comes they seems to let their hair down a little too much and negate all the hard work they did through the week.

I still remember the last time when we were eating at French Baker, Jay told us -

“You should try to work on prioritizing Quality over Quantity”

or something of that sort.

It is an easy thing to do, if you go out with your friends, have a few beers or wines and the next thing you are snacking down on potato chips, lollies or you find yourself in the queue for McDonalds.

The weekends for many are seen as time off, time off from work yes, from being healthy NO! before you go out with your friends make sure you eat a healthy meal at home, or at least some healthy snacks, this will help curb your hunger cravings as the night progresses.

You also need to ensure that your house isn’t filled up with unhealthy foods. Because your home more often on the weekends, if the junk food is there, then there is a greater chance that you will eat it. So ensure you get your fridge and pantry stocked up for the weekends, and ensure you keep to your healthy ways even if others around you are not.

Yes! I’m trying to make sense here. I want this blog to at least be of use for my readers… so nevermind what we look like, just try to get what I’m trying to say. I may not be the perfect example to live a good life but at least my thoughts and my words can be used to attain that. I’m trying to do the same.

On the other hand [hahahahaha] here are our pictures from last weekend’s food binge-ing. I told you I’m just trying to make sense.

Another visit to Dampa, Macapagal [1st time for Ralf though]

Having fun at Glorietta and a visit to MAC

Coffee after a full meal

Wanna know what these guys are really checking?


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